You have to quit Jow Forums forever if you truly want to make it
The FINAL redpill
Other urls found in this thread:
fuckin deal this place gets dumber every year
that's false, I only made it because of Jow Forums and cryptos.
>ever making it
I would, but I need something to mildly entertain me when my gf is over and watching stupid shit on TV.
Guess I'm gonna be DYEL forever...
>the final redpill
thinking in terms of redpills gradually makes you more and more of a paper-thin caricature of a fucking retard
i drive an bmw m4 and never have to worry about finances again now. thanks to Jow Forums.
: )
Hodl gang baby pic related my whip
What is a good alternative? Facebook or reddit?
I can't leave. I need you guys.
>No homo
how does one do that
What coin?
1k EOY
Hobbies or activities with a social group irl, such as a sports club, book club etc. The internet does not bring out the best in people
Anyone know any apps that can limit time spent on a certain site. I do wanna limit my time here, but the best I’ve been able to come up with is a timer
Entertain yourself with her pusy
I've made it, I just come back every now and again to flex.
You're right
But where am I supposed to go.
I've invested a lot of time in this trash heap and I still see my fingerprints and the things I've done here.
I'm still seeing memes and stolen story ideas that I created being used in popular media even now.
Where do I go to get a quick fix of basic human interaction? Social media is out.
Jow Forums is unironically a wealth of concise, accurate resources and helpful recommendations for lots of different hobbies.
At least you can get ideas and communicate here. What else to do for your down time? Netflix?
Currently here because wife is watching stupid fucking teen mom
Play Yugioh
Improve your business
Mastering these 4 should take all your time. Your down time should be with your gf/gfs.
Why OP? I only browse in my downtime and I actually lift unlike 90% of this board
Meme answer
He's obviously talking about the people who spend 3+ hours here daily.
>Tfw retards get rich and by shit imports
Have fun constantly repairing that PoS
Even more fun taking it to an expensive BMW specialist with overpriced BMW parts
Fuck me rich people can barely even drive inside the lines, how do they even breathe?
pics or gtfo
Jow Forums is filled with that kid that thinks he's hot shit for no reason. That kid who thinks he's hot shit because he decided to learn C from Jow Forums despite no real major accomplishments. That kid who thinks he's hot shit because he played STALKER from /v/ even though the game handles like dogshit and nobody in their right minds would touch it. That kid on Jow Forums that thinks he's hot shit because he does X program but never posts body when called out.
There are very few exceptions to this. I desperately want to leave but have nobody else to socialize with and express my feelings as efficiently as Jow Forums. It's like how I used cigarettes and alcohol to cope with negative feelings. I want to browse this website but I know it is incredibly unhealthy
quitting Jow Forums for a few years was unironically one of the best things that happened to me
How is it unhealthy though?
its 50c nigger
>and then I woke up
Where else am I supposed to go? What else am I supposed to do?
I just sat down at my computer later than usual, opened Jow Forums and I could feel my mood dropping.
This might actually be my last visit
I did and it helped but I relapsed today after 4 months.
This place is literally all I have socially. I ain't goin anywhere
Ok, but what about 4channel?
T. Meme loner
green pill is learning how to parse through all of the bait and bullshit to find the diamonds in the rough, and also knowing the power of lurking and asking the right questions. if you've got a specific question in mind that google won't answer and you've got sufficient information to start a thread, Jow Forums can be pretty useful, especially for niche topics.
Not really, this place has helped me a lot
>STALKER from /v/ even though the game handles like dogshit and nobody in their right minds would touch it.
You fucking take that back
>these 4
might want to add learning to count to that list
Those people you describe are the exception definitely, and get laughed at the most. Furthermore, the ego of some of the anons here has nothing to do with the resources available.
For example, how does the kid who thinks he’s hot shit for doing x program but won’t post his body negatively affect the helpful information provided in the sticky?
That kid who thinks he's hot shit because he played STALKER from /v/ even though the game handles like dogshit and nobody in their right minds would touch it.
*that kid who thinks he's hot shit because he shits on STALKER
Superiority complex with nothing to back it up. Even worse when you realize the amount of fucking LARPs on THIS board specifically
The resources you could find on Reddit are 10x as helpful. I hate 90% of the meme spouter on Reddit but when you ask them for the objective facts on things such as whether high reps/low weight is good for hypertrophy they give a straightforward answer. Here it's shitposting non-stop no matter how many times sauce is called for
The problem with Jow Forums is people who use it as a substitute for human interaction, there is nothing wrong with occasionally browsing.
IMO, the whole lurk moar/newfriend shaming mentality is some real crabs in a bucket shit, despite being funny
only if ur a faget
wrong. a tendency towards hostility is partially what makes this place great
>Jow Forums is unironically a wealth of concise, accurate resources and helpful recommendations for lots of different hobbies.
That image is fruiadian because humans evolved alongside snakes, they were one of our primary predators. Snake symbology strikes a deep chord because of this.
This is the truth. However, when you're a noob, spending time on Jow Forums can be actually beneficial and lead you down a rabbit hole of fitness knowledge. For instance, reading posts on Jow Forums led me to learn about zinc supplementation, Pavel's Power to the People, learning about nutrient absorption and bio availability, foods that boost test...etc
I see Jow Forums as a good starting point that will lead you into wanting to learn more about fitness. Past a certain point, however, Jow Forums does seem to be mostly just juvenile humor and lots of threads repeating themselves or people talking out of their ass
This meme is the only reason I bought 1000 of it
The only reason I'm on fit is for the mire, humor and current body threads. Also just witnessing funny autistic behavior.
This. But I can see staying a bit afterwards to help others. I’ve gotten genuine support and help here, even if it’s redpilled and harsh sometimes.
See you tomorrow faggot.
Close. It is unironically one of the best sources of advice and information, and of info of the sort it's hard to find anywhere else. It might just be an important part of your personality and evolve with you.
The problem is the average level of information is way below what you'd find virtually anywhere else because of 3 month dyels throwing around advice or just general shitposting, and people dividing into camps on certain issues while B&RP'd/>DoingXngtmi circlejerking eachother.
I spent a couple of weeks completely away and realised that doing almost anything is probably better for you. You could be reading, doing any sort of hobby or learning anything new, going for a hike, contemplating existence, stretching, studying, making money, cleaning up, seeing friends, messaging thots, cooking, even watching a movie if it's good is probably better for you but I'd draw the line at watching normie netflix series and shit.
The real question is, what's most optimal way in terms of time and effort of filtering through the retarded shit in order to access some good info and community? Good info and the threads that make it show get recirculated pretty frequently so you should see the majority of what there is to see over time even without coming every day. I mean, this thread is an example. You see some variant of it at least once a week. So I'm thinking like once a week, say designate a weekend day to keep a few threads open, would be a good start. But ideally you'd have other people trying to make it join you on that same day. What else to do? What do you usually filter out if anything?
nolinkers eternally btfo
I'm lonely enough like this. Honestly this community isnt worse than others. I tried to go on Reddit, I couldn't stand the npc culture even though the content is generally more positive than here. I value honesty and bluntness more than the disgusting virtue signalling and the overall white american lib culture that is pathetic.
Then you should quit the internet too because without Jow Forums you're left with ((())).
Trips and I'm gone
Trips and I'm gone
Quads and I'll consider it...MAYbe try.