Milk contains probiotics to help you digest it

>Milk contains probiotics to help you digest it
>Pasteurization removes these probiotics from milk
>Federal government makes it Illegal to sell unpasteurized milk
Do (((they))) want us to be lactose intolerant? Why do they deny us the panacea of raw milk?

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there's only like 6-8 states where it's still illegal to sell raw milk.
and I'm pretty sure those states will sell it for "animal consumption"
so get your panties out of your ass

But then how can I blame The Jooz for me being a loser?

Only shitskins are lactose intolerant. The White Man has been drinking lactose for millennia, no need to worry about lactose if you're White

The White Man drank raw milk for millennia, many now have trouble drinking it because of gut permeability caused by stress shitty diet, and lack of breastfeeding.

If you don't breastfeed your children or if you feed them a shit diet you are not White

Take the tinfoil hat off your head, throw it away, and drink your goddamned milk, OP.

Racial epithets have no place on Jow Forums anymore.

>t. childless zoomer


>Racial epithets have no place on Jow Forums anymore
Jow Forums is a White Man's board

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Raw milk tastes so much better and is so much more creamy. The pasturized garbo doesnt compare

Just because white people tend to tolerate lactose doesn't mean we're meant to consume it without lactase

Aww, does the little baby need help digesting his food? Your wittle baby tummy doesn’t have any of its own enzymes? Booohooo. Better stick to kombucha and yogurt!

Jesus how is this even a topic? They pasteurized the milk because otherwise it is very prone to diseases that does would be fine avoiding but which we wouldn't.

They have major outbreaks in places where bad parents give untreated milk to children.

Raw unpasteurized milk accounted for a large proportion of childhood deaths until the mid-19th century.

Pasteurizing milk allows us to enjoy all the benefits of dairy in our diet without dying of diphtheria.

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>Zero cases of diphtheria in 2015

>>Zero cases of diphtheria in 2015
>Raw milk is presently illegal
Wonder why.. . .?

Lmao he actually believes this

They don't want us to be healthy, how hard is this to understand

It's not illegal though, the sale is illegal in some states but not most and consumption is legal in all states.

WTF after I made this post I started seeing ads for kombucha on Instagram. 4channel is selling our post contents to Facebook. Great.

I've lived on a farm and drank raw milk since I was born. Didn't think nothing of it. Never got sick from it, nobody I know did either.

Get some tips from Jow Forums

You can't develop lactose intolerance.. You either do or don't produce enough lactaste enzyme from birth it's completely genetic based on chance.

You can develop food allergies though that aren't based on genetics

Fuck off nigger

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man i wonder what years of systemic racism can do to a population


No, they want you to not die of tuberculosis and other infections that could arise from bacteria lying dormant in raw milk

>muh racisms make us murderers
Kek. What a sad excuse.

>But then how can I blame The Jooz for me being a loser?

Do you really need a list of jewish crimes against humanity?

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If by racism you mean welfare and the racism of reduced expectation through democratic policy.

>slavery, segregation, jim crow laws, systemic racism


I'm no expert in the matter but I would think that there would be a difference between drinking fresh raw milk vs raw milk that's been shipped cross country and stored for weeks before you even take it off the shelf at the grocery store. Refrigeration slows the bacteria growth but it does not stop it completely.

If your race is weak enough to allow that all to happen and to let it turn you into low IQ brainless criminals, then thats not really my problem. Except it is, because every second you lie unexterminated is another second one of you them may murder me or someone worth something.

This is exactly it. But finer details like this are lost on Jow Forums autists.

im not black. were you asleep during history class? or did you drop out of high school?

it's amazing how retarded racists can be. its mutually inclusive, really. you have to be a complete moron to not realize how much these things have affected the black population, and continue to do so

>bad things happen to race because they were easily conquered. This means they get to rape and kill as much as they want while white people pay for it with taxes!
t. A brainlet

Even with this nonsense argument, it still doesnt dispute the point the world would be objectively better without them.

>just don't get conquered bro lmao
see what i mean? you think you can condense +300 years of historical injustice in a simple sentence. you're legitimately retarded. it's ok, just don't vote please thanks

>the world would be objectively better without them
oh neat, i've been arguing with an edgy teenager this whole time.

>ummm sorry sweatie but like, bad things happened to them in the past soooo like, you have to play nice xD

you continue to prove my point lol

It also has a high chance of containing harmful microbes and not being pasturized significantly reduces the shelf life of milk. There is more than one case of somebody getting very sick from raw milk in the US.

Afrucan slavery was perpetrated by other blacks and muslims. The majority of those captured were sent to south america and portugal.

There were also 400k white slaves in the US. The majority of whom were worked to death as they only had a 7 year tenure so there was no point trying to keep them healthy to maximise the investment.

The US was among the first countries to abolish slavery.

If segregation is so abhorrent then why are blacks trying to now enforce it?

Negroes are lesser than both Europeans and Sino-Japanese, and you know it. Think about this logically and stop being defending a race that spent their entire history living in grass huts and dancing round a campfire, inter mediated with cannibalism and acts of pure savagery

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Thats what your argument is. Its based on excusing murdering innocents because of an unfortunate life. Its the same as coddling a serial killer just because mommy and daddy were mean to him.

I'm hispanic and I can drink milk just fine.

you're equating +300 years of history into "being mean". you're retarded, like every other racist

cool scientific racism bro, whats next, phrenology?

>b-b-b-but muh 300 years!
Just keep spouting out the same non-argument talking point. The mental gymnastics it must take to justify those crime statistics is astounding.

>Muh scientific racism

Science is science, mate. It doesn't matter if it hurts your feelings. Evolution creates different groups via adaption to different environments. The more struggle a race is put through, the greater the cognitive demand; thus the brain grows, along with intellect. Europeans have been through greater struggle due to the environment than sub-saharan africans, they therefor have lesser intellect and are less evolved.

It's not rocket science

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*greater intellect andare more evolved

i wonder how much of a literal brainlet you have to be to disregard that much history and it's impact.

it's fascinating. are you also an anti-vaxxer? im curious as to what other retarded opinions you hold

Nobody ever said it didnt make an impact (((retard))). Reread if your preschooler (((brain))) needs to. I'm saying there is no excuse for such high crime. I dont give a fuck how bad it is for them, does not give them an excuse to act like animals.

There hasn't been a single death from raw milk in over 30 years, despite the fact that 3% of the country drink it. The FDA are a bunch of lying shills.

go back to r*ddit, frogposter

Fuck off, resistors are afraid of raw milk

>cool scientific racism bro
cool non-argument bro

>b-but muh equality
Why is it acceptable to say blacks are good at running but not that they're inept at feats of intellect?

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