Can you fight?

Can you fight Jow Forums?
I'm not talking about doing "BJJ" or "Muay Thai", I'm talking real fights, in the street, where muscle memory and reaction times determine if you are laying on the pavement.

If so, tell your story

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I'm always training for a fight that never comes

I kicked the ass of the user above me. He called me a nigger so I smashed

Where do you think muscle memory and reaction times come from you retarded faggot?

OP is an accredited "street fighter", you should not mess with him if you are doing pussy combat sports in a ring.

Can't fight, never been in a fight, if some kanack starts shit at a club I run straight to the bouncers, if anyone lays hands on me they're getting sued into oblivion.
I'd like to carry a gun tho desu.

No I cannot. I like to think I'd be able to defend myself against the random street thug that might attack me, but I have no idea how I'd fair. I can't run due to nerve damage in my leg so hopefully I never face that situation. I do carry mace though.

*my ass in with his dick. Boy was he humiliated, when he came he pulled this embarrassing face in front of everyone. I tried to snap it but dropped my phone.

Why would you want to fight? I don't live with poor people and I'm not an asshole so I don't upset emotionally unstable idiots.

Oh my god you guys DO change your own oil in your car. No. This is the 21st century- I pay people to do that crap for me. I'm a job creator.

Some user who browses on here I know always talks about how alpha he is and how he can fight, then got his ass handed to him by a 140lb Filipino kid who trains Muay Thai and BJJ.

>where muscle memory and reaction times determine if you are laying on the pavement.
You severely don't understand street fights annon, just don't be a bitch and don't be a wimp and you will be fine 95% of the time

Probably not, but my buddy who actually knows how to fight and I can keep calm in chaotic situations if I can't talk my way out of it I promise I'll at least go down fighting

*My buddy trains me

Train mma for 6 year , got robbed by a black thug in a spit second, didnt even have chance to think , guess not huh

Americans will tell you street fights are not dangerous because they don't really have "street fights" as the rest of the worlds understands the word.

Have bashed many a poofter


thinking of joining a boxing gym to learn and have fun. but if some retard ever wants a street fight, I'd rather de-escalate or run first. better to look like a bitch than get jumped by his buddies from behind or have a knife pulled and then have to shoot him

I can fight. Used to fight my twin when we were younger every day until we were 20.
Pretty autistic though, went and studied pressure points and shit.
I can make someone scream like a bitch from grip strength only in almost any position. I think.

T. Alman

>Can you fight Jow Forums?
Yes but there is really no need when America is infested with niggers and spics who are armed with knives or brass knuckles. Fighting is fun but having a gun does the trick when ended a situation quick.


Video games trained my eye to hand coordination so much, that I haven't lost a single fight yet.

Yes I can. I have to. I'm in the riot police and to many faggots think that can fight and that the police wont defend themself. Had to break some noses and jaws. Dropped a couple of Antifas and arabs.

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You are the reason everyone thinks white guys are pussies

When a drunk dude starts harassing your girlfriend in a club and you dont fight him she will secretly think you are a pussy for the rest of your life. Enjoy getting cucked

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>g*rman "riot police"
>"breaking noses and jaws" of anyone
nice larp

>going to a club with your gf
>not keeping her in your vicinity at all times
>not looking intimidating enough so that nobody even tries to start shit
>not having friends around that look out for her, too
>not being able to shoo away some drunk dude without a fight
Tell me how i know you're a dyel tier faggot.

I have been in one fight.
I hit him 0 times, he hit me tens of times
>walk into bathroom at club go to urinal
>go to wash hands
>some dude walks in hits me with a haymaker straight in the back of the head
>i black out for about 5 mins im told
>some guy went ran to get the bouncers, the guy who hit me beat me for about a minute

Didnt know him, he sayd he didnt know me he was angry at his gf
I dont think any amount of training would have helped me
Had 3 broken ribs, 4 deep cuts on my face, bruises everywhere and a chipper tooth.
I think i could have easily died from the first hit
Nothing happend to the guy because he was a refugee and i was in sweden

based poles

Do you think red shirt kid trained at a boxing gym and figured he could mess someone up IRL but got wrestle fucked. That's gotta suck knowing you wasted your training.

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it works though and you don't risk becoming a potato or going to jail like the idiots who let impulses overpower them

One fight

>Be me, be 10
>On island, sitting on dock watching waves
>Couple of boys older boys come by and be dicks to me
>Yell incoherently like children for a while
>They ride away on their bikes like smug shits
>Chuck a baseball sized rock at nearest back
>Direct hit
>Proudest moment of my life
>Bigger guy gets off bike and walks back
>Oh shit
>Punches me in the gut
>Gasping for breath
>"Hahaha user, you hit like a girl"
>Punches again
>"Aha, didn't even notice that"
>One more punch for luck
>Wheeeze "Still nothing"
>Big kid walks away irritated



And not because of my training which came after my schooltime fights
I get the rage and I go for maximum damage/any opening

> Playfight a guy in 5th grade
> It gets serious and escalates to slaps
> Ragetime.exe
> Flurry of punches, he covers up, I go for the headbutts
> Blood everywhere from his nose, not broken though

> Tomboy in class wants a fight
> Raised by single mother so I am all for equality
> Knee her in the face

> Turk from a grade below and his two friends comes to start shit
> We exchange punches pretty fairly, I get the better of him as he is bleeding and I chipped his front tooth
> Later faggy teacher forces us to "make friends"
> Turkroach actually wants to be friends, guess they really do admire violence

> At afterschool club
> Kid a grade below starts shit
> In front of the adults
> I talk shit back
> He charges
> I shift weight and throw him into a door-sill
> He started bleeding

More stories, but after I was 14, where I busted the eyebrow of a somali was the last time I fought. Did get mugged and beaten up badly by two guys 4 in the morning on the way home from a night out drunk as fuck.
Am 30 now

Kek. Literally no adult fights

>Not maintaining distance
>Getting real close to land punches (shitty glancing body shots at that)
>Not guarding body
>Not going for the legs
Nah this kid probably saw some Rocky movies and thought he can fight and vastly overestimates punches, especially his punches.

Fighting, on the streets, as an adult is nigger-tier

Are you a nigger?

Is learning to fight worth it if i only get in fights when im blind drunk or will i just forget?

father is a semi pro boxer, taught me how to fight for an early age 6-7 years old, still at it, mostly heavy bag work, 36 now, I'm been in a lot of fights growing up, not so much recently, other then in the pub recently, although I didn't beat the guy up, just pinned him to the ground, Was going to smash, but felt sorry for guy and left it, also wasn't in the mood of being arrested.

8 cola 8 bier

>Be me
> On our gym
>to stay fit and having a "deceiving looks"
>From Gradeschool to College Graduate

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based and qeerbasher pilled.

If you practice boxing it might work

Anything fancier won't be good for you
I know a guy who is a black belt in Teakwondo. And pretty bulky too. Imagine 230 pounds tall blonde guy able to kick higher than your head.
Well, not that he got into a fight, but he decided to show off while drunk. In jeans. So he kicked high, and his jeans restricted his legs so he basically fell over from the momentum. Was embarassing for him.

Starting fight is for degenerates

But losing is for phaggots

I saw a guy basically DDT his girlfriend in the street so chased him and caught him. It wasn't really a fight, I just jumped on him when he fell over and strangled him and slapped him about for a couple minutes until the cops came. He said he was a black belt in 'Kai Twon do'. He was much bigger than me, and I'm middle class so he was definitely tougher and meaner than me. Still my sure how it went how it did

If you are not starting the fight, you will probably loose
It's better to have awareness and avoid it all together
Niggers and arabs fight in packs and carry knives, you need to be sober and well-trained/skilled to make it out of such a situation as the winner

Luckily Im not from sweden, was there for work

yeah this, most people who know how to fight, usually don't go around starting fights, finishing it though, yeah.

>where muscle memory and reaction times determine if you are laying on the pavement
It's literally just one guy swinging heavy haymakers or some black guy throwing girly punches 90% of the time. If you know basics of boxing, you'll have an edge most of the time. If you know how to kick and use elbows, you'll basically be unstoppable.

He quickly learned that boxing rules only apply in the ring.

Well, the 14 year old black kid that robbed you has trained robbing people for 12 years, so he had an advantage over your 6 years mma

I guess, but i would attribute my "skills" to wrestling and some boxing training.

Most likely in a fight you are gonna end up in the clinch or on the ground, so you better know what to do if your on the ground or about to get thrown. If you striking/reaction time is poor you can force a fight into a clinch by closing the gap.

I got in one real fight in my life, with some navy guy in Honolulu. I broke my nose but I "won" that one.

I've got sucker punched twice in my life and that really shows you your natural instinct, and when I got punched... I didn't do shit the first time and it didn't even register in my drunk brain the other time.

I can post the details to the stories if anyone wants

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Beat up a homeless one time. Was saying something in front of a girl so I told him to go away. Dropped the stinky bum in one punch and bust his lip. Still feel bad about it

I was born and raised in a shit city in ukraine where we had nothing else to do but steal and fight for fun.
nowadays I avoid it, not only because I dont have a desire to fight but also become I would lose all my money by fucking someone up.
Last time I had a serious fight was 5 years ago and I almost killed the guy out of rage.

>mother was on a party with other mothers
>got drunk and my father asked me to help her home
>shit is pissing me off because I had an important exam next day and wanted to go to sleep early
>we walk and some dude comes up and tries to take her away from me
>i snap and beat his face for 3 minutes without pause until my mother starts screming

After you see another person suffer so badly you dont want to repeat it again, so I stay away from fighting or if I'm alone and some dude wants it I run away.

Good thing it's a very common thing in my country for people to intervene in fights to stop the two sides from killing each other. Whole streets n shit will be gathering just to stop two persons. So basically you can get as much practice in street fighting as possible without getting serious damage, unless the other man has a weapon or something. Why isn't it like that in USA tho? I never see people intervening in street fighting videos

I think a lot of the people on here misinterpreted a street fight. You don't get an invitation. If a group of people attack you you don't have the option to run anymore. There's also rarely a chance to deescalate a situation. If someone wants to attack you they mind is already set. Only yours isn't .



My buddies and I used to bare knuckle box each other at uni. First blood or first knock down. Keeping your head and not letting adrenaline get to you is the most important thing in a fight. Been in a few street fights including one with a Turk with a knife. These days I just try to avoid situations which could lead to fights.