What’s fits obsession with full body?

What’s fits obsession with full body?

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They don't lift

It's time effective, fun and the best way to build strength

split routines are for phaggots who just want to look good

Its the most optimal way to train for beginners (which most of Jow Forums are)

Beginners who use a split are following incorrect logic if they think it will net them the best gains.

Beginners mostly. They haven't reached a point yet where they need to focus on anything but the compounds. Which is fine as long as they're doing something. I went back to full-bodies recently because ppl was not giving me enough time for my shoulders to recover. Going back to it in couple months was burning so much fat and getting such good endocrine feedback from it.

I like ppl better but I train full body due to time constraints.
Regardless,IMO consistency is a lot more important than what youre routine looks like.

Why would I split it when I can get it all done in one day and then do it again after one day of rest, hitting the same muscle group more often than if I was to split. If you want a short workout you're never gonna make it.

Most of Jow Forums haven't even reached intermediate purgatory and are stuck doing SS/SL/GSLP ad naseum or fell for the powerlifting meme so they do full body forever with % variations. This is the real answer.

LUxLUxx reporting in.

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daily reminder that GSLP is best beginner routine
so much fucking fun and deloading and rebuilding doesn't feel like a chore

>Barely a quarter select

It's what I'm used to and the best solution for my work/life schedule.

Agreed. In retrospect I wish I did GSLP instead of SS. Both are great but GSLP is more fun and isn't overbearing with the squats. I modified SS and only did squats 2x a week and deaths 1x per week for a 3x5, then replaced the cleans with rows. Basically turned it into GSLP before I knew was GSLP was on my own. GSLP>531 variation (BBB) is what I would do if I had to do it all over again.

Most efficient routine for a natty

>stuck doing SS/SL/GSLP ad naseum

not how beginner routines work.
You don't get "stuck" doing them, by design.

Push/Pull is best. CBF going into detail as to why I have this opinion.

Yeah personally I did SS a few years ago, swapped lifting for BJJ, but i've started lifting again this year by doing GSLP.

I'm doing a variation with some high intensity conditioning (tabatas) and I'm doing the frequency pushups he recommends. Got some nice self-chosen "plug-ins" too. All running smoothly and having a fun time making gains. Enjoying it more than SS.

The great thing about GSLP is that the base programme can be customised to fit most people and most goals, Phrak's variation is good, so is the gladiator linebacker variation.

squat/bench/deadlift days master race

Full body is optimal for strength training (which everyone should be doing for at least a year or two before switching to a bodybuilding routine).

Currently doing Madcow 5x5 with 3 accessories thrown in each day with pretty good results

You need your whole body to actually lift weights.

I do upper lower why do you think push pull is the best?

>2 hrs/day
>6 days/we
Get on my level faggot

>rest days
It's like you enjoy being miserable

you are taking a hyperbole for face value, work on your reading comprehension

Full body is the best routine for a complete beginner IMO, but after some months you really should graduate.

After lifting your whole life youll want to switch it up.

>who just want to look good

"I-I dont want to look g-good hehe"

Because I want my whole body to look good? Duh?

>2hrs a day
Based retard
I do PPL too btw

i do 2 months full body, then 2 months upper-lower, repeat
is that dumb? i geniunely don't know. pretty good results so far but i'm fairly clueless

Most efficient.

>Most of Jow Forums haven't even reached intermediate purgatory and are stuck doing SS/SL/GSLP

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