Thread dedicated to the absolute king of Jow Forums
Jesse Thread
>4 years of profeshunal coathing and the only thing that changed is light angle and a beard
>mr.jesse your tests came in it seems you have many imbalances, we need to get markets into your systems fast! (Do this everyday)
I like him better without the beard.
i like your mom better without not having my dick in her ass
What mode is this? Can you get this big natty?
Cavaliere writing himself into a corner with this kid
I disagree. Despite not being able to perform most strenuous exercises due to his freak medical issues, he's still making gains.
Minor gains of course, but clearly he's doing something right.
How do we save him?
In some videos he trains and he's pretty strong and athletic. Look is all roids and genetics.
i forgot the vid but he isn't actually trained by Jeff besides receiving a few pointers. I remember him mentioning in one of his posture videos that one of the only things Jesse "let him help" with was his posture.
This, Jesse is proof that if you don't have good gens and don't roid, you are just wasting your time.
The only way Cavaliere can save himself from this one is giving him roids and saying its was natty
kek, the one thing that nobody in the fitness industry wants to admit is just how much genetics come into play. For example, I've always been fairly muscular even before ever working out, and I made really quick progress and everyone on Jow Forums said I was e-statting. But that's just genetics for you. Some people have it good, and others don't.
Jeff should've picked someone that he knew had potential. Wide frame, thick wrists/ankles, etc. These are things that hint toward overall potential for gains.
>tfw I look like this at 490 T and 1.5 years of lifting
>tfw no Jew doctor will put me on anything
>tfw I don't know where to get roids
I-I'm still gonna make it right? The fact that I did PPL during that time is the reason why I look like him now, right?
Would Jesse have made better gains if he wasn't handicapped by Jeff's autism? I think Jeff has solid advice when it comes to specific exercises, how to avoid injuries, etc, but his advice in terms of overall programming seems to be total bullshit. No bulking/cutting, need to stay lean all the time, hampering gains. All his programming assumes you're doing some sort of daily brosplit and a dozen meme exercises instead of just focusing on the most important compound lifts, etc.
>instead of just focusing on the most important compound lifts
Which is precisely why Jesse is there.
He can't do compound lifts without his respiratory system failing.
You don't need to bulk/cut.
You should stay lean all of the time.
good thread brotha
take 12 week cycle of a sarm like LGD or RAD, enjoy the added gains during the cycle then get your T levels tested straight after, they will have tanked even lower and then you will be able to get TRT.
That's what I done and never looked back
>sarm like LGD
Where the fuck do I get them?
jeff is a successful physical therapist, not a failure and a druggie. please do not associate our lord and savior with an austrian reject, thanks.
Post your body faggot. You cant get huge and be lean natty.