Imagine being so fucking dense you look like a manlet despite being 6'1''.
Imagine being so fucking dense you look like a manlet despite being 6'1''
goal body
He has basically steroids for free in his genetics so its nothing to brag about. Now someone who is a complete normal human that height who is natty and looks like that, now that would be something else.
First of all, he's a slav, so he's beyond things like aesthetics. And secondly, he has a legit glandular issue and produces way too much HGH. I guess you could say he's not natty.
He's gonna have arthritis like a motherfucker.
>And secondly, he has a legit glandular issue and produces way too much HGH.
This makes me think, if he went into UFC for example would they bust him for roiding or not
No, because it's natural for him.
To be fair his body is the least of his problems.
That would be their genetics though
looks like he cannot even fully extend his arms.
This pic disturbs me, I unironically feel the same I feel with trypophobia
what causes it?
dunno. Probably too strong biceps vs weak triceps.
looks like one step away from becoming an ape again.
not that I hate on that, i think he looks wild.
He is an pro Arm wrestler, they usually have really bad elbows
Inbreeding and mutations due to radiation exposure of his parents
He also holds the world record for heaviest strict barbell curl at 250lbs, beating CT Fletcher's 225lbs.
That's natural, he has a legit genetic defect.
Is this lad Wakatsuki irl?
He looks more like Baki's grandpa.
Imagine thinking 6'1 is not manlet status.
Everything under 6'3 is manlet
his forearms look almost shorter than his upper arms
HGH abuse? idk