What could be causing this? Wash all the time change sheets etc.. could it be dairy? Multiple people recommended quitting dairy to get rid of acne if nothing else works. Want it gone fellas
What could be causing this? Wash all the time change sheets etc.. could it be dairy...
Drink more water
>Wash all the time
The more you wash, the more oil your skin produces. Washing all the time is actually having the adverse effect.
Some people just have it. Nothing you can do. You also look young so that could have a lot to do with it.
t. Clean skin and consumes a shitload of diary everyday (~1Liter milk, cheeses, whey etc).
My parents also both have clear skin.
Oh, and I'm Greek (90%+ by DNA) and that means I'm not white and not supposed to be able to digest diary or something like that.
This and exfoliate and face peel
I drink so much water bro
>not white
Lad you've been on Jow Forums too long Greeks are still white despite complexion and have a long as history of dairy consumption as anyone.
I didn’t use to be like this tho in highschool I was clear
Fake and gay.
DHT increasing foods, like dairy.
How many times do I wish with water a day?
no they're not. Snowniggers try to lump greeks and romans into being white so they can take credit for creating modern society and morals lol
I used to have chronic acne when I was a teen. It never went away until I realized it was because I was washing too much.
I started washing about once every other day and my acne cleared up literally overnight.
DON'T believe clueless faggots when they tell you acne is from being dirty or eating dirty. It can very well be the result of being too clean.
Lad look at the genetics. I'm not talking about Germans saying Greeks were blonde blue eyed Arians ubermensches I'm saying they share the same indo-European genetics as the rest of the European continent. They're of a similar although diverged stock.
stop using chemicals on your face just wash once in the morning and once at night with water.
i have same thing
i have started to drink more milk and have random spots on my face.
3pl8 bench soon tho
Wash your face once a day.
Moisturize thoroughly
Don't touch your face during the day
Wash your hands more often
Use a zit cream over night
Wait so wash with water every other day?
I just use exfoliator in the shower
I had terrible acne post-highschool, to the point where it was affecting my social and even academic life.
What changed everything for me was 3 things, 2 of which can be done easily. Go to a derm and get prescribed an anti-bacterial benzoyl peroxide cream. Next, throw away all the other shit: all you need is a moisturiser. In the shower, never use soap on your acne areas.
The third thing that changed my life was taking MK677 for the HGH gains, but that involves surrendering your natty card. Kind of risky because the compounds toxicity isn't well known at this point, so I don't think it's worth it for someone with mild acne like you. However, for me personally, it was worth it, even if down the line they find that that shit takes years off your life
You don't have enough meat in your diet. Possibly vitamin A deficiencies
Lol I took mk and got big and ripped as!fuck, it helped your acne?
Eat tons of meat lol
hormones most likely
quitting dairy can help
liekly need topical accutane or oral accutane
Stop eating sugar. Its probably a candida yeast infection.
that's what he literally just wrote you daft shit
>straight to the drugs
no fuck off
Eat a balanced diet and follow a rigorous exercise routine.
In the morning, if your face is a little puffy, put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches.
Just wash it with luke-warm water every morning and night. That way you don’t strip away the oils your body naturally produces. The luke-warm water will help wash away any dirt and grime building up in your pores without stripping the oil. This will help your body both keep your skin balanced and clean. For sure use soap every few days just to deep clean some of pores that remain clogged.
Quit touching your face. Like never touch your face unless you just washed your hands, otherwise you’re spreading bacteria to your face that causes acne. No more bacteria being constantly brought to your face and your acne amount drop just from that.
>big and ripped as fuck
...how? Were you DYEL before taking it? I always already a gym rat before taking it so the muscle gains have been marginal, but nice nonetheless. By far the biggest effect was the effect on my complexion
Yeah was already big it just made a beautiful touch and I got leaner . Was cutting tho,but still added mad strength on a cut.
No exfoliator in the shower then?
>nigger living in greece larping as greek
Italian here fuck off with your shit, we are white
>turk-nigger trying to make greeks and romans non-whites so he can "win" arguments in internet saying they are not white.
Quit dairy and get on accutane. Not everything needs to have a really clear cause.
American? Stop eating all dairy and grains.
Eat more vitamin a,e, d and oregano.
Stop eating simple sugars, seed oils and balance your omega-3 levels with fish.
In general I've had success from living a healthier lifestyle. This includes exercising regularly, eating three squares a day, lots of veggies, minimal sugar, etc. Best results for me come from a mental state adjustment. The less I worry about my face, the less I touch it, the less I feel stressed, the less I get new acne, and so on. Out of sight, out of mind. Avoid mirrors. You must adopt the iron resolve of a monk in your quest to forget about your face. Beyond that, experiment with a washing/moisturizing routine based on your skin. I personally have dry skin, and have success with washing once a day and moisturizing once a day.
Which is why you moisturize after you wash so your body doesn't do that.
enjoy the scarring
once you start getting permanent scars, your view on "drugs" will change instantly and you will hate yourself for not doing it sooner
problem is once you start scarring, you still need a year or so for the treatment, so now you'll have a year of added scars at minimum
No it's because you didn't moisturize after you washed you dingus.
i think i can already see a couple scars
consider oral accutane
dont fuck around with your face, you only have one
>What could be causing this?
Rinse your face with water twice a day, wait it up until you become 23/26 or go see a dermatologyst.
Microfibre face cloth
Sulfur soap
Thayer's witch hazel toner
Light moisturizer
Twice a day. If this doesn't work, start looking at a zinc treatment and/or lactic acid.
Its from sleeping w face on hand, wash handa
>Oh, and I'm Greek (90%+ by DNA) and that means I'm not white
Sounds more like you are American desu.
Go to your doctor or go to one of the plethora of websites out there and get Tretinoin Cream. Curology and forhims are two that come to mind. Your family doctor would also prescribe it no problem.
Did you try peel cremes and exfoliating soap? I didn't have your situation but close, and it helped me a lot.
It looks like pimples
ding ding ding
I had really bad acne during puberty. countless derma visits, friends asking why I didn't just "wash your face?", cleansers and antibiotics and all sorts of shit
nothing worked until accutane. some people think drugs are never the answer, those people are morons
iktfb bench included. stalling at 305 for the past 2 weeks. it's comin tho i can feel it
before going to sleep, put a plastic bag around your head and be sure to tape the opening tightly around the neck to avoid any air coming in
this way you will lock the humidity in the bag and your breath will add additional moisture to your face which will cleanse your pores
this will stop any acne
Sugar. Clean your diet kid
>mfw the end of Feburary I can finally see a dermatologist and get him to remove acne scars
Feels good, Jow Forums.
Wash yourself only with water apart from the scrotum area, no soap, no gel. That may seem counter intuitive but your body naturally produce a protective oily layer for the skin. I've never had a better skin than when I stopped using any product on my skin.
Eat less sugar and dairy, more saturated fat to compensate. Dont eat processed food.
And don't touch your face during the day, your hands are full of shit bacteria.
Drink more water. Stay away from oily ass foods. Use ProActiv, it burns like a motherfucker but itll get the damn job done
Literally stop using almost all skincare products. I used to have cystic acne, used every product under the sun, then I stopped using them, switched to a Phillips one blade electric razor and started regular fasting and my skin has never looked clear and better than now. Only thing I ever put on my face is organic argan oil after I shave twice a week, other than I avoid all cleansers, exfoliants etc. Your skins natural oils are the best thing for your face, everything else is just fucking with your natural skin
Best thing to start is just to a 3 day water fast, it should clear up your skin almost completely and help detox you. Then just get into the habit of OMAD and regular 48-72 hour fasts and I promise your skin will never have looked clearer