What do?

>"user, all you ever talk about is the gym... this is like, our second date? Can't you please look up and talk to me? I get that I may not be the most interesting, but I thought you could at least pay attention when I talk to you. Not like I took today off for work, anyway."

Attached: Jordan.webm (1000x563, 1.91M)

*flex a 'cep*

>no talkie until finish coco

Attached: coffee pepe.png (212x200, 19K)

"You're lookin' good today lady."

Y-you mirin?

>pick up the coffee cup and throw it in her face
>slams her fucking head onto the table until she's knocked out and starts pissing in her mouth*
>asks the waiter to come over
"I'm sorry, this had nothing to do with your and your coffee shop. May you accept this tip? Thank you, and have a great day."
>goes home

Attached: Johan fire.gif (500x375, 1.93M)


Attached: 1544154083281.jpg (608x608, 78K)

What a shitty thread
Worst part is the people who make these abortions are R9Kuckolds who’ll be virgins for eternity

Why does everyone here adore this "cute angel" shes clearly a thot with all these attention seeking videos

fucking kek

>meet Jordan after her class is over
>get a bit closer to her every day
>we start holding hands, kissing, going to fine restaurants
>at one point we're so close that we start trying out golden showers
>we piss in each other's mouth
>seems like she prefers if I'm the one to do it
>sometimes she gets really thirsty in the morning but is too comfy to get up, so I tell her "it's okay princess, just open your mouth" as she smiles at me and I let my special yellow juices flow down her throat whereafter the two of us nap until 4PM

Feels good being a NEET with her.
I prefer when she's on her period, though. Sometimes I'll make it extra tasty by rubbing some extra sperm in there, letting her beautiful vagina shine in a bright pink after my masculine white and her feminine red merge into each other. Unfortunately her urine ruins that eventually, which is why I have to be quick about drinking it.

When it's fresh, it tastes warm and overall pretty salty. Sometimes I'll add a little bit of sugar to it, although it's perfect to me the way it is.

>2 years later
>decide to have kids
>9 months later
>licking up the juicy fluids when her water breaks
>making her give birth in our garden, with her blood watering our sweet grass and flowers
>cutting off the umbilical cord and wrapping it around my cock the next time I breed her for extra luck
>may use it on my own daughters in case Jordan gets too worn out
>live happily ever after

A man can only dream.

Attached: Jordann.webm (640x900, 1.65M)

Go back to r9k and realize why you’ll never have a girlfriend

>having these kind of desires automatically means the person is unable to get into relationships or has to be a social outcast

user, I...

Attached: Jordan.jpg (863x1023, 330K)


Attached: mexiniggers.png (1800x2047, 1.24M)

>taking your incel whining boo hoo tfwnogf bullshit over here
>making shitty virgin larp threads because you don’t talk to girls
Yikes, you’re one massive fucking faggot

Keep seething, user

Attached: 1539382219289.png (499x499, 232K)

Attached: coffee.png (600x400, 124K)

>tfw you are much much less degenerate and genuine as fuck but will still never have a gf


>*takes hand off dick*
>*puts finger in her drink and stirs*
>*demand check and leave her there to pay*
>*she follows me and i fuck her in an alley*

that easy bros

>tfw 27 year old permavirgin autist never even been on a date
>the thought of actually being on a date with someone and having to have a 1 on 1 conversation for an extended period terrifies me
>probably couldnt even keep it going for 10 minutes
>then thinking about how people have these daily with their bf/gf


y-you too

Attached: wojack.png (203x248, 5K)

Keep being a kissless incel faggot
God doesn’t want you to spread your shit genes
Post body

like a

I'll be your gf if you don't mind my feminine benis :3

>Used to think this
>First date at 21 yo
>Absolutely fucking packed college coffee shop late at night
>Normally have crippling anxiety
>Talked to date for 4 hours straight without almost any anxiety
Adrenaline or something, idk, but I believe in you m8

In the first place sitting across from a girl is beta as hell

audible kek


user, I don't think you understand what you're saying. I'm neither an incel nor kissless, I just have fantasies. Don't know why you're so butthurt.

Attached: superman.gif (400x267, 480K)

This. It's surprisingly easy to keep a conversation going if the atmosphere is good, but I imagine I couldn't hold one if it'd just be the two of us in some empty coffee shop.


Attached: Boomer in the dark.jpg (675x601, 63K)

haha this is pretty much the best post in Jow Forums in like 4 days

like golden showers lol who even things of that?? so cool haha

where else do you sit? on top of her?

You sit on her lap

You’re lying, your virgin tfwnogf larp threads are fucking garbage, you steal other people’s images, you need to go back
Nyr faggots and discord invaders belong on a cross

Who keeps making these extremely high autistic threads.

Attached: 1534989672523.jpg (1242x1809, 773K)

>being this delusional
who hurt you, user?

Attached: 1544648935439.png (278x383, 109K)

fuck why did I laugh so much?

what a qt

I kinda wanna kill myself now


You still haven’t posted your body, you dirty fucking faggotniggerkike
Just go buy a dating simulator or keep your shit to your containment board
R9Kuck refugees who don’t even lift and instead of adapting to our culture they shit up the board with their incel shit

Why should I post my body? It's average and has nothing to do with this thread.

Again user, I don't understand your logic. Just because I behave like this on an mongolian cartoon image board doesn't mean I'm like that in real life. You have issues, my friend.

Attached: 1545305416298.jpg (961x640, 179K)

>talks about containment boards

You and your incel cabal constantly shit up this board with your r9k shit
This thread has nothing to do with fitness
You admit you don’t lift which makes sense for a someone who’s low testosterone enough to spam virgin larps
is where you belong

user, why are you so goddamn angry?
First of all, I'm neither an incel nor on r9k.
Also I said my body is average, that doesn't mean I'm not exercising.

Also. Me ≠ every single similar thread that is created on Jow Forums.

Attached: 1544661880945.jpg (768x1024, 651K)

>This is the face of a guy who has a gf he can't meet up with for months at a time but can find videos of her being bukkaked by 20 small fucked Japanese.men

>constantly spams shorty threads
>oy vey why’d you hate me so much
>I’m not from r9k! Trust me, I’m a fellow white man who cares about physical health
Jesus Christ you’re pathetic
never come back
You won’t be missed

Attached: 669C6433-9F48-46B2-AC46-12258F12761A.jpg (470x291, 32K)

user, you may have anger issues.
Either that or someone on r9k really, really hurt you. It's not healthy to care about a digital board this much, especially if you don't even own it.

Attached: 1543198999862.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

What's wrong with r9k?

Shhhhhhhhhh, I'm doing kegels right now and I need to concentrate. Gimme a few minutes.

>poltard complaining about r9k

Attached: 5a6c9f38d359ccfb99a642ddf1e162fb--freddie-mercury-teeth-queen-freddie.jpg (494x750, 89K)

Comfy and chocopilled

90% on whatever board you raid want you dead and would gladly kill you themselves
You’re thread has nothing to do with fitness and is shit
Learn who they are

>Learn who they are
user, you're not any better lmao
What's the difference between


I’ve stayed away from pol for years
What kind of fucking creep has a huge folder of random women and has videos of first person dating for tfwnogf losers like (you)? That’s even worse and thrice as pathetic than porn

Wake up.
Just kidding even my dreams are uneventful.

>YOU'RE thread has nothing to do with fitness and is shit

You keep bumping it though, brainlet.

Attached: Johan.gif (498x332, 589K)

You need to learn how to control them, user. That way they'll never be uneventful.

Attached: my daughter.jpg (474x591, 32K)

Absolutely based