/cbt/ summer is coming edition

don't forget to post height / weight/ years lifting

5'9"(175 cm)
163LBS(74 kg)
1.5 years lifting

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Nice album, desu

sure is

6'0 192

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sexy cunt

still no abs

why is this

sup lesser jeff

I think my bf is slightly too high, I was leaner than this not long ago and could see them

fuark m8

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weird cause youre already very lean. I'm currently at a higher BF% and my abs show

sometimes i think maybe ab isolations arent a meme

ab isolations aren't a meme

206 lbs
1/2 year exercising, only been a month of true lifting because I had to start with some rehab

Down 15 lbs so far

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Literally why are you even posting. Make some gains then come back retard.

I think of it as holding myself accountable

roast me boyos

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6' 185 1.5 years liftan

11 months

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oh god fuck me.... tx?

>emergency toilet duress

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Nice arms Looking big boy

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3 months lifting progress i rlly need to start tracking calories/macro lol

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Looks like those thighs are rubbing together.

6'1 180lbs 17 y/o… how am I doing fit?

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Switched up my routine to hit abs more for summer
Maybe like 3 months lifting

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