Vegans, what is your comeback to this?

Vegans, what is your comeback to this?

Attached: typical vegans.png (1920x1080, 927K)

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so there are chemicals that we have no idea what they do, what they are there for, aren't nutrients or vitamins but they contribute toward our health?

and the fact that there are some of these chemicals that are found in meat and not plants must mean that a diet consisting of only plants negatively effects our health?

Yes, that is the argument being made. Just like how breastmilk is healthier than fake milk due to these chemicals. It makes sense that completely ignoring similar chemicals in animal product is perhaps not the wisest idea

if thats the case for breast milk how come they aren't identified as 'good' or 'bad' or 'nutrients'

magic meat property with no evidence for it?

don't need an argument against that

Hey user, you wouldn't shill your own videos on this basket weaving forum, right?

They are depending on who you ask. But the reason why they arent labeled as a vitamin or a mineral, is because those have to be essential (aka you die when you dont eat it). But just because not eating them doesn't make you die, doesnt mean that they can't have benefits

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There is nothing magic about it. It is a fact that these chemicals exist and that they have health benefits. If these chemicals would not exist then baby formula would also be just as healthy as breastmilk, because formula contains all macros, vitamins and minerals. But in practice, it isn't nearly as healthy as breastmilk, because vitamins and minerals arent the only things that contribute to our health.

provide evidence for the health benefits. All we know now is that they increase cancer risk

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You mean that who study where they foubd that eating red and processed meat increased the chance of getting 1 specific type of cancer by 1%, and they were unabled to tell to what extend it was due to the meat or due to the processing? Ye.., that sure is concing evidence...

Also, what do you not understand about the point the video is making? We know for a fact that chemical that arent vitamins can still have health benefits (like proven in the breast milk example, or with sulfurophane etc). We also know for a fact that meat contains many of these chemicals. So even if scientists havent veen abled to connect specific chemicals to specific benefits, we still do know that foods contains many compounds that so something to our health. We also know that vegans are missing out on many of them.

same could be said of any mammal. Until you have evidence gtfo

how do you know that vegans are missing out on the compounds that matter? im talking besides the vitamins and stuff, the ones that cant be connected

there is a severe disconnect between the information you have gathered and the conclusion you have come to with that information

honestly it just sounds like you came to the conclusion first and then scrambled some info together to make it seem plausible, youre grasping at straws

It depends on your definition of whats "matters". Sulfurophane technically doesnt "matter", it is not a vitamin or a mineral, yet it does have strong long term health effect. Vegans are literally missing out on thousans of similar chemicals that are found in meat. Even if we don't have hard evidence yet, common sense should tell us that missing out on all these chemicals that our natural diet is supposed to contain, might not be the wisest idea.

You are most likely not wrong and your base arguement makes sense. The problem is that your argumentation is lacking. If you really want to convince people you will have to invest some more effort.

>breastmilk tho

every mammal consumes breastmilk in their infancy, and they don't necessarily need any of those chemicals after breastfeeding.

You have not added anything to the standard magic property argument by talking about breastmilk

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The breastmilk example is purely to prove a point, that those chemicals exist.

The reason why those chemicals in milk provide benefits is because mammals are designed to eat them. Their bodies evolved around eating it and utilizing them. The exact same logic aplies to meat. Omnivores like humans evolved eating meat, and utilizing all the nutrients and chemicals in it.

just because meat was a viable calorie and nutrient source doesn't mean we need it, or that we lost the ability to be frugivores like our ape ancestors.

There is evidence for the case of formula vs breastmilk, as far as you've provided there is not for vegan vs omni

God anti-vegans are so much worse than the mythical "preachy vegans" they talk shit about.

Also this video is shit because he is assuming all meat-eaters eat a perfectly balanced diet. On average, vegans are healthier because they take care about what they eat, not so much because of the specifics of their diet. On average, meat-eaters don't really watch what they eat so much.

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But desu he never implies the average person is healthy. He just makes a case against veganism.

You should lay off the vegan propaganda if you actually believe we have been frugivores at any point in history. There isnt even such a thing as a frugivore. All the animals that vegans refer to as frugivores, like chimp, are actually omnivores. Our ancestors definitly also were omnivores, so weve never had the ability to be herbivores. That practically wouldnt even be possible, considering how many digestible plant are actually found in nature.

>frugivores don't exist

the state of carnies

Veganism might be better than someone with a shit diet? Cool man. Carnivores thrive, this vegan shit will hurt you in the long run.

what a trash video.
no studies, no evidence, no anecdotes.
just some drunk babbling.

>will hurt you in the long run
>vegan adventists one of the longest living population on earth

>how do you know that vegans are missing out on the compounds that matter...

Because IRL vegans are living corpses.

Only time vegans ever tell the truth is after they quit, they explain how sick they were in the vegan starvation diet...

Then after Clearly explaining how Veganism completely wrecked their health (of two people, a vegan sterile no children couple, as usual) then they bend over backwards and apologize and say it was NOT VEGANISM that did it. Astonishing denial and self delusion.


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>Pay attention to this one Old tired busted unscientific study
>Don't notice my missing teeth
>Or the fact that vegan men are 70 pound geldings.

You're cherry picking there's plenty of healthy looking vegans
I could look you to skinny non vegans too


Here are two obviously fit, superior vegan athletes. Tell the truth you can't help but be impressed....

Just wait untill their stores get depleted after a year or 10. These vegan athletes are always short term vegans.