I'm currently a 5'11 ft manlet, 166 lb pig, why is it so fucking hard to lose more weigh at this point...

I'm currently a 5'11 ft manlet, 166 lb pig, why is it so fucking hard to lose more weigh at this point? I read something about the human body requiring more energy or something. I'm doing intermittent fasting but it's not helping at all. I want to be 155 lb.

Attached: angelkingoffighters.jpg (1048x1397, 475K)

166 lbs is a fine weight for that height if you're active.

But if you're not doing any real exercise and just want to be thin, then yeah you're useless and stupid.

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Why would you actively want to be a little birdman?
At 5"11 you need to be at least 175 for a healthy physique.

What's a good wieght for 5'11? I'm like 145 and too skinny. Like 180?

This. He needs to be 175lbs of muscle, not 175lbs of fat.


Are you a skeleton?

Dude without a shirt I look funny because my body is too small for my head lol

185lbs lean is prob the natty limit for 5'11"
t. 5'11" @170lbs lean faggot

>5'9 140lbs
>bench 65
How long till I make it...

Is this a white man?

I'm barely 6'0 (so I tell myself) and I'm at 170 and look like the bare minimum of kinda athletic. Your wording in your post makes me think this is really obvious bait, but assuming it's not you should focus on gaining muscle, not losing overall weight.

white men are good at everything even being women

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So this is indeed a white boi? This is shameful

Dry fasting omad snake man said, even 48s

It's a chick her name is Azulette. she's a Mexican cosplayer.

That dude aint white, he kike. Germania full of dis.

lift and cut. stupid cunt
>if you don't have the willpower stay like everyone else, noone is going to hate you for it but noone will love you for it either

That was confirmed fake btw

Look up The Gabriel Method.

Und das heisst Erika
