How many times a day does a normal person poop? I mean, I shit 3 times everyday but friends tell me they go a max of once a day.
How often do you poop?
I'm doing GOPAD (Gallon of poo a day) which sometimes requires me to poo well over 10 times per day
Btw im pooping for the third time rn
Technically 2 times a day to once every two days is the normal range.
T. Learned when I was 12 most people don't shit once or twice a week. Found out I was super constipated. I only shit 2-3 times a week even now but I've been told I'm normal.
people who poop more than 2 times a week are unhealthy and likely have yellow pee too, and don't wash their hands.
3 poop master race.
How much coffee you drink op?
None. I dont like it. I only drink chocolate milk. Im 20
Bummer. I’ve had IBS since I was a kid so I’m always be pooping
Twice a week, usually fill the bowl. The urge hits me like a tsunami and I feel considerable pain and pressure. The actual shit happens in under a second, like a potato canon firing point Blanc into a wall.
The toilet almost always clogs, I'd say three feet in length if uncoiled. The shit is hard and thick, probably 7" in diameter. It snakes all the way down the hole, and coils up almost to the top of the bowl
I wish I understood why this happens to me. It doesn't matter if I eat 1500cal a day or 3000cal a day, always spontaneous explosive shit twice a week.
Maybe you lack fiber on your diet? Btw do you have hemorrhoids?
I eat almost exclusively granola and yogurt. It's vector granola 20g protein per serving.
No hemmeroids but I feel like it's similar to giving birth.
This overwhelming urge to push despite the sharply increasing pain is indescribably. But it feels so good after, it takes me a good 5 seconds of bent over wanting to recover.
I think what's happening is my guts are pushing out but my ass doesn't want to expand so it creates this pressure bomb where eventually my ass gives way and it is like being sucked out of an airlock.
I even get shit water splatter on me because it hits the bowl so hard
It's terribly inconvenient because the urge to shit comes out of nowhere and I have about two minutes before it's coming whether I want it or not, it's so painful I start dancing
yo I thought I was the only weirdo that shits twice a week. mine aren't explosive though. very controllable. I have never once in my life taken a poop at work. best super power.
>>I eat almost exclusively granola and yogurt
change your diet, dumbass. if you want to keep it simple, just eat meat and vegetables.
Pics or it didn't happen
at most once a day, sometimes there will be 2-3 days of no poop
when you stop eating plants and only eat meats your body digests everything and your poop is much smaller and less frequent
poop is undigested food.
3-5 times per day
im a shit machine
I'm on /nopoo/ for 3 days a week, so I guess around 4 times a week I poo
who else /nogallbladder/ here?
pooping 3x a day minimum
Most days i shit right after waking up but some days i do get constipated as my diet is shit. Although i always take about 30-40 minutes in the bathroom total until i'm out. Don't evne know what's wrong with me, been like that for some time, my insides are probably fucked due to the extreme shit diet over the past 4-5 years to be honest.
Twice per day usually, morning and evening. But if I have a dick appointment lined up I'd starve myself and just poop once right before then take a shower.
Why are straighto*ds so fucking gross?
get a squatty potty bro
if you don't poop once a day you're doing something wrong.
I poop once every 2 days. Pooping everyday means you do stimulants such as coffee or nicotine or something.
I poop 3.5 times a week.
2-3 times a day
im underweight