Is VitruvianPhysique /ourguy/?
Is VitruvianPhysique /ourguy/?
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Yeah I really like him, also he's a fan of Mazetti
I had to lie so (((they))) don't think I'm racist. I still browse here every day.
We know. People don't leave this place.
Looking good brah, and remember, we are here forever.
lol based
Truly /ourguy/
What's the name of your next video (so we know)?
You're doing it wrong
>*ear shattering clap* HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS
Based and redpilled. Subscribed
yall really falling for this?
Impressive guy, one of the only youtube fitness stars who I believe to be natty
You don't think mazetti is?
Unfortunately Bloho is /ourguy/. Not hero we need right now, but certainly the hero we deserve.
Every person that really cares about every aspect of fitness should browse here. We are the largest active community of lifters probably in the world. Image boards relay info efficiently and allow for any new info to be presented fairly. I'm sure most fitness youtubers browse here but don't say it.
yes new fag
he posted here 2 years ago, he made a thread about himself and got called out on it and tried to play it off as a social experiment
I want to believe
based, will subscribe immediately
legitimately retarded. it's not him
Yea, he already admitted in his new vid lol. Been on Jow Forums for a long time.
Her is the video
>Doesn't understand jokes
at 7:40
absolute buzzkill you fucking newfag
isnt the biggest? And probably reddit is bigger to
Yeah but one is full of idiots and the other is full of guys with overly bloated e-stats
He's definitely browsed here once or twice. Look at who he follows on Instagram and you can get a rough picture as to what he's into.
Wow thanks for clarifying. I totally thought it was him. Where would we be without you user? You’re great, keep it up.
no problem, faggot