If you overcame schizophrenia (against all odds), would you say you have a strong mind...

if you overcame schizophrenia (against all odds), would you say you have a strong mind? And that you are fit enough mentally to be a firefighter?

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what...? are you one of those "self-diagnosed" retards?
>posting on Jow Forums
>"mentally strong"

How the fuck do you mentally "overcome" schizophrenia? Go bring your findings to John Hopkins or something, along with your techniques to mentally combat diabetes and sickle cell and dyslexia, you'll get literal billions of dollars you faggot.

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>if you overcame schizophrenia
It's for life, you can control it in many cases but it never goes away.
>would you say you have a strong mind
I'd say you're probably still a schizo
>And that you are fit enough mentally to be a firefighter?
They won't hire somebody with a history of schizophrenia.

no nigger. I have been talking with doctors for about 2years. Now I'm kinda fine in my head.

it kinda just stopped after I have taken medication for 1year and after my life took a turn for the better.

By having schizophrenia, you have a weak mind. If you somehow cured schizophrenia with your own will power, it would simply put you on the level of a normal person.
>just ignore the voices in your head bro!
What a stupid thread.

The mania is setting in folks, buckle up!

You can learn to manage your life/meds/etc but you can’t “win” schizophrenia. We’re you really diagnosed? By a real doctort?

ok, im leaving this thread. you guys were to no help at all.

Judging by your initial post I really doubt you have overcome schizophrenia because it really reads like something a schizophrenic would say.

No but you could make your own operating system and expose cia niggers

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Not him but I'm pretty sure that mathematician dude from Beautiful Mind who had shcizo was able to recognize and ignore his hallucinations toward the end of his life

Career firefighter.

>background investigations
>medical exam
>psych exam
>3 month paramilitary academy
>12 month probation where they push you to the max.

It's not impossible, but you'd have a lot of covering up to do and you couldn't have an episode, or you are done.

>Nash, literal genius

Anyway, yes, he took meds and treatment for nearly a decade before coming off and then he was fine. Hardly relevant to OP's schizo ramblings.

schizophrenia is a meme desease like autism and adhd

If I was in a fire I would not want a schizophrenic fireman swinging his axe at me because he mistakes me for a fire golem

You fucked up now OP. We told you to keep your mouth shut. Now the president of San Diego is gonna have a few paragraphs with you.

Make preparations...

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>let women become firefighters
>they spend all day doing this instead of saving lives

Isn't it supposed to kick in around late March usually?

Everyone here is fucking with you but I legit have schizo. The best thing I can recommend for you is to NOT seek professional help if you in any way want to be a leader in society. Almost every professional role that forces you to apply for the job will do background physical and mental checks and if you ever went to a therapist and told them you hear voices or see shit, then you are fucked. Choose a job where people’s lives aren’t counting on you and they will almost never do a background mental check. Now I don’t know this, but I am assuming that for the role of firefighter they are going to check state records of mental competency. So depending on how far you went in therapy that shit will be disclosed. The same goes for buying a gun as well.

It would serve you best to get a job that isn’t state or federal since they don’t look into that shit. Go buy some guns and then get ongoing therapy for the rest of your life. I’m sure here are some other things you should do before being declared schizo by the state but that’s just at the top of my head.

It's crazy how schizos can't recognize their own psychosis. Op, you haven't overcome schizo disorder. Yohre just deluding yourself into thinking you have.

And you please go get help. Your schizo brain is telling you not to get help but you obviously need it

Wtf thats retarded, thats like saying you have a weak physique for having a weighted vest melded on to your flesh.
Firefighters do actually hire schizos its just jobs with guns etc that are barred.
Yes op if you can succesfully overcome permanent mental illness not saying cure but taking the reigns, you are actually a different caliber of human. Look at kanye ffs

Why are people fucking with op hes not even schizoposting? How weak are some cunts to act like this. I hope you all get crippling psychosis and get put in a ward as your friends all leave you while wardens stick needles in your ass. Stupid cunts dont know shit about pain

You probably never really had it... Misdiagnosed , probably just psychosis

a lot of these people are being assholes. Look my man,any mental ilness is a bitch, and it sucks that you have one. it takss a lot of dedication to ve taking your meds and dealing with the side affects that come along with. I think youre strong. With that being said, i dont know what the qualifications are for being a firefighter, and often times jovs that require savibg other peoples lives require that people not have mental ilnesses.

Do you guys even know what schizophrenia can be?

maybe, time will tell