Which oats do you use in your diet fit, is there a particular reason you choose a style other than preference?

Which oats do you use in your diet fit, is there a particular reason you choose a style other than preference?
>Uses Rolled oats

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middle ones are patrician, taste better, keep you more full.

Steal Cut.

Rolled oats but I really like buckwheat flakes very similar but the taste and texture just makes it easier for me to consume ungodly quantities of them

Middle one is best.

Anyone have tips on how to make this shit taste better? I love brown sugar starts to add up in calories.

Steel cut if I have time to kill. Rolled oats if I'm in a rush.

>Anyone have tips on how to make this shit taste better?
I pretty much gave up trying. Get rolled with a little bit of honey or brown rice syrup and just eat it real quickly

right for me, middle ones just have weird texture to me, and I have a harder time getting them down

Peanut butter

Mostly quick rolled ones, because i'm temporarily reducing milk and taste better as overnight oats in a couple of hours.

For cookies (or any kind of recipe involving heat), old fashioned rolled ones.

Natural fruits (bananas, peaches, pears, etc), frozen berries, cinnamon, protein powder

sugar free pudding mix

Banana and cocoa powder

Use fruit. There's no affirmative action in your diet, you don't have to use something just because it's brown.

Too many calories fuggg

I cook oats in whole milk to make them creamy and top with banana and blueberries and it tastes great. I used to mix cinnamon into the oats while cooking but got sick of that after a while, also I used to go to a cafe for breakfast that did amazing oats topped with yoghurt, peanut butter and banana. also chia seeds but they're just a texture. desu fresh fruit is the way to go

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Damn yogurt and oats sounds good as fuck.

A bit of brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Make it with milk and add dried fruit. Peanut butter, ground cocoa, or even ground coffee. Use it for pancakes by mixing the oats with some cottage cheese and eggs, cook in olive oil. You can also use it instead of flour or nuts in breading chicken. Basically, anything you do to toast, rice, or potatoes you can do with oats instead.

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You can even cook it with sweet onions, sour cream, ricotta cheese, and peppers. It's my favorite way to use oats.

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Generally, I make oatmeal out of it (rolled oats), I'll eat about a pound a day.

i'm fucking cringing - listen here buckos: you don't add sugar to oats. they're already basically fucking sugar. this is how I do it, it's healthier, tastier, and more traditional; boil the oats in a little bit of milk, as opposed to water, and add a pinch of salt. when they're done, put them in your serving bowl and drop a big chunk of butter on top and stir it in good. this is what oats are all about. not retarded american sugar addicted bullshit.

2 recipes: oats cooked with almond milk/or regular milk, cinnamon, vanilla protein powder, sliced bananas on top
make oatmeal with almond regular milk, add fried egg on top, turkey bacon/and or chicken sausage

butter and oats does not sound good together

Where the fuck is it traditional to dump butter on oats

>basically sugar
rolled oats have .8g of sugar for every 81 grams that's about 1% by weight
>applying butter
shit's already high in fat

british country and for the longest time in pre-sugar lobby America.

oats are a cereal. a grass. just like wheat. just like rye. they are overwhelmingly composed of starch - hardly any fat.

ok fair but still 5.3g for 81g is still close to 6% by weight

Steel cut oats are best

I grew up putting salt on my porridge but never heard of using butter. My mother used to cook it in water and then serve it with cold milk and salt. Reminds me of sleepily getting ready for school on dark winter mornings, eating breakfast wrapped in a blanket because we couldn't afford to put the heating on. Used to walk a mile to school in the snow at 7 years old. Cozy times

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Cinnamon and vanilla extract

I don't even try to make oats taste good anymore. I just use it as a vehicle for creatine, beta alanine, and fiber.

cinnamon and apple
cinnamon and maple
cinnamon and brown sugar
pretty much just cinnamon with anything sweet

Boiled milk in oats? Gross hot milk flavor. Make with water and spice, butter stirred in then milk.