Go carnivore 2 weeks ago

>go carnivore 2 weeks ago
>eat 2 pounds of ground beef a day and 2 cups of milk a day
>lose 10 pounds
>8$ a day on food
>less than a McDonald's meal

Why haven't you gone carnivore yet?

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Because there are literal faggots like your pic related shilling it

you're eating like 1400 calories dude

>go water fast 2 weeks ago
>eat 0 pounds of food today and 0 cups of food tomorrow
>lose 10 pounds
>0$ a day on food
>less than a carnivore meal

Why haven't you gone fasting yet?

2lb 85% ground beef - 1920
2 cup milk - 300

Calories: 2220

why not both?

what the fuck, for years I've had the idea that ground beef is 120 kcal/100 g


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Because I'm not retarded.

I like keeping my muscle

Yeah but how are your shits with eating literally zero fiber

Lmao, are you legit retarded? Chicken breast already has 115kcal per 100g.

>buy cheap as shit psylium husk
>eat 1 teaspoon
problem solved you fucking shill

I don't know why the fuck I've been thinking this, I of course look up every new food but I've must have confused it with some other fucking thing, like tenderloin

There are already documented societies that historically have eaten predominantly meat. Eskimos for example. You should research how often eskimos lived until other cultures found them and opened trade.

Not to mention many eskimos have developed a gene that forced them out of ketosis

Fine? I shit once a day and never need to wipe more than once, and that's only to see if there's any shit left.

>ywn kill a bunch of Eskimos and fuck the daughters in their dead parents igloo

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No thanks, if I'd like to fuck up my body I'll just drink more than I do.

When wil you brainlets learn that balanced diets are a thing for reasons?


Are you a fucking eskimo? No? Glad we got that out of the way, unless you intend on ignoring 30,000 years of evolution in human digestive systems. There is a reason lactose intolerance, for example, is so rare in whites compared to some other races. You are just barely smart enough to make a retarded conclusion that other people can laugh at.

Yes, eating a diet of cheap, bland shit is an easy way to lose weight and save money. You figured out the secret, user.

Also I lost 10kg since friday. Water weight, how does it work?

*10 pounds not kg

>meat is bland
We have to euthanize retards like you

All of the weight you lost was water weight. It's only a matter of time before your glycogen stores are completely depleted and you look even more DYEL than before.

>30,000 years of evolution in human digestive systems.
That's next to nothing.

>Eating the same meal every day and never getting bored

What's it like being poor and having the IQ of a golden retriever?

Better than with fiber.

If you ever get bored of salted, buttered-up meat, you are low t.

>There's only one kind of meat
>there's only one kind of meal involving meat
>seasoning doesn't exist
Wh*toids need to be gassed

I drink 2oz of OJ a day.

kekking at you pseudo-intellectual

I wasn't being a smartass I really am curious. I assumed not eating enough roughage would negatively affect bowel movements

>your body breaks down muscle for energy rather than use the storage form of energy while in a fast
Based retard, you don’t lose muscle unless you’re already low BF 10% or lower

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Refer to Similar experience.

are you a twink?
I need 5 lbs steak just for maintenance

because i like having functioning kidneys

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My God you're stupid

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>He doesn't know that oxalates are the main cause of kidneystones

>Nah bro this is chicken beef, not cow beef
>I change it up, I have ground beef with salt, ground beef with cayenne, ground beef with pepper

You know what carnivore diet is, right??? Obviously I'm not retarded, I love meat as much as the next guy, but there's no reason to only eat LITERALLY NOTHING except ground beef and milk every day except being poor. Which is obvious to anyone that's not a fucking retard defending their poverty diet choices.

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I have a brain and I care about my heart


>implying humans are under the same evolutionary pressure as a fucking cockroach or whatever
>research confirms that in the past 10,000 years a host of changes to everything from digestion to bones has been taking place.
5s on google. read a fucking book some time.

>I can't counter anything in his flawless argument so I'll just shitpost

Hahaha yikes

Okay, since we can only talk about things if we are them and apparently no amount of research means nothing unless you are that specific thing (this is a cuck basedboy leftist way of thinking btw), lemme ask you a question: Are you a historian? Then don't talk about 30,000 years. Are you a biologist? Then don't talk about digestive systems. Do you have lactose intolerance? Then don't talk about lactose intolerance. You are just barely smart enough to make a retarded conclusion that other people can laugh at.

Yeha but agricultural machines that support the modern diet have only been around for less than 100 years.

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Your 3rd grade reading comprehension completely missed the argument. The digestive systems of different groups that have been isolated for tens of thousands of years in vastly different environments are not comparable unless you come from the same region because of
This is obvious in dietary intolerances, like lactose intolerance. So, are you a fucking eskimo? Try again simpleton, lets see that extra chromosome shine even brighter.

Why would that be relevant at all user? Lets walk through it nice and slow for you.

It's quite a while for simple but effective changes. You're not evolving new organs, but a small change in an enzyme can have a big effect. I believe lactase has a change in its regulation so people like us europeans just never stop producing it, unlike other ethnicities who deactivate it after childhood.

you shit BECAUSE you eat fiber not the other way around

Europeans were in keto for 6 months of the year until the 20th century.

There's vitamin C in liver meat

So? They weren't for the other 6 months. Irrelevant anyway when talking about the evolution of the human digestive system and its relation to the diet of eskimos. NEXT.

It wasn't liver meat as much as the muktuk they ate.

I’ve only had ground beef salt and water since October. I feel great. Arguing about it is stupid, just try it yourself, see if you like it. Maybe you won’t, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is what you practice and if you find that it works. Works great for me, works great for many others.

>I've been spiking heroin daily since October. I feel great. Arguing about it is stupid, just try it for yourself, see if you like it. Maybe you won’t, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is what you practice and if you find that it works. Works great for me, works great for many others.

>Your 3rd grade reading comprehension completely missed the argument. The digestive systems of different groups that have been isolated for tens of thousands of years in vastly different environments are not comparable unless you come from the same region because of
Lol this fucking spazz. Didnt address anything I said. You a biologist? Glad we got that out of the way. Now then, if this is true for a digestice system, then who are you to judge the behavior of any long established thing. Africans have been performing cannibalism and neck lengthening longer than the bible has been around. Why arent you doing these things? Is it because science and recorded results speak against the benefits of it?

Lemme guess, you will make some bs side door argument and not address what I said again. You are literally the opposite side of the coin when it comes to far left cucked out leftist faggots. One extreme or the other with you, because you cant think rationally, and understand 90% of the world is somewhere in the grey area.

that looks like a lesbian

Well it depends what meat it is. Usually its quite fatty and tendons and left over shit, so its high fat and high calories. if you would do it with lean meat it would be different

>completely missed the argument.
Keep trying user.

epic post my guy

>completely missed the argument.
Keep trying user
Gonna tell you something that is hard to hear, but you need to hear it: you are not as smart as you think you are. You are the "Sargon of Akkad" of Jow Forums.

Well you get either a 3/10 or a participation trophy for that level of projection.

Long necks would be beneficial for seeing predators over grasses. Seeing Africans never domesticated animals I could see why it would benefit them.

It's common amongst prey to have longer necks.

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I shit once every 2-3 days and it takes me literally 10 seconds.
ayyy lmao

Carnivore is godly. Down 13lb in 10 days.

Uhh you realise that eating at such a crazy caloric deficit would just starve your body and make you lose tons of muscle right? I hate when people talk about subjects that know literally nothing about.

>I hate when people talk about subjects that know literally nothing about.

I don’t want cancer

Because that dude has T levels lower than the try guys and looks like a fag.


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Imagine being this clueless about fasting

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He cant keep getting away with it!


there are many physiologic differences between a caloric deficit and fasting, affecting muscle breakdown.

Fuck you bitch!

I need to gain weight not lose it you fat fucker

post blood work

Liver is deliscious

Because that's not enough protein retard


>Go carnivore


It's keto. What's the problem?

because it turns you into this

Attached: Carnivore's Finest.png (1804x1400, 870K)

it was crazy I was on the carnivore diet for a week eating a huge meal one meal a day and I was still showing that I was pissing ketones on the strips

jesus christ thats low. Thats two prominent carnivore proponents now with low testosterone. I think we're going to start seeing a flood of fake results to cover up this obvious egg on face situation.

He was born a twink not because he ate meat.

>eating for the taste
Food is fuel to keep you going once you start eating for pleasure you'll start eating garbage because "it tastes good"

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Atherosclerotic cardio vascular disease. Retard.

its not because he eats meat, its because he eats NOTHING BUT meat. One of the claims of moronic carnivore diet fanatics is that it makes them more masculine, and yet two of its most notable proponents on the internet, gurus even, have now presented with blood results that are not only very low testosterone, but also shockingly like metabolic syndrome.

Leydig and sertoli cells (the manufacturing machinery if you like) need glycogen and a lot of it to function optimally

Roland, AV et al. Regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons by glucose. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2011; 22(11): 443-9
Lane, AR et al. Influence of dietary carbohydrate intake on the free testosterone: cortisol ratio responses to short-term intensive exercise training. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010; 108(6): 1125-31
Gleeson, M et al. Modification of immune responses to exercise by carbohydrate, glutamine, and anti-oxidant supplements. Immunology and Cell Biology (2000) 78, 554561
Anderson, KE et al. Diet-hormone interactions: protein/carbohydrate ratio alters reciprocally the plasma levels of testosterone and cortisol and their respective binding globulins in man. Life Sci. 1987; 40(18): 1761-8

>a diet is good purely because it helps your fat ass lose weight

Man, have I got the diet for you, then!

Eat 300 calories of gummy bears a day. The pounds will melt off!



Not only is this diet retarded, but its proponents are dumb enough to literally post their bloodwork that overtly confirms how unhealthy the diet truly is.

kekking at you pseudo-intellectual

His more recent tests shows 500 ng/dl. Don't get fooled by deliberate misinformation attempts.

If the diet gives me eyebrows like that I’m sold

>yeah bro check out theses people who literally invented nothing and have the iq of a lowland gorilla


In his recent work his test is fine. Frank is also probably genetically low test. Baker, the other low-test guy, is 100% on steroids regardless of how much he says he isn't. Stupid of him to post bloodwork.

so do mongolians, and their lifespan is like 50yrs


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Proof that carnivore reversed his low test.

Solid meme and all that but we both know that genetics can cause testosterone differences between men. Some people just naturally have low test. Knew a kid in high school with genetically low test who didn't even have a sex drive until his doc prescribed him test boosters.