Damn, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez natty?
Damn, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez natty?
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what the fuck did that nigger just do to his eye brows
Applying onions to his brows
People with hyphenated last names should be drawn and quartered.
Props to him for not sucker punching that disgusting kike commie when her tax plan will make the Great Depression look like nothing and send us into a Yugoslav war situation
>tfw no socialist latina gf
i want her to sit on my face
The only thing I hate more than communists and black people are people who do front or lat raises with 5lb dumbells like it's actually doing anything.
actually those look like 2lb dumbells top fucking jej
how much weight should be used?
that ugly spic with that raggy beard lmfao
50lbs like a real lifter
I started with 5lbs because I was a skelly and I couldn't do more than 6-7 reps with higher weight.
The Gulag Archipelago should be required reading before you're allowed to access social media or forums
I wouldn't vote for her but I'd let her give me head.
Based and Solzhenitsyn-pilled.
I have massive Latina fetish and I can't believe people think she's cute. She's a 5/10 and in latina that makes a 2/10.
She’s a shepardi Jew and they’re infamous for inbreeding and being chosen as conscripts by the real American president, Bibi Niggeryahoo
Disgusting bug eyes, unsettling face, and a mindset that’s a huge threat to the whole world
I can’t wait for shtf
Friendly reminder that AOC spam is almost entirely the fault of a socialist pressure group paid to shitpost on online communities.
It's not about the weight, it's about the effort.
it's not hard to look good as a female, just don't be fat
They're both.
I wanna smell her farts
>Damn, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez natty?
There are better brown muscle waifus out there.
i'm stupid
what does a hyphenated last name mean?
DAMN Ocasio-Cortez looks like THAT!
What is it with Democrats and retarded dumbell complexes? Someone post obummers workout plz.
pretended to be fixing them so he wouldn't look like a creepy spaz
non hyphenated: johnson
hyphenated: smith-jonnfjanjfnaafnl
Jesus fuck google what a hyphen is
She's pretty. 8/10, will vote for her in Democratic Primaries.
>i'm stupid
yes, you are.
>registered Democrat
if you're slim like her, it's a good warm up. she can progress from there eventually into heavier weights. using a weight you're not strong enough for yet can really damage your growth
the only thing cringier than taking a stealth video of someone exercising is AOC's political beliefs
>wanting to reverse or slow down global warming destroying the world, taxing the rich to help the poor, and wanting to end the shutdown so 800k americans can be paid and support themselves.
lol so crazy and dumb!! right??
not him but
>70% tax rate
>"assault weapons" ban
>abolish ICE
>"free" housing AND higher education for all
She is the angst-fueled liberal teenager's utopian queen. If her policies were implemented it would only hasten the Balkanization of the US and we can kill you commie fuckers faster.
means a bitchy mom who wanted her kids to have her name
Try doing these with anything heavier than 8-15 pound dbs
% tax rate
Didn't realize we were all making over 10 million a year
Also higher education should be free
>70% tax rate on anyone earning over 10million dollars.
>agreed cringe
>abolish ice
>both of those things are human rights
shut up nigger, learn theory
> meme ethnicity
> meme politics
> also does meme workouts
color me shocked
that's pretty creepy of that guy
It's real simple - if you are white, she hates you and wants to kill you.
Free housing and free education are night rights.
A right is having no legal impediment to gaining housing or educations. Much like the right to access of clean water does not mean coke needs to hand out free mount franklin
Not rights*
>Haha I'll just pull our my FEAR CARD
Nice propaganda
70% tax bracket would not hurt anyone but the filthy rich Jews so I'm ok with that.
IDK about free but subsidized housing would really help break the current bubble cycle and hurt the real state Jews pocket so I'm ok with that.
People need places to live not fucking mansions or overpriced garage efficiencys.
lol look at her face
trying so hard to make it look like she's putting in any effort at all
150k household income puts you in the top 10% in the US m8.
even hotter
She's a fucking idiot
literally the fools choice
Can someone explain without using epic words like THE RADICAL LEFT and LIBTARD why everyone has a boner with AOC? last time I checked AOC was just the brand of my monitor.
She did a little dance, I get it, free publicity. But isn't she basically bernie 2.0? Did this spic really kill all the bernie hype? What does she say different than bernie?
what could possibly go wrong?
I don't really follow her politics. I gather she's some kind of minor-league demagogue for young liberals who are disaffected with the system.
But, she seems to have really impressive breasts.
>if you are white, she hates you and wants to kill you.
Try again. Liberal women will soil their panties over the mere visual of a white guy. They'll even brag about how they're attracted to white men despite "hating" them.
She's an actual normal human being in politics. Shit like saying trans people have rights and saying "Wow this administration has Exxon executives talking to new senators right away lmfao what a bunch of fucking retards" unsurprisingly excites people who don't suck Israeli and Conservitard donkey dick.
Not Bernie 2.0 but if the Jow Forums autism in this thread crying about her is any indication then she's doing something right lmfao.
her eyes look crazy
>her people come from a failed country
>try to implement those policies here
story as old as time
>What does she say different than bernie?
The only reason that people like her more than Bernie now is literally because she has a pussy and is latina and for whatever fucking reason white people, especially white liberals feel the need to hail her as the second messiah for those two reasons alone.
marginal tax rate, dumb dumb. What that means is that only if you earn 10 million or more annually do you pay 70% of every dollar above 10 million. It doesn't make you keep less than if you earned 999. You're always earning more, even with taxes. I sincerely doubt, Mr. temporarily embarrassed millionaire, that you have ever or will ever have a household annual income of 10million or more, but guys like Soros, Zuckerberg, and Bezos thank you for your support lol.
You're right about """assault weapons""" though.
>implying I don't want to be murdered by a beautiful latina
Christ, with these modern politicians we’re going to have to sift through tons of shit posting from campaigns.
>polices will cost over a trillion
>even with her absurd tax policy there's still a deficit of a few hundred billion that she has yet to provide any explanation for
Rich girl pretending to be for the people. Wants socialism for poor stupid. She’s a freshman and wants to be treated like she’s been in the house for years. I’ll pay attention to her when she’s been in office for a decade
she's only popular because she's a female and not white
literally the qualities the left praises
she's a token that's being idolized
she ain't special but they're painting her as such
Americans don't understand marginal tax rates
And it's so dumb...is your daughter going to hyphenate her name when she gets married, and have three names? When does it end?
>secretly recording a woman at the gym
higher education absolutely should not be free. It reduces the value of those jobs by increasing competition, and not with more skilled workers I might add. It alo encourages useless degrees. Look at germany and what is essentially a requirement for a masters to stand out for a simple bachelors-requiring job
Most do.
You've got to remember that people who get really into lifting tend to be dumber than average.
You need a Master's for smart-person job in the US as well.
honestly I'd take any leftie that doesn't constantly talk about feminism wamen and respect, couldn't give two shits about their race or gender. I just want to pay more taxes and free healthcare
and socialist
they used colleges to put people in debt so they would vote for any commie bullshit promise of debt erasure
Nobody with money above that range gets it through income. It's essentially pointless. These people are the owners of companies, CEOs, etc. and they'll get their compensation in other forms than salary if you implement this
Absolutely not. I say this as someone with an advanced degree. Most people in jobs like engineerin have a bachelors and it's certainly sufficient unless you want to get into management
If you're paid in ways other than income (be it stock options, absurd benefits, low-interest loans, Chuck E Cheese tokens), you still get taxed just the same.
I don't really like her but damn.
Reminder that tuition costs have reached their usurious levels due to the government guarantee on student loans
They're providing a service people want. Don't want to be in huge amounts of debt? Don't go to college or if you do pick a degree that has actual value afterwards
From memory steve jobs had a declarable income of a few hundred bucks as the vast majority of his remuneration was in options
>being pro-capitalism
how can anybody believe in this charade anymore? murder every millionaire you meet
I agree. You encourage people to go for jobs that don't exist and that drives up demand for the education, increasing price. And then these peopl can't find jobs to pay back these absurd loans
>I just want to pay more taxes and free healthcare
Just get out of the US, I just want my 1776 utopia taxes pls go
Exactly. You think bezos gives a shit about tax rates on income? His billions re in the form of his companies.
my dick is so fucking hard
why don't you provide something of value instead of being a useless bitch?
how about we just murder Bezos and take all his shit to fund basic needs and not give a shit about what he thinks or does about taxes
>implying she doesn't want to hatefuck me
>T. Communist revolutionary
>rewarding work ethic, value, meaningful labor
LMAO how can you actually believe this shit anymore? look around you. Meritocracy doesnt fucking exist in capitalism. not even fucking close.
yes and?
>bitching about others when you're not even putting in the work yourself
you sound just like Jow Forums and every other fucker who complains about life on Jow Forums
Good luck. I mean I'm not in love with these captains of industry but they did come up with the ideas that generated this insane wealth. In contrast to tyrone who sits on his ass and smokes weed when not woking at the gas station. I was merely pointing out why an income tax rate like that was more of a symbol than practical
Then all the rich leave and then you'll have no one to leech off of.
You remember wrong, that's not how options work. You pay most of the taxes when exercise is optioned.
The IRS rules basically make sense; there's no super-easy/obvious way to get out of paying taxes, or everybody would be doing that.
It does. Your opinion says more about the circles you run in than you think.
You don't even comprehend what a marginal tax rate is do you?
It must physically hurt to he this stupid