So If you can do like 8 full pushups how does that not translate into doing your bodyweight in bench ?
>Pushup is almost entire bodyweight upper body
>can do 8 so you can handle a lot
>1rm bench bodyweight
>same muscles same weight
wtf ???
So If you can do like 8 full pushups how does that not translate into doing your bodyweight in bench ?
>Pushup is almost entire bodyweight upper body
>can do 8 so you can handle a lot
>1rm bench bodyweight
>same muscles same weight
wtf ???
you're using your feet as a lever when doing a pushup which makes it easier to lift the weight. If you were to completely take your body off the ground and do a pushup somehow it would be the same as benching your weight
what a retarded thread, fucking NYR fags
That's why I added in the 8 because if you do 8 at once the overall total weight in the set is way over the max pushup weight which translated down into a 1rm because total set work capacity
Go find a bathroom scale.
Now get into pushup position on top of the bathroom scale.
See that number?
That's how much you have been pushing 8 times.
Take that number and input it into a 1rm calculator.
That should give you your max.
Push up doesn’t translate into bench strength. I know DYELs who are 160 and can do push-ups but can’t do one plate bench presses
When I started I could do 50 consecutive pushups but only bench 135 for 5 reps @15lbs/6'2
You're fucking retarded and should stop LARPing as if you know what the fuck is going on.
about 66-70% of my bodyweight. Although people who say that push ups don't translate into bench strength are right () and you () are wrong
a planche push-up is way harder than benching bodyweight
Because you're barely pushing over 50 fucking percent of your goddamned body off of the floor jeanyus.
You were pushing 70-85lbs 50 times.
Push ups do not translate directly to bench. When you’re doing push ups, you’re creating a moment about your feet that’s larger then your weight at your center of mass. The bench is directly pushing a mass against gravity
You're a fucking moron and so are they.
You don't even fully understand WHY you and they are fucking stupid and wrong.
You don't even fully understand how the accumulation of strength works through training and you haven't put 2 and 2 together and realized WHY you aren't benching huge goddamned numbers from just benching a portion of your own bodyweight in the standard goddamned pushup.
Can confirm. 155 and bench is still 125 last I checked. But I'm CLOSE, bros
it's a completely different movement, it doesn't even focus the chest... but what about pic related?
My girlfriend did a set of 50 pushups at the age of 11 but has a lifetime 1RM bench of 145
And you're pushing a portion of your bodies mass through gravity as well you imbecile.
You don't become magically fucking weightless because your feet are involved.
The problem is that he is using only a fucking portion of his own weight and not pushing for strength and or strength endurance. Not that he's not bench pressing.
The fuck is wrong you fucking retards?
Mate this is high school physics
listen man, I can do 40-50+ push ups, and I can't do the same amount of bench press (70%bw)
Read my post again and realize you just repeated what I said
sorry I am not a nerd
Then you have shit pushup form.
That directly translates into strength that can be applied anywhere.
I know what you said.
But while it's correct, your argument is fucking wrong.
The weight, that percentage of your weight, that you lift with a correctly done pushup will directly translate into bench.
That's not how strength works.
I bet you do multiple reps to calculate your "max" too lmfao.
I jist tested it on the scales.
I weigh 65 kg
My push weighed 44kg
My bench is 50kg for 3x5 (don't laugh i accept its piss poor) but i reckon i can do more than this. Doubt im even close to benching a plate though.
I got the best push up form, I've been training mainly bodyweight/gymnastics for 2 years now.
pushup weight is 65kg
i can only bench 50kg
what now?
Oh you can do a pushup.
But you suck at it.
She is not 11 anymore, right, user?
idk but i stopped lifting and just focused on calisthenics before work (i'm talking reps in the 300-400 range) and i got my bench from 215 to 255 ezpz. don't listen to people who say pushups are worthless, always remember that the best workout routine is the one you're willing and able to do.
* dismounts soapbox *
You will be benching 1pl8 by March 1, 2019
Eat big, big dog. And bench heavy at least twice a week.
Is that Lando fucking Vanatta?
I dunno dude I just googles pushup
Sooo by this logic, because i can bench 225x5
I should be able to lift +1000 lb.s once??? Gee i never knew i was so strong, thanks dumbass
nigger detected
Your a fuckin idiot
Get in a pushup position on a scale. It's not your body weight. Learn physics ffs.
That’s not you calculate your 1 rep max you fucking retard. No where in his post does he say you multiply by 8.
You fucking idiot.
Are you fucking retarded?
troll or do you not know what "one rep max" means?
Yes, user. You're 100% correct. Its also true that if you can lift 5lbs 100 times then you can squat 500lbs right off the bat. No warm up, no building up to it. Just slap on those plates and put up the reps. Its easy.
if you have healthy (for a dude) testosterone and make sure to eat a ton of protein (i'd say start with 100g/day as a rough number) and calories you will gain fast.
You're only lifting about 50% of your weight in a pushup. Even if you're a bit more top heavy, you can say around 60%. Even then, you'll need to do at least 20 reps before hoping to lift your bodyweight in bench
No. The fucking point is, there is no goddamn algorithm pertaining to pushup strength that can be used to check your max. The only real way to see how much you can lift at your best is to fucking lift some heavy ass weights. If you cant safely do it without injuring yourself or if you just physically cant do it, its beyond your max.
They are not the same movement at all
This. Go put your hands on a scale in the pushup position.
You lift around 60-80% of your total bodyweight when doing normal pushups, depending on the incline/decline.
Your reading comprehension is through the floor
Think of weightlifting like an exp bar.
8 level 10 monsters doesnt equal anywhere close to a level 80 monster.
Thats how I see lifting, I'm about level 15 right now ;-;
im guessin pic related is you?
I love it when retards think they're smarter than others.
So the distance between lever and fulcrum is 150cm, while the centre of mass is 90cm from the fulcrum? If I'm correct, that would place 60% of the force on the lever and 40% on the fulcrum?
So if my 75kg ass does pushups, it only counts for 45kg.
There are guys who do this actually. The sort of plank and use core strength to sort of hove above ground. The. Do push ups. Its fucking hard to pull off, especially when you are a lanklett like myself.
The force (F) is divided by 2 because there are two anchor points(dont know the english term we call them Lager in Naziland)
>divided by 2
>position of the centre of mass along the lever arm doesn't matter
The answer was literally 2 posts above you:
Actually, the centre of gravity lies further up in men than in women, so the % you lift during pushups is closer to 65%.
let me throw some shit in the fan
126Kg 1PR
108Kgx4x4 Touch and Go
35 pushups to failure.
In some of his vids he wears some sort of barefoot shoes, anyone know what these are called? I want them.
What, like spats? Got a pic?
Yea and also what Said c.o.m on men is more towards the chest
>126Kg 1PR
>35 pushups to failure.
Seems about right.
Spotted the engineer
Hey can you help me with my dynamics homework
Im studying structural eng so I only work with things don’t accelerate sorry :(