Based Greek Statue

This ancient Greek physique is achievable naturally, not only is it the most aesthetic body to have, but it is also very healthy, and strong and best of all NATURAL.

Fuck off with your disgusting steroid bodies, with your disgusting tren bloated muscles and over the top size, that is disgusting, not attractive, not healthy, and not achievable naturally.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They used to eat sheeps testicles for the Testosterone. Proto-juicing

dolph's body is my goal

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Shut the fuck up, there's nothing you can eat on this planet that can mimic steroid results you fucking moron.

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post best Greek statues

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this is my goal body. best mix of aestheticism and strength

the abs are a bit off somehow

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and lastly not a greek statue but same aesthetics

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his 2nd row of abs are pronounced and his ribs are slightly flared. i have the same thing so it's a good comparison for me. only downside is the bloated layer around his navel

yea, that's what I was referring to

Greek culture valued fitness a lot, everyone went to the public gym to train, they were based as fuck

unironically based, also check out Arno Breker's work if you haven't

Attached: breker.jpg (178x283, 6K)

This statue of Hercules in Florence is the most aethetic.

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they went to the gym to socialize though, as well as training
Breker's aesthetics seem different. V-shape is more pronounced. Stance is dofferent too.

Attached: arnobreker.jpg (455x643, 20K)

fascist art is a natural evolution of traditional aesthetics that has sadly been lost. It is evident in its architecture as well (pic from this gallery:

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BASED fascist architecture
brutalist socialists degeneracy

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I also have little toes that don't touch the ground like that. Neat. I feel less weird now.

I mean, most of those sculptures aren’t based on a single real person. They’re idealized creations.

Onions have that effect on humans.

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fucking nextlvl

brutalism is not specifically socialist though
Gigantism (for want of a better term) is common to both totalitarian architectures

I wonder what their gym etiquette was like. Only cardio bunnies they'd have are some Greek twinks.

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Gym etiquette was that you had to be naked.
Also, you put olive oil on you body before wrestling, so i guess another point was to not use shitload of oil.

>cardio bunnies
>greek twinks
they were called eromenoi

Honestly, how did the greeks do it?

pic related

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Sounds just like Jow Forumss ideal gym

you don;t say

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aesthetic af
when the white fellas start lopping people's heads off, you know shit's fucking fuct m8.

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better view

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Most aesthetic is Farnase's Hercules.

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Agreed friend, even today (((brutalism))) is being promoted:

Fortunately we have allies such as Prince Charles who detests degenerate art, especially brutalism

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This is how I stand when I'm in line at McDonald's.

Based greek poster. The true gods

Even more based honestly spending hours with ur bros lifting and shooting the shit

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fvark that's glorious, just wish it didn't cover his cock