Day 3 of nofap/noporn completed

day 3 of nofap/noporn completed

anyone else here ascending?

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Other urls found in this thread: prolactin/

Day 4 here. But I might be getting with a girl on the weekend.

You managed not to touch yourself for three days. Bravo.

i ejaculated probably 400 times last year and didnt last more than 2 days so far this year. this is a huge milestone for me

Keep going user, I believe in you

Broke my 21 day streak yesterday by fapping to traps

Help me Anons

Wait till you relapse lol

nice job but for the record if you look at the science fapping is not bad for you, PORN is bad for you
nofap is good for discipline i guess but noporn has a lot more benefits

>Jerked off 5 times already today
>Dick is all chafed and bled a bit

I'm just so fucking horny right now.

just start over, now do 28 days

>constantly orgasming is better than doing literally anything else that's constructive or not detrimental

>fap everyday
>get my test checked
>696 ng/dL
Get fucked nofap cuck.
I bet you'll also ask Jamal to bang your wife to keep your precious test lmao.

>constantly orgasming is better than doing literally anything else that's constructive or not detrimental
Holy shit you're fucking retarded. First off, you can fap without being addicted to it. Well, maybe YOU can't, but other people can. You're so fucking stupid to read "fapping" as "masturbatory addiction."

Secondly, nobody cares if fapping isn't constructive. Are you 100% productive 100% of the time? Do you avoid everything that isn't objectively good for your every second of your life? Fuck off, dumbass. People "waste time" for pleasure all the time, including you.

who the fuck says fapping is detrimental? People meme NoFap because most people are weak-willed spineless losers addicted to porn. And I even explicitly said that NoFap is good for discipline, but just because NoFap has positive effects doesn't mean fapping has negative effects.

tldr: Kill yourself.

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not with that hat you're not fag lmfao

Just evaluate what you were getting out of your "streak"?

I've tried and failed to stop many times in the last few years, my best streak was about two weeks. Last night I literally had a dream where I was told "you need to stop this or you will ruin your life." I think this is it anons, I'm gonna do it this time.

Sorry for the blogpost.

lim x->∞ of -1/x^2 = 0
This graphic correspond to f(x)= -1/x^2 but not it's limite to infinite

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Stop be a fag

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Everybody saying how hard it is to not fap while on the internet, here I am struggling with showers.

For decades Ive been fapping in the shower, my brain is fucking conditioned to start getting aroused as soon as I even turn on the water.

At least you can avoid pics of thots and porn, I cant fucking stop taking showers REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Daily reminder to supp B6 for the first two weeks of NoFap.

It prevents the prolactin spikes and gets you back on your feet faster.

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What are the rules for noporn? I have a porn addiction and i fear my relationship is starting to suffer for it, but can i still jack it to dirty sluts on instagram?

You're falling into the relapse->binge trap. It's very common. If you do jerk off, just do it real quick and go about your business. Because you're tying it to your fetish, you're reinforcing the importance of it in your mind.

wrong thread, bucko


>nofap will solve all my problems

Chances are there's a lot of shit wrong with you and jerking off to porn too much is just one symptom.

I have a big problem with organization, both time and object wise. I have a bunch of shit littering my room that are out of place. I waste a lot of my time on things that won't help me with long term goals.

Thanks for the advice i'll try it out

I'm putting a curse on you OP to make you fap. You'll cave soon enough... they all do.

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Day 2, already had good mood changes.

day 13 user it gets easier

Day 7 of noporn, still fapping every day but I've been having less of an urge to do so

Day 24 here, this shit is great, I can count the urges to fap I've had on one hand.

Who coitus reservatus here?

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Busted my load to angela white getting BLACKED.

Need to restart again.

>wrong thread, bucko
Why do people get so triggered to hear that NoFap is overrated? Just because it's overrated doesn't mean it's bad. In both of my posts I said NoFap is beneficial.

It's just that if you look at the evidence, NoPorn is much more important than NoFap.

had sex yesterday before bed, and fapped this morning..
i will never make it, as i cant even nofap when i get laid lol
>at least im hi-test right? right?

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>Who coitus reservatus here
oh shit, a connoisseur

Why does prolactin spike during nofap? I thought it spikes after ejaculation?

requesting sources

Day 3, resisted the urge last night and felt great this morning. First boner in three days after the skinny Zumba cougar at my job started flirting with me. I am getting the urge to fuck but don’t want to bang sluts anymore please help

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Prolactin is hormonal Jew.

Know thine enemy.

Just go cold showers bro. I doubt it will be easy to fap while your benis is being chilled.

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on day 4 right now
>creeped my ex's instagram through someone elses phone
>saw the fucker she's seeing now
>instant "i should kill myself" thought
>get through it
>want to murder both of them in cold blood

today is gonna be a tough one lads, at least it's deadlift day

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This is the kind of shit that counts as an achievement in 2019. Not touching your dick. That's what people consider a goal. Holy fuck.

There really isn't moderation in it. I've tried so many times but the moment you tell yourself "just this once" or "just pictures" it's always gonna lead to a relapse or a binge

You can do it bro, I believe in you

day 19 here, I just keep telling myself that I don't do that anymore and it works.

Day 25. Feels good being rid of porn and constant hornyness. Women are more atractive now.

Well, I went like two weeks, but last night plans with a girl whom I was going to fuck fell through, so I convinced myself that I should fap because of it. Still noporn for over two years now, tho.

Be strong bro, and don’t do that shit to yourself. I was the same way but a year later she’s the one stalking me through my family’s social media.

noporn is much, much easier than nofap for me but once the porn is gone so are the fapping urges. maybe not comletely gone but they become much less frequent

Tell me how. Please.

wet dreams dont count right guys!??!?!?!

Day 3 but wasn't an intentional decision, I'm just sick. Woke up with morning wood for the first time in a while though.

>finally past 24 hours of noporn
Probably about a week and a half into nofap.

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Day 3
My oneitis is falling for the boomer-core Manlet, and it’s really bringing me down.
Yeah, I know I shouldn’t lift for girls, but Fuck...

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right after I say this I accidentally pull up a porn site out of reflex. God fucking damnit. Was only there for like 5 seconds but still.

>t. someone who can't go without fapping for even a week

Jow Forums is a danger zone. Pictures posted or even just the text of a post that is even slightly similar to a fetish and I'll go on autopilot to porn within seconds.

Just imagination, jacking off to screens is the real enemy. Unironically it's better for you to jack it to porno mags then to non pornographic content on a screen

In my case, anger over not being able to change and master myself. Also I don't want to dissapoint God first with such loser and degenerate activity.

... what were you getting out of your streak?

>try to do noporn
>get urge to fap, attempt to use imagination
>the only things I can imagine are porn scenes I've watched before

I'm broken.

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"Idle hands are the devil's playthings"

Ever since I got into a relationship, porn has just been unappealing to me. I tried watching a little, but I felt disgusted by it.

that's the worst part, it's been like two years since we broke up. kind of a long story but it was very on and off until she ghosted me shortly after my best friend died. shit timing for all of it t b h

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Day ??? unbound by linear time. Earth Has 4 Days In Same 24 Hrs., 1 Day God Was Wrong. Einstein Was ONEist Brain.Try My Belly-Button Logic. No God Knows About 4 Days, It Is Boring To Ignore 4 Days,

Does Your Teacher Know ?

Day 4 of nofap

I find myself watching videos of cuties and imagining myself with them, and how I could seed them and we would have a bunch of children together.

Im so fucking lonely and horny why the fuck did god make me this way fuckkk aaaaaaaAAAA I hate it why cant I just not want to fuck everything I see FUCK.

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>Im so fucking lonely and horny why the fuck did god make me this way fuckkk aaaaaaaAAAA I hate it why cant I just not want to fuck everything I see FUCK.

>mfw I just sorta lost interest in women and relationships in general one day even though I'm relatively attractive and never had problems getting girls
>mfw don't even miss sex because I realized that its not nearly as great or important as everyone hypes it up to be and I finally saw through the normie memes and don't let the vaginal jew control my life anymore

There is nothing more pathetic to the thot than an involuntary celibate because they know they have power over them, but nothing scares the thot more than a voluntary celibate and voluntary manchild. A man that could have had the thots if he wanted, but willingly decided to forgo carnal pleasures in favour of spending his limited time on this earth hanging out with his bros and indulging in his manchild hobbies because they make him happier and more fulfilled than sex ever could.
They can't shame you for being happy if you don't care about what they have to offer.

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Don´t listen to bullies user. You did good and should keep going.

>going online and spending n minutes of your day typing out several blogposts trying to convince people to masturbate

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Same here. New relationship. Fucked my girl six times in three days. Now have no interest in porn or fapping because I know she's always there (I also like to save up and paint her face). Will never go back to porn, even if I go back to being single.

whole army of people behind the shit too. masturbation is healthy. the retards need to discipline themselves through sleep and work rather than not touching their fucking dick

Post nose