Redpill me Jow Forums

Redpill me Jow Forums
drinking a glass of wine daily is really healty?

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b-but it's got antioxidants guys
there's no other place to get those from!

1-2 glasses won't hurt, your liver takes care of it, but it does add calories, so you need to account for that or something

Post the original gif, I haven't seen it in years

>if you have one glass, account for the calories in your diet, and otherwise stick to your fitness routine

Fine. Not sure why you need a drink every day, though.

>if you have multiple glasses, don't account for the calories in your diet, and allow that drink with dinner to convince you to skip your evening workout because now you're buzzed

Not fine. Most people do the latter then cite these "wine is healthy" studies unironically when they get called out on their minor alcoholism

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>then cite these "wine is healthy" studies unironically when they get called out on their minor alcoholism.

One of the execs at my company tried to pull this shit when I said "alcohol is empty calories" at a lunch meeting. As if its' my fault she's an insufferable cunt.

>As if its' my fault she's an insufferable cunt.
This. If you need alcohol every day to """unwind"" and make yourself more enjoyable to be around, you should probably be avoided at all costs.

Drink a glaa of delacoholized wine for max benefits

One (preferably small) glass of fine red each day is GOAT tier

I have to hire a direct report this quarter, seriously considering asking "How many drinks do have on a typical weeknight?" Closet alcoholics are the single worst group of people to deal with.

No, it's not. Don't do that.

What about a liter or 2

Studies: "People who drink a glass of wine a day tend to be healthier."
Reality: People who drink a glass of wine a day tend to have an upper-class background and better access to medical services/high quality nutrition.
> No amount of alcohol is safe or even healthy.

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>mfw I recognise that contraption around Eustace

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Just eat grapes

>Closet alcoholics are the single worst group of people to deal with

So glad I didn’t fall too deep into the alcohol meme. I drank a lot in my early 20s but now that I’m in my later 20s people who drink constantly or brag about how much booze they drink on the weekend like a badge of honor are just pathetic to me.

It's really good for your belly ;)

>duuhh sugar bad
mom science

Current research suggests 2 glasses per day for men, 1 for women is healthy. Any more than that isn't. Realistically it's probably more individualistic than that, some people can drink way more and some shouldn't have any alcohol at all.

I was exaggerating but not by much. Closet alcoholics are the type that "just can't seem to lose weight" or have mysterious unsolvable health problems. They're also the type to think they are totally functional and that their drinking doesn't effect them at work, when 2-4 days a week they phone it in before noon and sneak out a half hour early because "they don't feel well". I'd rather deal with a honest good for nothing drunk.

I think I know what you mean. I’d rather just know from the start to never invite them to do anything before noon on the weekend than be hype to go bike or hike with your bud and ten minutes before he calls saying he doesn’t feel good and is tired everytime