The biggest gains killer- social anxiety
How do you overcome this chit
The biggest gains killer- social anxiety
How do you overcome this chit
Embarrass yourself so severely that you become immune to any future embarrassment
Take a good green leaf kratom.
Shit makes life wonderful.
Any ideas
This combines with pic related
You really can't, because it's genetic
tried and not true
Sperg out on the hottest qt thot in the gym. Tell her she cant do 2 pl8 and her leggings maker her look obese
Doesn't work like that, a better analogy would be building up a tolerance to poison
Get rejected/talk to people on a regular basis and you'll slowly become less socially awkward
A full blown embarrassment will only isolate you further
Horse shit. We all like to believe that it's just chemical processes that cause our inconveniences, but it's a band-aid on a gunshot wound. When we say that it's out of our control, we set ourselves up for the deadly spiral that eventually kills us if we don't stop. We will come to think "I don't have control over anything, I don't even have control over my own body, what's the use?"
Break free from this chain of though, and stop making excuses, faggot. You are in control of our lives, and we're all going to make it, but first you have to believe you can.
t. a guy who's been in a psyche ward before
>of though
Why are anxious? If your diet and general health are in check, you just need practice. I was wreck as a boy, then I forced myself to work through it. Yes it was hard, but it got easier - like lifting. Think of your social skills as a muscle. Some people have an easier time building social muscle, but you can do it all the same too
the way i cope with it is just turning my brain off. i start talking before i think about all the possibilities of me fucking it up. imo this is the only way to actively improve autism
This soooooooo much. My social anxiety comes from me just being in my head too much.
SSRI medication
I lift at 5:30am when nobody is in the gym
>you are in control of our lives
We are in control of our lives
I dropped the ball on the whole grammar and diction part, but the point still stands.
Redpilled and good post.
It's all in the control and in the power of action
Been on Zoloft which has defo helped a lot
My anxiety is so bad that I literally can’t interact with my housemates fml
Just be yourself bro
Ma nigga
>Empty gym
Automatically the biggest guy there
I been in psych ward before as well. Why did you feel the need to mention that??
Be dirty, smelly, rude and awkward and then fail 10000 times
Then clean yourself up and try again. It's like training with a weight vest and then become 40 lbs lighter. If people accept you before you clean yourself up, then you aren't aiming high enough
stop drinking preworkout
>talking with girl at work
>ask her about her interests
>ask her about her day
>tells me about what's going on in her life
>fairly mundane stuff but conversation is flowing fine
>"so user is anything exciting going on in your life"
>"N-nothing... Things are currently pretty boring for me..."
>Conversation immediately dies
>Later, think of a bunch of things that I could have said in response
How do I cure this form of autism?
Whenever someone asks me about my interests or myself I always answer with the equivalent of "nothing" or am really vague about shit and come across as a huge bore.
Imo, you can view getting good at social the same you view getting your bench up, you start small and gradually, one step at a time, build yourself to a chad level. There is a reason all of the charismatic people are actors/politicians etc. - they have had a lot of practice.
Also, unfuck your hormones/diet.
This. In high school embarrased myself so badly in a talent show and now I get the most girls of anyone I know because of my ability to not give a fuck what people think of me. Also now really good at theatre and acting. May be able to make it if I work hard enough and get lucky
Confidence is a symptom of preparation
I've practiced an embarrassing amount before ive talked to someone I want to impress or connect with
>In high school embarrased myself so badly in a talent show
please elaborate
fuck u nigga
>be me, 16
>In choir, decent at singing
>At lunch, open mic once a month
>perfom and do well, gain some newfound popularity
>girls want my dick left and right
>ego is huge
>decide to do talent show
>pick a song that's out of my range, like a dumbass
>don't practice it because I'm an egotistical retard at the time
>perform on a stage horribly in front of around 200 adults and peers
>consider suicide
>realize I will never do anything that embarassing ever again in my life
>nothing I ever do will compare to how shit I felt at the time
>literally no more fear in any social situation
This was 2 years ago now. I kept working on my voice, and around a year ago started doing improv and theater. My instructors, peers and audience all are amazed by my confidence and ability to act and sing, without any formal training or background in theater. Got a call back from an audition in Seattle, for either a TV show or commercial, to audition again. I know this is a blog post, but I thought it'd be good to share this story, especially for people on Jow Forums. Putting yourself out only helps you in life, even if you fail, you learn something from it.
This doesn't really work that well kinda. I did this so I could talk in front of crowds. Now I can somewhat do that. But I still can barely talk to one person or even look at someone in the face.
CBT if actual you have an actual anxiety disorder, practise if you just have shit social skills.
Life experience. Sitting at home does not provide this.
Does anyone have that pepe meme about not giving a fuck? It's unironically a good mindset to have.
If you are fat or skinny-fat your hormones are probably fucked-up. Clean your diet up, and get lean. Low-T epidemic fucking up a lot of guys.
Slowly introduce new things into your routine. If you have no friends, make it a point to go out to a park and explore, see new things, etc. Don't do the same thing every day.
Realise that just as you don't give a fuck about 99% of people, 99% of people don't give a fuck about you.
You are not special.
Honestly this is probably the best advice I have ever seen anywhere
This is a good 1
Genesis 14:12 And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed.
please dont do this it will make it way worse i promise im talking from experience.
to improve it you have to just socialise as often as possible. dont do anything stupid
You got the new censored version
I just remind myself that nobody cares, and I don't care about them either.
I've experienced the exact same thing. I'm quite sure it's because we actually are boring... try finding some hobbies or interests, or just doing interesting things. Nobody wants to be around a boring person who does nothing but go to gym and shitpost, unfortunately
Based. Thank you
I've learned that people actually do care and are secretly laughing at you, they'll just rarely tell you about it
Factually untrue. Even if you literally heard some people talking about you, I can asure you that's a mere fart in the timeline of everyone's lives and that absoutely everyone just thinks about themselves 99% of the time, just like you do.
lol I literally had some guy come up to me at the gym the other day and tell me that EVERYONE thinks I'm weird.
you dont