>that college age self-identifying alt-righter at the gym
That college age self-identifying alt-righter at the gym
nice, keep working brother HH
I swear niggas high off newb gains, hate when people postulating themselves as “woke” in the broad sense (so including fat dyke body posi whores fit for zyclon B and their interlocutors “online” ass researching ass rational all these mfs who get their ideas from YouTube videos not ackshually reading like good patrician /fitlit/)
You are right that the alt-right is cringe.
the Alt-right is nothing more than some racist liberals. While to the average normal-fag, it may seem they are in league with us, they couldn't be even more wrong. these alt-right people only want to make an all-white playground full of liberal degeneracy, instead if striving towards OUR higher ideals.
"allying" with other groups with different veiws can distract you from your main goals and lead you down the wrong path you intended to travel down, as you have to handicap yourself for other people with different beliefs. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link
These people are no "allies" of ours
You're just as cringe lol
>passion is cringe
>"It's cringey to stand up against degeneracy and lift for your people"
Well heres a (((you)))
>that college-age bulking enthusiast who thinks the holocaust didnt happen
reporting for duty SIR
when you work a work for the jabroni marks HH
>Lifting alone in a gym is going to stop degeneracy
>Implying that's all we do
Well you sure make a mockery of yourself
>complains about degeneracy
>doesn't realize that by holding on to his autistic ideals and being unable to make friends in his social circles, he's the degenerate of our society
LMAOing at your life
thats literally thom yorke in the back right. why would they take one celebrity face to include in this
You surely prove you have no clue what our ideals are
It's degenerate to put an end to the degenerate nightmare that has taken hold on this planet of existance, where it's crumbling as we speak?
Liberalism is being shoved in the faces of our youth to groom them to believe in degenerate things such as homosexuality, transsexuality, and approval of adultrous, hedonistic lifestyles
And there is an obvious Zionist subversion of all western nations that works against us constantly.
Yet we are the degenerates for wanting to protect our race and kin? It's degenerate to remove the undesirables?
I think you are mistaken.
>he dosent realize adopting antisocial repeatedly defeated philosophy from 70 years ago is textbook dengeracy
Jesus I bet you don't even get how off their interpretation of Nietzsche was.
>Those collectivists who are into Trump now and would have been hippies in the 60s pretending that they have thoughts of their own
>Those no-fun allowed ultraliberuls that would have been evangelists protesting against nipples on TV in the eighties
>Both of them cannot keep their fucking mouth shut about politics
I'm putting a team together
Let's go over some more reasons why the Alt-Right is no friends of ours, since Im sure I struck a nerve on some people
The Alt-Right offers no changes, and no higher ideals. Their "activism" isn't even real activism.
At the end of the day, even if the Alt-right won, nothing would change as it still upholds the disaster that is Americanism
Americanism is a failed idealogy that fools parade around. It's a silly "paper" ideology that promises nothing for the people, as it's all "rational" and ever so changing anyways as lawmakers and politicians restrict what little "rights" we have left in this day and age. It's a soulless system that swallows anyone unsuspecting whole, and does nothing fro the blood and heritage of a people, as it's nothing more than a "paper" cult.
What site do you think you're on right now, retard?
It wasn't defeated. It was murdered.
It took 4 other superpowers working against a nation the size of Texas that fended for itself as it's allies abandoned them, to "defeat" them
Yet look at those Nations now. Are they looking like they are enjoying themselves, as they "saved the world from Hitler".
They aren't deteriorating from their cores, are they?
Look at Canada, the U.S, Britain, and even Russia, along with the rest of Europe.
True victors, are they?
What board do you think you are on right now faggot?
I think these are more of your speed
you know that skinny fat, glasses + beard, thinning long greasy hair in a ponytail, fingerless gloves guy? saw him at the gym.
Gold team at the ready
Post body or gtfo nazitard
Ah so it's going to be another episode of
>U post ur body!!
And then you don't post yours, as you continue to mock the other person's body no matter how muscular they are
Now it's your turn leftist
Prove you aren't a coward
he got that FLUORIDE STARE
>fat DYEL
lmao figures
>Germany is the spearhead of it
Seriously though you have no idea what Nietzsche was talking about when he was going on about degeracy.
You must be an anorexic dyel to think that's obese
Thanks for proving that guys point.
Now post your body fag
I'm not talking about nietzche
Is this not the definition of degeneracy?
>having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
"a degenerate form of a higher civilization"
synonyms: debased, degraded, corrupt, corrupted, vitiated, bastard, impure
"a degenerate form of High Renaissance classicism"
Lol. I don't think I've ever seen someone that says "post body" actually post their body when they get btfo
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Europe will rise from the ashes
Although I'm not a nazi, I'm still mirin'.
>tfw gym owner is that guy
We all know how this turns out to be
A faggot screeches for someone to post body, insults them both matter how they look and doesn't post theirs
And he will make up wild excuses next on why he won't
Just watch
That's an exceeding vague definition when applied to macropolitics. It's the equivalent of saying "things aren't the way they were and I think it's worse" while everything continues to get better. Progress causes upheaval such is inevitable and largely temporary. Right now you have two sides sticking to dogmatic philosophies they have to keep redefining coming closer and closer to rationalism with every cut. This is exactly what should be happening and it should have happened 30 years ago.
lurk moar, newshit. every board on this god-forsaken website is "degenerate". Complaining about tranny fuckers, faggots and other degenerates in this place is like screaming into the void
Rent free
ITT 17 year old fortnite players talking about the good ol' days
>he still hasn't posted his body
There is one higher ideal behind it, and that is a dedication to truth. That dedication keeps bumping into jewish lies.
It's faggots like you that are making this board degenerate
It's always you incels or discord trannys that claim
>Jow Forumss a gay board lmao haha
Fuck off
>Inb4 ur the incel because you called me an incel
Glad to see someone is on the right page
that what
No, it's people like you who think they're the moral arbiter on this site. You stroke your ego as if you were a porn addict's cock. You don't live life to its fullest and therefor must make everyone else's lives miserable. Fucking typical estrogen based organism behaviour.
Jow Forums has been lolis, anime and porn since day one. lurk moar.
>"Look! I'm projecting my hedonistic behaviors!"
>Implying all anime is degenerate
>Implying I'm not somewhat of a weeb myself
You haven't posted body, so he wins.
>while everything continues to get better
What, and in what way? More plastic chink shit, more niggers and completely unaffordable housing aren't progress. This isn't muh nostalgia, everything legitimately is turning to shit and all nonviolent brakes have long been removed.
We're reaching levels of larp never thought possible by man.
Imagine what its like to be this stupid
You are a LARPer, like those people who dress up and play civil war. You are a WW2 LARPer.
I have never seen or heard of pol actually doing anything besides take down a flag and one dude shot up a synagogue.
>that college age self-identifying """democratic socialist""" at the gym
oh wait nvm they don't even go to the gym lmao
Thanks for supporting Israel
Or as they like to call it, the douchehouse
The alt-right is a term made up by the MSM, and anyone identifying as such is a compromised cuck.
I wear a Rhodesian camo shirt and hat to the gym and in public in general. it's nice and s u b t l e. Anyone who recognizes the pattern generally only has compliments for me.
good foundation user you have size
Trump supporters are uneducated bootlicking retards that legitimately vote against their own economic interests