The ONLY reason to have a beard is if you're a baldy. No excuses, keep it clean or at the bare minimum with light stubble.
This is what you look like with a beard
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is what you look like if you're a slack-jawed autismo who learned how to present emotion and social queues by watching cartoons
only 5% of men who can grow beards look good with it.
It’s like the ‘mussy’ look.
Yes, that gq model makes it look good. But you don’t.
post your faces lol
>those pathetic doe eyes
This is the average bearded male.
Are you saying that guy would look like any less of a cuck clean-shaven?
I can’t grow a beard so I trim it. I admit most men can’t sport a beard, but plenty can.
Not when you don't grow it out super long and thick to hide your shitty jawline
Might look good if he bothered to fucking trim it.
Any beard longer than 5mm is hiding a weak jaw.
Show me someone who has a good jaw clean shaven but chooses to sport a big bushy beard.
Nigga looks like hes larping Lucifer, metrosexual fag.
go commit die
cope what
what the fuck
that guy looks like a huge faggot
Are you fuckers retarded or just trolling?
unironical, dead serious
he looks like a huge faggot
Actors growing a beard for a role don't count.
I'm 23 my beard is like 75% filled. However I noticed that I am getting beard hairs closer to my eyes.
Faggots like this are why I will never grow out my beard. These kind of dumb cunts have ruined beards, piercings, tattoos, fedoras, and god knows what else for fucking everybody else. I wish all of these dumb fucks would just fucking die all at once.
>letting the style and behavior of lesser men influence your decisions on how you want to look
Never gonna make it
moving the goalposts
you think guys with strong jaws don't like beards? I've got a stronger jaw and love my beard, except I'm fat these days so not a good example lol
legit looks like a flamer
Average white male you mean.
Yeah, pic related is definitely peak onions
>cuck eyebows and eyes
oh no
Looks like a bull prepper
Stop taking yourself too seriously. Unless you need to present yourself in a certain manner for your job then look and act the way you want. Life's too short to worry/think about that sort of shit.
Looks like a twink on Halloween
Lots of guys with good faces have beards.
Lots of guys try to hide bad faces with beards too, though. Saying that one can’t exist while the other does is a bit silly.
Beard or not, still hot af
Just another salt dyel who cant grow a beard.
>shitty unkempt hair
>doesn't properly trim/oil his beard properly
>doesn't know how to act in front of a camera
There is a huge difference between a beard (aka well groomed and occasionally trimmead facial hair) and the mats of lice-wool those nu-males wear in order to pretend a reasonable amount of manliness.
Beardlet cope. If it wasn't you wouldn't care enough to post about it.
Still would no homo
I keep mine short so I don’t get mixed in with these other “men”
i don't look like him at all and i don't have a beard but i suffer the same raised eyebrows problem that he is doing when taking a photo. in trying to escape my default scowl i half raise my eyebrows. it's something i have to consciously think about when taking a photo- how to not look like a dick.
did he die
>oil your beard
are you a homo or something m8
I hope so.
If you have anything longer than stubble, you should oil your beard/face. You'll get dry skin and dandruff coming from your face. The brush scrapes off dead skin and the oil moisturizes the new and existing skin. Also gives your hair a nice sheen and makes it lie better.
>Silly cope
I'm an outdoor guy who needs his winter coat
>He thinks a beard is s o y
I live in northern Minnesota and my beard used to be about 4 inches from touching my bellybutton. It's cold I think I'll keep the beard.
>That stupid fat bearded cowboy who thinks he's cool because he has guns
Maybe that's what you look like with a beard, but if you aren't a fat fuck who's never touched a weight then you'll look better than that. Taking the beard off wouldn't make him look good, same as somebody attractive growing one wouldn't make them ugly.
ray lamontagne?
Is the clean shaven guy the squad girlfriend?
I am really sorry for your degenerate patchbeard genetics. Still no reason to shitpost on an malaysian sheepshearing board.
I agree
>not worshipping guns
Imagine being this low t.
Absolutely this
How much S O Y do you have to consume to reach this mode?
>have beard
>don't make retarded socialist faggot face in pics
After the Gillette Soi boi ad it is now redpilled to have a beard
Is that soilent stuff actually any good? Never tried it
Epic, based and redpilles dood!
It's always a ginger. The original tryhards.
>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think having an untrimmed beard makes them look like an alpha and not like a manchild
Don't know, I'm not gay and I don't want to grow milkers.
great for gains desu
Niggas on the left are cute, tho
Dudes on the right you could probably impregnate
It's alright. I only buy it when Amazon gives me 40% off. Okay nutrition and tastes like batter.
Looking like a soiboi is 90% being ugly and effeminate and 10% shitty app.
Beards look good if you aren’t a fat basedboi
At least when I had a beard, it didn't look like this. I may have looked like a mix between a terrorist and a hobo, but at least I didn't look like a basedboy.
*basedboi, damn iphone
LOL get fucked fat newfag
The glasses make it look much worse.
30% bodyfat, the sagging nipple gave it away
'Stache with stubble is the best
This isn't an argument
kek, you meant basedboi but you said basedboi xD
post face
this open mouthed thing they always do is submissive behaviour. they do it subconciously, they're essentially saying "please put your dick in my mouth".
god that pics hurts
mfw this board is still obsessed with s oy
move on it;s been like a year lads
It’s bulking season :(
Mods are paid to change s0 y to onions because the people who are saying onions makes you into a bitch are onto something and it impacts the bottom line of a lot of food stuffs.
Why the fuck would you hide a sick fucking jaw like that
>doesn't like guns
What a fucking waste of digits
Based bobby fischer
Would I look good with a beard?
You guys are so stupid
The open mouth thing just means hey I'm approachable and not some guy who has a serious depressed look on his face
I'm about to go try the onions face right now and take a pic of it
posting face
Slick b8
Why afraid of your scowl?
mahfucker can grow a beard but cant catch a ball
bulking season started when you were born