Losing weight can't fix your face, so what surgeries are you planning for when you finally get fit, Jow Forums? dailystar.co.uk
Losing weight can't fix your face, so what surgeries are you planning for when you finally get fit, Jow Forums?
He's JACKED now
It might not be able to fix your face, but it still looks better.
Don't need to. I have an OK looking face with a good jawline.
None,my facial structure is A+ already,improving it through surgery would be high risk low reward
post face
he's still fat OP
la criatura...
He's literally sucking in his stomach and shaved and turned his light yellow.
It's the same guy..
didn't he do water fasting?
If you have an ugly, objectively sub-6/10 face, it is simply for the best that you nip it in the bud; rather than hoping that if you get to a certain level of musculature that it will somehow magically correct your face and give you a big jaw: It won't. There is nothing to be ashamed of in spending a few thousand to give you the best possible life as a male, do it, man.
srsly, guy that got qt gf and chestbrah? dont disrespect blood
He's still fat you fucking retard please kill yourself.
>Losing weight can't fix your face
Didn't this dude do straight water fasting?
Hilarious. 7 of the guys in this collab have been found to have either cute or hot girlfriends. 1 of them rolls in pussy (chestbrah, despite probably being a closet faggot). The guy who was used as the target of the gymcel meme, ironically does well in tinder tests.
Meanwhile, the keyboard lords of the universe who make stuff like this and obsess over various theories about the dating market, remain literal incels.
Perhaps what explains this phenomena is that far from having a dispassionate, steely eyed view of the relative worth of engaging in these activities, incels actually are trying to convince themselves as much as anyone else, so they can continue on in much the same fashion they always did while getting others to join them in despondence and depression. Misery, after all, loves company.
Wow, he went from alcoholic wife-beater to hick meth-head in less than two years. How can I achieve this?
He went from a Walmart greeter to a American apparel model. Inspiration found
yeah, since when was brendan fraser an american apparel mode.?
why do you care so much about a thread on Jow Forums
doing this much research into something like this isnt healthy bro
His face is fine and it improved after losing weight. Looks like he still has a good amount to lose too. Only flaw I see is his recessed chin and chubby cheeks.