Do thicc girls always leave their bf when they get fit? This girl I'm dating is thicc but wants to get fit...

Do thicc girls always leave their bf when they get fit? This girl I'm dating is thicc but wants to get fit. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm cursed with babyface and look beta af. I'll never be able to fuck a hot girl ever unless I get rich. She has a really good looking face and will be hot AF when she slims down. She claims she is loyal and says she likes me a lot, but I'm realistic—she's gonna get hit on by multiple Chads every single day once she slims down, and will have access to almost any guy she wants. I highly doubt she'd want to stay with someone like me. Wat do Jow Forums?

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If she leaves you she's not "the one" anyway.

Most likely because of hypergamy.

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Keep her fat with treats

>only reason why he is with a thot is because he got no other options

lmao, people like you are exactly what thots cheat on, a girl can sense the betaness and neediness, and from my experience bro, every girl try to upgrade, recently kisses a thot that was in a 5 year old relationship and they had no problems
just face it bro, focus on yourself

Increase your own attractiveness through chin implant, rhinoplasty and steroids.

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get Jow Forums to equal her

also chances are she won't leave you anyway

Ye I got bad news for you lmao

Based dinosaur

>do hypergamus humans leave their mates when they can get better?


I’m gonna be more realistic - by “thicc” you mean fat and she’ll never have the willpower to slim down. This doesn’t matter though because if you’re as insecure, beta, and babyfaced as you say she’s already cheating on you due to the phenomenon mentioned here

she will likely leave you. prepare for it.
there is no “one”. stop watching disney movies.

Such a fucking normie answer. Has nothing to do with insecurity and everything to do with upgrading. She's gonna be way out of my league soon
I literally can't get fit, my T is too low, my frame is shit, and I have small bones that can't hold a lot of muscle
She's not fat, guarantee everyone on this board would fuck her
Well what should I do, should I just end it early and move on?

If she earns an advantage, it will be tried.

Yea she will leave

What's so hard to understand? Even guys leave for hotter girls.

post supposed gf pic to properly assess risk

Women have no use for fitness except to improve their dating prospects. If she was happy with you, she'd let go and get even fatter. Some fitness nut girls will maintain their body in LTR/marriage but for normal girls this is always the case.

You're definitely going to want to maintain the upper hand in this situation. There are a few steps to this:
1. Don't cheat on her but keep an eye out for signs of cheating. Don't let on that you suspect she is shopping around or give any outward signs of suspicion.
2. Keep track of how close/distant she is and how often she is picking fights or otherwise disrupting the relationship. If you notice an upward trend in these variables, breakup is imminent. You need to act first and keep the initiative!
3. Exercise regularly, not to get built or swole, but just because it's good for you and it makes you feel good. Start with 1x a week and work up to 5x a week.
4. You need to care less about her than she cares about you, but don't let on that this is the case. The goal here is to dump her in one go when she is completely unsuspecting. There should be 1 hour max, preferably even less, from "I want to end this relationship" to her walking out of your place with all her shit.
5. Once you dump her, you can stay in contact over text, but do not--DO NOT--get back together, even just to hook up.
6. Sleep around and hook up with girls of any level, this will boost your confidence and help you get over the chubby slut.

She'll fuck random guys just to boost her self esteem, fall off the fitness bandwagon, and probably get herself knocked up. It doesn't matter, she might as well be dead. Sluts are interchangeable.

If you want to get in a relationship again, set firm boundaries, set reasonable expectations, and keep the upper hand.

>b-but you sound like an abusive sociopath, user
idgaf, these thots don't deserve any better. this is the only way to keep them from walking all over you and taking over your life

It's proven bones grow under frequent microstress such as weightlifting or manual labour. More muscle also produces more test naturally and increases your calorie limit. Keep being a baby beta bitch boy and making excuses though.

The sad thing is you’re not fully wrong, it’s just I want so badly to find one girl that isn’t bloodthirsty and has a decent heart. Sure, I would assert that being ugly will force you to develop a heart more than girls who are exceptionally beautiful - but there’s got to be that balance of beauty and heart.

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I think it's wrong to assume that ugly girls will have more heart. I've known drop dead gorgeous women who are good and true as can be. And I've known just as many cheating, manipulative, horrible women who are fat and ugly.

The only way to tell is from spending time with her and learning what kind of person she is. If a woman communicates openly with you, has steady friendships, and a good relationship with her family, there is a good chance she is decent on the inside.

But there's still a chance that she will deceive you and hurt you. Even if she doesn't cheat, she may dump you and trade up. But this is the risk you take when you love someone. To overcome it, only one thing will work: faith.

And if they ask you about your past,
You should tell a lie.
Say you come from far away,
From a strange world.
Say you have never cried
You do not know about love
And you have never loved.

But where I go,
I will speak of your love
As if it were a golden dream.
Forgetting my bitterness,
I will never tell
How losing you ruined me.

-Jose Alfredo Jimenez, "Un Mundo Raro"

If she gets fit enough to be hot as fuck and to a point where shes not self conscious and more confident, yes she will definitely leave you.

Women will always leave you when they view themselves as in a state of leverage in the relationship, the moment she has the high ground of anything, like looks. Shes out.

Gay, español poster.

It's both sad and hilarious that I know for sure you're shitposting when you say this because no one could unironically believe it

I married a thicc girl who's lost a lot of weight who went from a 6/10 to 8/10. The amount of attention she received probably multipled ten fold. I'd say 1 out of 2 times we've gone out she's hit on by some random (usually happens when I walk way to use the bathroom or something). She doesn't really flirt back or anything, but I can tell she likes the attention (just as any person would).

I'm fit myself and she still has 20 pounds to lose before being "perfect" (she's pretty much kept everything on her tits and ass and has a very cute face). I can tell the extra attention is going a bit to her head and she's going out more than she did before (I'll join her most of the time but sometimes I won't). I've even told her straight up, in all seroiusness, as she was losing weight that she was going to get a lot more attention from men and not to let it get to her head. She just laughed it off and said she only wanted to be with me.

In the back of my head, though, I'm sort of mentally preparing myself for bad news. I'm an attractive, fit, successful guy, but I know there could be someone that's even more those things that takes an interest in her and it's just a matter of time.

So the long answer to your question is, yes, maybe. It depends on whether you're with the right one and how they respond when they're suddenly getting more attention than they're used to. If she's never expereiend that before, then it might go to her head. It really depends on their maturity level.

>Women have no use for fitness except to improve their dating prospects. If she was happy with you, she'd let go and get even fatter.
This isn't necessarily true. Trying to improve could be out of one of two things - either she wants to leave like you said, or she is afraid that YOU are going to leave and is trying to improve herself to get you to stay. Your girl working to improve herself is often taken as evidence of successful dread game if that's what you've been trying to do.
However in OP's case it definitely sounds like what you said.

>She'll fuck random guys just to boost her self esteem, fall off the fitness bandwagon, and probably get herself knocked up. It doesn't matter, she might as well be dead.
Based and redpilled.

Sound so insecure lul

That's hilarious using Feynman as a reference. As if the majority of high achieving intellectuals are tall good looking and have great social skills and he's not. I don't know much about Feynman but unless he was writing volumes of amazing work I think he's really overrated. I'm more into mathematics but you people try to make him sound as if he was the pinnacle of the human capacity and the physics equivalent to Leonhard Euler.

Feynman is probably the greatest physicist since Einstein. He's often used as the figurehead guy of the next period in development of the field post Einstein's era, although obviously tons of greats were kicking around when old Albert was.

The solution is easy, you just gotta improve inside and outside the gym, Physically, Mentally, Socially, Spiritually. Even if she improves more than you, you could give the illusion that you are still better than her by at demonstrating the effort. You should also surprise her more often and preplan dates. At the end of the day, none of this shit is worth it and you're better off dumping her anyway.

Since Einstein but I mean in the entirety of the subject, is he the the highest achieving?

Get her on SS+Gomad NOW!!!
Not as bad on the female physique...

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i unironically am. sucks to have my wife ogled by guys (especially black guys) everywhere i go just beause she has big T&A. Thankfully she's mostly oblivous unless I point it out to her.

I mean obviously not, that would clearly be Newton.

Why would you be worried about african men, lol. They are literally the least desired race of all.

She's probably fat lmaooo

Stop being a shill and an insecure faggot imho you have oneitis women want men that can stick to their guns and know their selfworth you can look like shit (well not actually like shit but be fat like 25-40% bodyfat and have a 6-7 face) but if you're secure and know what the fuck you want and actually are worth somrthing for yourself bitches will want to be with you

the only thing you can do is lift
it probably wont be enough and she will trade up to chad asap anyways. but if you feel like you must do something thats about the best thing you could do.

women arent worth it anyways why even fucking bother anymore


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not really. 5'3" and 130 lbs.

yes, but they are the most aggressive and have the least shame. white guys will at least show restraint.

women are trash no matter what
my coworker's husband just got deployed and now I'm daddy I can do anything I want to her.
told me to cover her in my cum and make her my property
work on yourself bro women aren't loyal nor are they worth heavy investment in

OP she will leave you unless you get fit as well. Getting fit is an entire new life style that can completely change ones character given, they take it seriously and put in the work. I used to like fat chicks until I became jacked and now I only see them in disgust when they try to date me unless they're my friends prior but I'd still reject them.

tranny discord black race fags need to be ip banned and doxxed

stop pointing it out. You need to demonstrate to her that you have options. Basically, if she leaves you, you will be perfectly fine and will find another 8-10/10 girl the next day.

I've been weight training for 3 years now and in manual labour for 9 years. I still look like a dyel

How fucked am I?

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Haahhahahahahahahahhhahahahahah. She also looks ugly, ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahha.

You aren't fucked. You look like you lift but she may oggle top guys in the gym every now and then BC status but yeah.

And you're a bit delusional. With your looks you can do better than that lmao.... Girls usually date up so you're in the better position right now, even if she looks better she may still be below you

>take roids
>become chad
>get stacy
or keep your fatty

Dude you seem way out of her league. Trade up. Unless your face is terrible this is a complete looks mismatch.

I just do the opposite

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I have good and bad news for you OP.
First, it’s unlikely that she will get fit. Women have an amazing ability to underestimate the effort required to achieve goals and they completely lack the emotional capacity to stick it out through the realization that something will be much harder or more time consuming than they had expected. If you like her just the way she is, that’s probably good news.. the bad news about that is that she’s going to turn into a complete hamplanet in a few years when her metabolism crashes.

More good news... women don’t really care about the baby face or the general beta attitude that some men have towards them. Many like a subservient man who does what they please and so long as you do know when to put your foot down, you might even retain her respect. Her comes the bad news... what women actually require in men is confidence. You’re worried that she’ll be too attractive for you and will leave, ignoring any other good traits which you have to offer her and riding solely on your looks. It sounds like you don’t have confidence and this relationship is going to be a throw-away/learning experience anyway. Grow some balls.

The only way to have successful relationships with women is by learning how to properly ration your affection, money spent on them and your involvement in solving their problems for them.

a thousand million times this

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You fucked up
The rules for dating women is you never date a woman who is hotter than you, you never date a woman who makes more money than you or has had multiple partners

Reddit tier shit. Get in that quota of niggers! Guys adulting is hard!!

You mean she's fat not thicc. You'll have less competition with a thin girlfriend than if she magically got hips and breasts.

Put a ring on her

She isn't remotely thicc. She has a flat chest and no waist or hips. She may as well get thin because she's got nothing else going for her.

Euler is underrated in terms of his (fucking enormous) contributions to human knowledge, but people as a whole are mathphobic but physics is "cool" (i fucking love science!!!), so what can you do.

here's a true chad genius

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if she's dating you because she has low self-esteem you're in trouble. If that's not the case you likely have nothing to worry about. Who are you to keep her down though? I say let her get fit if she wants to, and try not to be a faggot so she doesn't think she's too good for you after the fact. Women may be cunts much of the time but this is fit not r9k

/pol is probably partly to blame, but working around mostly women has been the biggest redpill I've ever taking
Not only do I have army wife begging for my dick
Another coworker told me she had a sex dream Bout me and might be willing to cheat on her BF
One girl also makes sexual jokes with me then one day decides its inappropriate and complains to the manager but he's seen how she jokes with me and told her she shouldn't encourage it if she's so offended by it
Theyll praise each other all day just to talk shit about each other then minute ones out of ear shot
I know there's a few good ones left but thots are worthless and every where
And good women are easily corrupted

Easily avoided by just knowing a girl well before you date them and make sure they haven't slept with many people. People get in deep with a girl they met in a club with 4 past boyfriends and the most they can say to you is "this feels like the first real relationship I've ever had!"

I married a girl i knew who was friends with a friend, saw she never put out for anyone, couldnt be fucked with most people in any capacity, had slept with one person (21 when we started dating so hard to find better). Now it's 10 years later and never had a single issue, probably only one argument as well.

9/10 people who try to become fit don't succeed. Unless you think she's the 1/10, you don't need to worry. You should become fit either way.

Does being a 1/10 increase the odds of being that 1/10?

How old are you OP? I had to deal with this kind of stuff as a teen. Not only did guys our age approach my gf but also old rich dudes did too. They made the relationship really uncomfortable because they would shower her with gifts i was just not able to afford as a kid, but like why wouldnt you accept free things worth thousands. Its like a rite of way for most relationships to experience this and grow and it doesnt really ever happen anymore after 25 at least here in usa.

Where the fuck do you live where young girls meet old men and they give them stuff. That's not normal, either she was courting it and trying to fool you into thinking it was universal or you live in turkmenistan.

t. Mouth breather

He's unironically right if you want a long term committed relationship.

If you thinking like that you already lost her. I mean what kind of mindset is this? If you think she is with you because she can't do better than fuck her raw and send her on her way. If you are with her because you can't better then why would you care?

If you like / love her then support her, if she dumps you for someone else then nothing of value was lost and move on.

> nothing of value
Except his girlfriend? His potential soulmate all because he followed douchey advice here and didn't show her he loved her?

Yep, a soulmate who gets fit and dumps him in a heartbeat when some better looking / richer dude approach her.

My bad OP, just spike her food with sugar and fat so she doesn't get fit, otherwise she is a keeper

you sincerely look much better than her
you have to somehow find a way to fix your confidence issues

Well we were young so we would attend a lot of parties and if youve ever been to a dance club you know how it could be, but that was our thing. She also worked in retail and she was 10/10. Guys just passing by would approach her and take their shot. She literally interacted with thousands of people every month. But the main guy i mentioned was a manager at her company and he tried really hard to make it work. I was pretty surprised myself. The one time i got to see him in person he made a snide remark and compared himself to me how he has a successful business, multiple properties and cars. He was also over 40 and i was just 18.

I did break up with that girl eventually but for different reasons. She was faithful to me after all that which was pretty cool of her.

I didn't doubt the random men, going out to bars or clubs it's a given. However i have never heard of sugar daddies in the wild. Not impossible but i wouldn't take it from a girl saying it's normal, she must have solicited it to a degree.

She's not thicc, she's painfully non descript with no shape. You look in decent shape. You need to sort your confidence out. Without seeing faces you are out of her league.

I don't get it why do delicious thicc girls want to slim down. I love it when a girl has a bit of muscle and expect it but that thin, slim and cut build looks disgusting.
I would have fucked a guy if I wanted that.

Hmm i didnt say every older guy she met gave her things, but there were tons and tons that would hit on her. That was just like a few ironic occurrences with the presents. I wouldnt know if its normal cause i was never a cute girl in her prime, but it did happen to my ex.

have you considered having her get...blacked?

you are looking for reasons to not do anything. Look for ways instead. Your T is shit because you dont work on it. Go hiking in the forest, go lifting, eat healthy, onions, broccoli, fatty meat, mushrooms and stuff.

Stop bitching user and get fit as well.

She’s gonna leave you because you’re so cripplingly insecure and have drank the Jow Forums kool-aid too long, not because she got a little less fat.

>is thicc but wants to get fit
>meaning she's not already fit
So she's just a fatass.
Thicc is not fat
Thicc is the female equivalent of bearmode

Let her get fit.

If you stays you get a hot girlfriend.
If she leaves then you have saved your self the pain of getting dumped later.

It's win win.


Looks like a blob.

Ugly people are often treated badly and grow to do the same to others.

>Being this insecure
Why even live

>all this victim blaming and thotsplainsing
Trust thots to be thots, never trust a thot


If she leaves then she's a piece of shit and you saved yourself the trouble of having to divorce her if you get married and fight a custody battle if you were to have kids with her.

This is my story

>be me
>some 10 years ago (was 21ish)
>at this point in a relationship with a qt3.14 that's a little bit chubby for 5 yrs
>I'm a skinnyfat dyel with a great personality on the outside
>she gets fit(er)
>starts acting weird
>ignoring me
>I login to her jewbook
>she's been texting numerous guys
>suddenly she wants to break up
>we break up
>she starts seeing this "like cool skater guy, duuude"
>I have good instincts
>they are telling me they fucked
>I was her first. ALLEGEDLY
>life is bitter at this point
>nevertheless I decide to move on
>hit the gym
>kinda start getting over it
>new women notice me
>3 months later she starts making contact again
>like the stupid kid I was, I fall for it
>get back together
>doesn't feel right
>for some reason not letting it go
>sucubus spell
>she starts saying she's having problem with her folks
>starts shoplifting in expensive stores
>one time with her in the mall
>window shopping
>we get into store
>she starts shoplifting
>don't know what to do
>super expensive store with super serious security
>two security guards storm us
>take us to the back room
>suddenly they call in this police inspector
>he says he's been on to her for months
>thousands of dollars of expensive clothes stolen
>he says he will make sure she's deep into it
>says he never saw me, but if I was the second guy who's been into this with her, I'm in it as well
>"what second guy?"
>police officer says she's been meeting with her "boyfriend" after shoplifts last couple of months outside stores when she was done with shoplifting
>he has photos of them kissing
>not me
>mind you, we were "back together"
>they separate us for individual questioning
>I fall apart, start crying saying my life's been a mess and that she's fucking me over for the last year
>tell him this was my first time present while she was doing this
>he obviously believes me
>they let us go "for now"


just get fit aswell dumbass

>shes crying sobbing, saying there's no way she can pay for all the damage
>I say that she needs to calm down and that I will pay for everything
>she's all over me
>we separate
>ffw week after
>she calls me for the first time
>"user, the police guy says the due date is today, I'll go to jail otherwise"
>"good luck bitch, you've been pulling my nose for the past year, have fun rotting in jail"
>never hear from her again
>I never even tried to google her or something
>like she never existed
>haven't stopped lifting weights for 10(+/-) years
>married with a kid on the way
>used this situation as a guide how to handle even the worst of the worst

Can i get a photo of her.

Cheat on her. Then you won't feel impending doom

i barely read that much for my exams, fucking kek if anyone read that shit