This guy is

This guy is
>wears glasses
>cripplingly autistic
>has some of the worst genetics on earth

And yet he has 2 ex-wives and on-camera girlfriends. If this fat fuck can get a gf you faggots have no excuse.

Attached: blaha the monster.png (1279x714, 502K)

yeah but those girls are fucking hogs. I'd rather masturbate than fuck a pig

I don't have a gf because it's been a year and a half since I left campus and I don't know where to meet girls except to wander around the campus near my house

Getting a girlfriend is fucking easy, finding a quality women is the hard part. Fit doesn't want some random gym thot or someone who obviously has some sort of mental disability to date blaha.


If all you want is a hole to fuck regularly then you can easily get that. But it will likely be attached to all sorts of crazy and gross. Getting a quality girl is the hard part. Gotta wade through an ocean of piss to find one, unless you're Chad and they throw themselves at you.

have you seen them retard? id rather fuck my hand and im 100% srs

He has a strong frame.

He believes in himself and his ideals.

That's why he gets laid.

No. Post them.

why do people think that anyone who's not skeletal is automatically obese. That guy looks pretty average to me. It's called having a stocky build you judgmental sperg

Quality girls rarely throw themselves at anyone. Even chad has to work for those.

Bloho pls go

> t. fat fuck

No shit a gf is easy, here are the actual problems:
>most of the population (assuming burgerland) is fat
>most girls go into turboslut mode once they reach college and start clubbing
>the way society is heading, the acceptableness of one night stands, casual sex, and cheating will only continue to increase
My genuine estimation, free from both cucked optimism and blackpilled pessimism, is that around 80% of women act like sluts in college. 20% doesn’t sound too bad until we consider that most of the remaining 20% are too fat for a fit man to date and maintain any of his pride. Being less attractive means less ability to be a slut, so the non-sluts will have a higher proportion of fat uggos than the sluts. Therefore, I would estimate only 5% of women are both not fat and not sluts. Add in women who are too bitchy, weird, mentally unstable, etc to date and we’re down to maybe 2 or 3 percent. Everyone here should absolutely try their best to get the kind of relationships they want with women when they’re young in case they get lucky, but the most realistic option is to give up on love at age 25 and just start fucking tinder/bar sluts left and right, because by that age you’ll never find an available marriage-worthy woman. Get some good friends for companionship and hope there’s an afterlife that’s better than this fucking shithole.

Blaha somehow looks DYEL and obese at the same time. I refuse to believe he actually lifts.

damn guess i'm blackpilled now

There are 3 500 000 000 fucking girls in this planet.
Go outside and use 30 min daily to cold approach 20 people a day and you will have better sex life that any Roman emperor, Genghis Khan in history or most rockstars and multi-millionaires in the 19th century. Go out there and outfuck Cassanova in less than years (just 120 women).

In 2019 I have already fucked more women than 99% men will fuck in their whole lifes. And everybody can do the same in the excact moment they truly want it and decide to so it, instead of living this meaningless life of weak victimhood, envy, aphaty shitty mentality.

Fuck your looks. Fuck money. Fuck status. Fuck height. Fuck even confidence. Fuck your every fucking excuse. You can feel like total shit and still get laid, because women are even hornier than us.

There is massive abundance out there and you can have +100 hot sex partners this year if you can truely drop your fucking excuses, you little bitch. Start to live. Now or never.


Attached: E23C29D2-4CFB-4020-A5B5-196117364C8F.png (817x443, 34K)


>instead of living this meaningless life
>thinks he has meaning in his life by satisfying base animal urges
Is that really all there is to your life?

Great pasta a l'autissimo.

Gross dude

Attached: 325C2140-A3E6-4813-BB8D-C52FFEFD292A.jpg (367x600, 79K)

>I have a 100k subscribers on YouTube

Average men don't violently exhale from their nose after every sentence