How the hell do i get my chest hair to be this thick guys

How the hell do i get my chest hair to be this thick guys

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High DHT and sensitivity.

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chest hair is gross though imo

how come those female to male tranny can grow one? is it implant?

Genetics. Not everybody can be such peak performance. Not getting feed endoctrine disruptors since infancy helps. Literally no chance once you're an adult in the west.

Genetics make up pretty much all of it. does your dad have thick chest hair

not really, my dad was smooth but my grandpa from my mum side are hairy. I am hairy af.

Well, you don't have the exact same genetcis as your fater and grandfather, user. Otherwise evolution wouldn't be a thing if you could mix 50% of your gen matter and still come out like the picture of your forefathers. How are the female family sides males doing? If they are smooth, its pretty much russian roulette. No way to change it. Chest hair comes out during puberty. If you don't get it than, you wont get it at all.

>inb4 minox on your chest
If you worry about hair anywhere, u a fag


looks gay

they're all hairy.

You’re gay.

get a time machine and roll the genetic lottery again

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Oh Jesus, gonna need to go to confession asap.


Why would you want to? I'm hairy and it sucks in the summer. If I don't shave it feels itchy and hot all the time.

its hot

Yes, literally. When you have a hairy chest the summer feels twice as hot. If you live in a hot place it's awful.

My mom told me to shave my hairy chest because it scares her.

What she meant, is that she gets aroused by it.

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gib milkies mommies

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being hairy sucks its disgusting

>t. chesthairlet

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