ITT post simple fighting rules that you learned the hard way

>protect the head

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>fighting tips

Hit them in the groin.
Kick them in the groin
Knee them in the groin
Repeat until they stop moving and/ or pass out

Aikido basically got the formula right.

t.master of krav maga

You got it pal.
Worked a charm last bar fight.

So...just keep whacking 'em in the balls?
That's krav maga in a nutshell?

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Being angry doesn't make you effective
If you hit first and don't stop, chances are you will win before the other person figures out what is going on
Numbers are a decisive advantage, but only if they actually back you up
Striking rarely stops someone, most fights require grappling
Grappling is a good way to get into trouble you can't get out of

Never fight a dog

Not all of it.
But a good chunk of it is hitting the opponent in the groin.

good post

Swing first.

Don’t fight if you have a glass chin and make sure you don’t just punch with your arm, get your body weight behind it. Don’t punch someone in the head unless it’s the face - back of the head is like punching a brick wall and won’t reall do much to your opponent

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Try to avoid fights but if you must fight with 110% tenacity, hold nothing back and be as violent as possible. Ensuring you don't get curbed stomped by a pack of nigs is not a game.

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just carry a gun instead lmao

In order of efficacy
>dont live around nigs or spics
>don't travel through shitty areas
>situational awareness
>dont be a cunt
>parkour/good 800m time
>boxing/muay thai + bjj/judo/wrestling
>power gap
>other styles with regular, full contact sparring and competition
>power gap
>2dedly commando LARP and chink ethnic dances

>implying its easy to hit a moving, and resisting opponent in the groin
Stop this Krav Maga meme please

You know the rules

around blacks, never relax, they hunt in packs and will start shit for no reason

If you can, practice at least basic punches, elbow strikes and kicks and use them as a go to if you get into a fight. Try staying level headed because if punch is going your way and you're not sure weather to duck, raise your arms, jump back, strike back, etc. you'll freeze.

Run or avoid fights at all costs
If unavoidable eyes nose solar plexus groin and knees

>loosen up
>Tight guard =/= tight muscles

Don't spend all your time practising kata when you want to learn how to fight. I've taught many guys who almost exclusively did kata because they were weak and couldn't take a hit, then they would come back from a fight they lost and complain that "martial arts is stupid/doesn't actually teach you how to fight/boxing is better"

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A good punch to the back of the head can kill someone.


The concept of letting the other person swing first is a ticket on the bullet train to asswhoopedville. There are no gentlemanly rules in a street fight.

hIt bUt DoNt GeT hIt

It's within the realm of possibility certainly but the vast majority of king hit deaths result from hitting the concrete after getting ktfo

That's a valid point, but I still feel like it's especially dangerous

>A rabbit punch can also detach the victim's brain from the brain stem,[citation needed]
I very much doubt the validity of the claim without the presence of some preexisting weakness. Essentially the same situation as rupturing an existing aneurism by getting hit.

Strikes to the base of the skull, while certainly dangerous, seem on par with strikes to the temple. Unless you can provide some compelling evidence to the contrary.

Who here /neverbeeninafight/?

I am waiting for the day I get my ass fucking handed to me. I just hope it's not in an extremely public place.

Only retards get in fights dude

Kick to the groin is unreliable, but a good move if you are otherwise unlikely to win
Testicle grab is more reliable and even if it doesn't incapacitate gives you leverage

and eyes and throat. krav maga can be practical/beneficial but like all martial arts that depends on the enthusiasm/responsibility/efficacy of the instructor, the drive of the student and the culture of your studio

krav maga tends to appeal more to normies who would rather associate with something people would deem "elite" or "brutal" rather than understand the principles of combat and work for the ability to execute them. in the same way dorks used to brag about CrossFit in 2007-2010 in spite of being unable to do just about any movement correctly and put up no real numbers

That's what I've always figured.

I've been in many alteractions that could have ended up in fights but I just never let it get that far lol I think it's retarded. I almost fought the dude that my wife was cheating on me with but it's all water under the bridge now. He's still an acquaintance and I forgave her.

>and eyes and throat
Stopped reading here. If you cant throw a decent jab how the fuck are you hitting a throat?

or maybe fight like a dog when you're with the dog. attack the neck and choke it. only difference is that dog will not say harder daddy.

>gets cucked so hard he still tells anons about it to this very day

That is the thing. Always make sure that you are not surrounded and always pay attention. If you dont need to dont go for it. Unless

This. Other self defense weapons such as collapsible batons and pepper spray fit somewhere between guns and boxing. Otherwise this list is totally accurate

why, you can grab throats as well as nuts, user

>He's still an acquaintance and I forgave her.

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>Never practices this because doing so would cause lasting testicular damage to sparring partner
>Freezes in a fight because he's never practiced his strategy against a resisting opponent.
>Is as good as the guy who's never practiced martial arts in his life
Even if it was an easy task to hit a resisting opponent in the groin (It's not), the fact that you've never practiced it against a resisting opponent in stressful conditions means you will never be able to do it when the panic kicks in. A good martial art is one you can practice.

>punch someone in the nose or teeth where you're likely to hit a bone and break your knuckles without any protective gear

yeah and aim for the elbows and knees too

If it's just one guy and he falls or passes out, do I stomp his balls, break his limbs, gouge his eyes out or strangle him while he's defenseless? Just to make sure, you know.

>Being this insecure and deluded

It's 2019 and you've probably never had a gf to know what it's like. Situation dictates

>Getting cucked then staying with your wife after the ultimate betrayal AND being friendly with the guy that cucked you


>light throat jab, before fight begins
>run away at mach speed
>saved yourself from being curb stomped/shot/stabbed by a stranger that you have no idea whether or not they have self control in a fight

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What the fuck is wrong with you

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>simple fighting rules that you learned the hard way
protect her, too

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>throat jabs are ez pz
U gonna get fucked up in a fight situation

You cannot catch a cheap shot jf you are not in range of a fist.

Took me two instances to realize that pissing somebody off while they're two feet away from you is a bad idea

What did your wife’s son think of this?

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fuck off fag I've killed shitloads of dogs, just use a knife

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The wind up punch is a great way to leave yourself open to anyone with a slight bit of fight experience.

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>Grappling is a good way to get into trouble you can't get out of

I wasn't stating it was definitive, but there's a reason it is banned form pro sports.

how long do i need to take bjj for to beat up someone who's untrained in combat but outweighs me by 15-20lbs

So are headbutt and 12-6 elbows. Doesnt mean shit when bureacrats who've never thrown a punch set the rules


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>big words for someone in punching range

2-3 months of any serious martial art. I think the general rule is you gotta be twice as good when they’re 25 lbs heavier, 4 times as good at 50 lbs and 8x as good at 80 (assuming they aren’t fat fucks of course).
The thing no one ever mentions though is that people who don’t train to fight, are shit fighters, and getting twice as good as someone takes a few months.

ok word you think bjj is good enough or should I take muay thai instead? dudes not a "trained fighter" but has been in a couple scraps

BJJ is good if you can get him to the ground, Muay Thai is good if you can’t. But why are you picking a fight with a guy and getting three months of training?

he is mad because i fucked the girl he is dating now and i wouldn't mind embarrassing him because he is fucking my ex

also i've been wanting to pick up a martial art for a while but that's secondary to the other stuff

>Arms up
Fucking sucks having weak-ass shoulders, keep being smacked around.

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I mean a martial arts a good thing to have, but you don’t need to fight him, cause after three months shits probably going to cool down I imagine. If any amount of time has passed he ain’t gonna fight you ever, period

eh u probably right, i still wanna take a martial art tho probably good for my mental regardless

Then either Muay Thai or BJJ would work. Personally I did boxing before going to judo, but either one should work. Figure out whether choking someone out or learning whether to beat the shit out of someone with your elbows or knees appeals to you more, then go from there.

if you punch right (hitting with your first two knuckles) then breaking your own knuckles shouldn't be an issue.

Tuck your damn chin

t. literal retard whos never seen protective gear

In a street fight there is no such thing as "clean" fighting; you either use whatever weapons at your disposal and be more vicious than your opponents or you get your shit kicked in.

Also meant to add this
This guy gets it

Fellas what's the best way to pick up punching speeds?

I suppose you could feign a wind up punch with one arm and actually swing with the other.

Dont let a downed opponent get up, but everything after the opponent gets knocked out is considered excessive. Gouging a guys eyes out will probably land you in jail and they'll get off scott free sans missing eyes.


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>implying it isn’t

I hit dudes in the groin all the time by accident. Imagine what I could do on purpose.

Your pride heals faster than your face. There's no shame in walking away from something you know you're not going to win.

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How do you hit guys in the dick “all the time”? Also there’s a difference when people expect it or not

Combos not single strikes

>don't be afraid to use strength and explosiveness in BJJ
>go back in time and start with no gi over gi
>go back in time and do wrestling in high school
>don't bother taking meme tier boxing classes at my bjj gym and go to a proper boxing gmy

>parkour/good 800m time
This is criminally underrated. More people need to practice these and get good at it.

For the love of god and all that is holy I hope this is b8

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contrary to popular belief, most men forgive their partners when they cheat. a guy i know forgave his gf when she cheated on him 3 times with the same stranger. she even told him she thinks she might cheat again and cant help it, and hes trying to help her.

Walk away to a public area and call the police. If not possible, pull out my CC and shoot them.

Why the fuck would you actually want a fight? Risk injury, death, and legal ramifications for pride? Not worth it. Either leave me alone or get shot, your choice.

Pepper spray is pretty shit in a fight. Even in fair wind conditions, you're going to get blow back and be affected by it, and then be crying on the ground like a bitch next to a guy who's now REALLY pissed off.

Guaranteed replies

survey says your a retard who's never been the rapist in a women's self defense class
>cups exist retard

Glad to see this conversation, nice to have something both highly engaging and on topic.
Glad it's happening as well because I'm going to Australia with my (Australian) gf in a couple weeks and have had some people warn me about teenagers going around knocking randos out, especially more put-together type dudes (they're implying like me, sincerely hoping put-together isn't a new euphemism for beta).
I'm a big dude, 6'4", and generally likeable. I've never had a confrontation in a bar and I've been in some sketch bars, because people tend to have a good time with me before they fuck with me if that makes sense.
How do I avoid getting king punched or whatever and if it's unavoidable what can I do to mitigate damage/are there some subtle danger signs to predict this apparently unpredictable sucker punch?

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Have steel or composite toed boots, use them
Use your environment, if there are weapons nearby use them
Dont get surrounded, try to work your way to an escape or at least have a clear path to one if the fight goes south
Try your best not to let the fight go to the ground

>if you have a glass chin

How do I tell this? My jaw is very weak but my chin is protruting, like Gaben.

heed bas rutten

I forgave my ex after she made out with another guy because I wanted to break up with her in the near future anyway, and to this day I still have her as a fuckbuddy

but staying in a relationship with someone who's cheated on you is some true cuck shit.

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