Are todays young females psychologically weak?

Most girls Ive talked to always say "this gives me anxiety" or like they cry over the simplest shit that doesnt matter. It just seems every girl is just a feeble minded npc who does the same shit as every other girl.

Have you noticed most girls are fragile little dolls? Or is this how women have always been?

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That's the way they've always been but before they went from being under the father's care straight to under a husband. Now that they're (((independent))) they can't function properly

Women are literally children and you should treat them as such until they can demonstrate that they're a responsible adult.

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women are retarded

They've always been this way. Nowadays the Jews just convinced them that they should be exactly like men and they can't handle it because they aren't men.

its an attention thing

its what they use to sustain their bodies

would you guys rather have a lifting gf thats stronk and all that shiet or a weak small gf that you can introduce lifting to.

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girls used to be told what to do and live "oppressed"

now they're told what to do and live "free"

Women are fucking stupid. Ok I’m not trying to sound like an incel so about 90% of women are fucking retarded. They can’t understand that suffering is a natural part of life and that at any point you can take control of your life and mitigate the suffering. I’ve talked to so many girls that have “anxiety” or “depression” and when I ask them whats wrong, they always say stupid shit about their weight. Had one girl tell me that she got molested by her brother and I had to dip, but that’s another story. Oh and why the fuck is every girl VEGAN??? I cooked this bitch dinner one time and she said I don’t eat meat. Later when we smashed I proceeded to face-fuck her while telling her “you like meat now?”. Sorry rant over. Thanks for reading my blog.

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I have the former the latter held some appeal so one time at a strip club I paid for a skinny spinner but I put hands all over her and shit but the lap dance and her body didn't even feel good and I didn't even get hard. After I was done I was hungry as fuck for the thicc one but I'd already blew my budget. Makes me really thankful I have a thicc one on lock.

i just want smol cute gf
but she doenst like me

Women are always like that. Back then life is tougher and as such most peasant and lower class women are more resilient to the hardship of life, however nowadays with all the benefits of technology, both men and women are softer physically and mentally

Nah, I would disagree. I find most women in my circle to be hypercompetitive crazy people. If you put their personalities and behaviors in male bodies they'd be punched but it's not "weak," it's just very obviously coming from brutal insecurity.

They've always been very frail creatures emotionally and physically. I can have the exact same conversation about something controversial and more often than not the women have jumped to some sort of irritation, whereas most men I've spoken to, it is simply another conversation to them.

I think the reason we ask "Are they weaker anymore?" is because we've been told the past couple decades that now women are very emotionally in touch and strong creatures that don't need coddling. Yet most of the time I see they rely on it when it comes to social norms. They find it easier to back out of difficult tasks on the base preface that they are a woman.


It isn't that women are any different now, it's that incels are complaining about it. Most dudes just learn to put up with their girl's whining just like she puts up with their behavior (drinking too much, being a bro, using brawn as a solution). Some of y'all just need to stop complaining about women and get a gf so you can learn to just ingore them.

Its just a convenient way to manipulate the emotions of men. They know that the average male npc will default to white knight mode when they input script damsel in distress. EZPZ. In actuality women tend to be as tough and resilient as men although in a quieter more patient way. My grandmother raised 6 kids worked as a secretary and beat breast cancer twice before 1978 (historians of oncology know this is no small feat) my wife's grandmother raised 5 and milked the cows with her husband. Tbqh women are the glue of society be honest bros we wouldn't build shit if a woman wasn't dangling some pussy on the end of a stick.

Today's people are psychologically weak

Most people in general are fragile little dolls

This is what I plan on doing. Date a girl who is 14 or so. Ideally marry her somewhere between 16-18. Pump out children as soon as she graduates high school. Under my care she'll be taken care of and will learn what it means to take care of others with our children. That will raise her properly as a woman. Not a spoiled child who gained "independence" and learned nothing from it.

The counterpart to freedom is responsibility. We have people who became adults without learning this, and it is terrible.

Ive noticed lot of grills in my country are very cunty. They start shouting or getting angry at the most smallest retarded stuff. Ive seen this in multiple grills.

word. i like the innocent aspect of smaller and cute girls. wasnt speaking so much about a skinny stripper.

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most of the women here in sydney are stuck up cunts that are under the impression that they are a lot smarter than they are, and some even seem competent at a first glance. this thin veneer vanishes after about 5 minutes of conversation. they are mostly well educated, but that's about it. as mentioned above, most of them have issues with anxiety and are unable to deal with anyone challenging them or god forbid, rejecting them

>“you like meat now?”

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take the statutoryrapist pill


Leaned that two of the females in the girlfriends (and by extension now mine) pulled a dine & dash at a cafe recently. Shorted the bill by half (even after getting free stuff and a reduction in price from the manager to make up for the issue) then went online and trashed the place. One of them forgot they were using their google address which was linked to all the social media. Owner reports it to the cops and they go find her, say to go pay the bill in full or the owner will press for theft. I wasn’t fond of them before but now I just think trash. I told the girlfriend these friends are of low character and low integrity, that she should reconsider how close she keeps them. Am I over reacting here or what

>you like meat now?

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Dating someone isn't rape.

No, you're right. They are low integrity with no character and she really should reconsider her relationship with them. If she insists on staying friends with them you're better off getting out of that shit show now.

Howdy partner

>you like meat now
kek if true

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Howdy partner, I want a weak small one but I have a cubby medium one that I want to get into cardio... Thats my goal this summer to get her skinny lol

He's literally talking about grooming an underage girl. Him raping her is implied if she's only 14

Your gf is hanging out with degenerate retards.... Are you dating a degenerate retard? Tell her anons think your dating a retard because of her choice of friends

Depends on what country hes from, don't forget infidels come one here

Fpbp. Most women are fine managing a household and children with some input from her husband. Throw women into a world of careers with uncertain jobs and office hierachies and a lot can't handle it.

i'd rather women all ceased to exist entirely

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You do realize that it's possible to date someone without fucking, right?
And that I believe in sex only after marriage, right?
Holy shit you're an idiot.
Dating is not rape. Fuck off.

Even if she's "self made woman" when it comes to relationship with man, every girl will act like a child

For women, their sense of life is at least partly given, being a mother;
For men, you got to struggle for it, to make yourself valuable enough that you make a good father

The childlike ness isn't a flaw of character or anything the likes but ingenuity
Something that a man that deserves being called so will lack, for he's jaded
And something that man child will hate, for he compares himself to a woman and judges that she's earns meritless benefits

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>muh christian morals
It's still grooming an underage girl you fucking pedophile. You do realize that's wrong, don't you?

Of course you don't because you're a mentally diseased retard. Please remove yourself from the gene pool so no poor girl has to be unfortunate enough to have your child.

>It's still grooming an underage girl you fucking pedophile

You mean like basically all pop media and a ton of shows aimed at little girls?
"Christianity is bad but Vagina Monologues which features a middle aged dyke getting a 13 year old girl drunk and raping her and grooming her should be mandatory in every girls and women's school and every college in the west".

But it's not grooming. You do realize that words matter, don't you?
Your projection is hilarious.

In reality, all of you are weak.
If women bitch and moan about weight and slutshaming, men sob over >tfwnogf or being fucking short.
You're all in the same bracket. A life with zero adversity has left you soft and you will continue to be soft untill you face actual danger and have nothing but your wits at your side.

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No, I'm saying the faggot that is pretending to be moral while still clearly displaying pedophilistic traits is hypocritical. Any sort of grooming is wrong, and I have a huge problem with the way that it's portrayed in media.

>"Child Grooming- Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions"

keep coping you pedophile. Hope someone kills you before you can act on your urges.

You literally don't know how to read.

Holy shit you're an actual pedophile

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Holy shit you don't know the definition of the word.

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You are a literal retard. Doubt you could even trick a young girl into """dating""" your pathetic ass anyway

Well technically it's ephebophilia because she's not prepubescent

This has to be bait lol... right..?

No tricks involved, and there is nothing ironic about dating.
The problem is you've only ever dated with the goal of fucking someone, because you're a low IQ mongrel and you're incapable of thinking of anything more noble than rutting ASAP with every bitch.

yeah, retard. He is a hebephile, yuge difference

Thats what jews call pulling a woody allen

Just because it's technically not pedophilia doesn't mean this behavior is acceptable in any way

Based quads, my man

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Pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent girls, there's a major difference. Being attracted to women who can breed is completely natural and acceptable

They’ve always been like this. The problem is that women are not supposed to have careers, so ever since they gained some independence by working dueing WW2 they have been confused and devolved into stupid whores who want every possible freedom but don’t know what to do with any of them.

Hey Mister! :D

You're not dating a 14 year old, you're grooming a 14 year-old.

Attempting to use a (false) ad hominem doesn't change the fact that you're clearly displaying pedophilistic tendencies

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Pretty much. The same emotional drives are there, they just have nothing to reign them in or convert them into something positive. They also have very few real consequences for their actions anymore, and dysfunctional people that are more than happy to enable their poor decisions.

>Oh my god, I know this young man who is dating a 14 year old girl. Where do I report him for pedophilia?

>Yeah, he's 14, but what does that matter?

checked and kek'd

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Nice double dubs
Nothing wrong in dating post pubescent teens and marrying them when they're 18y though
That's just how it goes traditionally

What's wrong is being a incel fantasying with a innocent girl and grooming her not for love but for possession

You don't know the meaning of the words.

>Date a girl who is 14 or so

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Women back then used to be very strong and independent. My mother is toughest person i know. Women today are soft just like the men.


You seriously can't be this stupid. Is that all you have to say for yourself? I don't know the definition of a word whose definition I already provided in this thread?

unironically end your life

Nigga women always had power. They were never oppresed like marxists tell you. My mother and my grandma are matriarchs of the family. They always ran things

Except for the fact your only chance at persuading them that your retardation isn't actually is to start arguing the case when they're fucking 14.

Like seriously. That's your problem. Believing shit a 15 year old can see through as being bullshit.

Become better than that or off yourself. But at the least be aware you're a fucking faggot.

Want to lick and kiss those legs

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Pretty much. A lot of them don't realize that the majority of their 'oppression' was just rules set up to keep them from being preyed upon and to set them up for greater happiness in life. They confused the very real oppression with these beneficial rules and threw the baby out with the bathwater. So now they don't have the same kind of societal protection they had before, and it sucks. It sucks having less honorable men prey upon you. It sucks being financially vulnerable while single. It sucks to have feminists tell you that you have to be the ideal image of femininity (imposed on them by other women 95% of the time) while also being 'the man'. It sucks to have the thing you evolutionary crave be made into something taboo and evil. It sucks, its confusing, and its difficult. It gives turns their already troubling neurosis into a fucking nightmare. But its all shit they asked for, and if you try to lead them to the water trough they would kick and scream rape the whole way.

Do you have an actual point as to why it's inappropriate or are you just going to try to ad hominem your way through

>excusing immature and toxic behavior in women
>not a roastie or subby basedboi

Pick one

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weak smol GF so she can imprint on me forever

>Later when we smashed I proceeded to face-fuck her while telling her “you like meat now?”

Major redpill/blackpill but this is unironically how the human race is designed to best function though. We should be encouraging marriage ASAP between men and women. Ideally a girl would get married at 16 to someone who is 18-20. Society should also have it lined up that most people go into a useful trade ASAP so that by the time you're 18 you're already working as tradesman. Higher education should be exclusively reserved for high IQ children who should be identified and separated from low IQ children as soon as possible and fastracked for high level academia or intelligence based positions as well as administrative positions. IQ people should marry later and amongst themselves.
Literally try and prove me wrong you can't, this is the best way for the human race to work. Everyone would be much happier and we would be making much greater strides as a species.

Your conception of the world is so shit a 15 year old girl could see through it.
And rather than pondering that perhaps it's you that's retarded, no, whole world must be wrong so let's groom a f'in kid.
Unironically, kys.

Yes, humans are ants who deserve no personal freedoms. Fuck off back to rigel you ayylmao.

I think our little brainlet friend is trying to say that it's wrong to do this because you're preying on someone who isn't mentally mature, and more likely than not insecure, making them an easy target to be taken advantage of by fully grown men

I think he's also insinuating that the idea proposed in the OP (the one about """dating""" a 14 year-old) is fantasyland bullshit that only someone who is extremely unaware of reality would consider as a possibility

Whatever roastie, keep flapping

I did and that she should find better friends

>what is an extremely simplified summary of a Brave New World

the latter is nice but I'll stick to the former partner

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lmao I love the fact that he's unknowingly describing the plot to a dystopian novel and saying that this is how society should be

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>Literally try and prove me wrong you can't

Well for starters your system for identifying the high IQ kids from the low is not even a little bit based in developmental biology. Precocity has been shown time and time and time again to be a shit predictor for intellect as an adult. Heritability scores in genetic testing show a LOWER relationship between genes and IQ early in life and HIGHER heritability later on. You’d be trimming off a huge portion of your highest genetic potential because they didn’t “pop” early.

Actually in my model humans would have tons of freedom, expectations would just be different. The "freedom" meme is bullshit, you aren't really free, your path in life is always determined by how your society conditions you. Again, this is how humans are designed to work. Children are designed to eat up conditioning from adults who are around so they can understand how to integrate into the tribe. We're highly intelligent animals trying to pretend that we're not animals and its fucking our whole world up.
Kids should be free to choose their choice of trade or if they want to, to go into the military. If they really want to go to higher education or the advanced academies high IQ kids are at then they can so long as they can successfully test in. Life is a meritocracy. High education should come with entrance exams and requirements so that the resources aren't wasted on those who won't make good use of them. You wouldn't put a short 130 lb kid as a varsity linebacker, why put an 80 IQ kid in the same class as as 130 IQ kid? Blatant waste of the resources we have. If you are gifted you have no business being in a regular school, you should be having your abilities honed.
You preach freedom but really all you're doing is bringing a recipe to mankind that makes everyone unhappy because it doesn't understand what a human actually is. It's really sad that your side sounds better at first and appeals to the individual more so that's what we went with in the west and its absolutely killing us.
Let's bump that divorce rate even higher, that cuckold rate higher, poverty, depression, broken families, social strife, racial tensions, all of it just because idiots like you can't see the bigger picture.

I've read the book and there's literally nothing wrong with the society lmao. The book itself makes that point when the guy at the end tries to start a rebellion and no one is interested and just looks at him confused as he does so. Everyone is happy.
This is even further underscored at the end of the book when the leader dude talks to the three protags and subverts the reader's expectations entirely by not punishing them at all and simply calmly explaining why its best that things are this way and then offering them better accommodations if they would like to be free thinkers. The smartest most upstanding protag just shrugs and takes him up on the deal and the leader just says that he pretty much considers it a reward for being a free thinker. Other two are free to go.
Literally try and logically prove why BNW is a bad world.

Why waste your time daydreaming about a world that is not only a terrible idea, but it literally impossible to achieve.

>Well for starters your system for identifying the high IQ kids from the low is not even a little bit based in developmental biology. Precocity has been shown time and time and time again to be a shit predictor for intellect as an adult. Heritability scores in genetic testing show a LOWER relationship between genes and IQ early in life and HIGHER heritability later on. You’d be trimming off a huge portion of your highest genetic potential because they didn’t “pop” early.
I've always seen the reverse in studies - that high IQ at a young age is a good predictor for high IQ as an adult.
Regardless the focus is more on the concept than the details so for the nature of the concept just pretend we have some hypothetical test that can prove who is intelligent and who isn't.
Also off 2 seconds on google:
>However, the main limitation seems to be unreliability of any single administration of the test to a child that young. Scores averaged over several administrations are a very good predictor already at a fairly young age. The average of three scores obtained at age 5, 6 and 7 correlates about .85 with adult score. This suggests that while it is difficult to measure a child's IQ in any single sitting, the IQ itself is relatively perdictable already by age 7 or so

Yeah yeah yeah. There are choices we can apply to our society, because we're the thinking animal.

But you're proposing barely veiled feudalism. And like anyone who does, you're probably under the illusion that you'd be one of the aristocrats. Nah.

Doubt more, 'Answer' less dude.