Well, Jow Forums? Is meat a meme or are Canadians faggots?

Well, Jow Forums? Is meat a meme or are Canadians faggots?

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I see steak, chicken, egg, and maybe pork?
but the portion is too small, and you need that much variety with plants because they're indigestible and they all contain anti-nutrients.
grains/cereals are not the largest portion, at least they're making progress.

But can you tell me what you see user.

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Canadians are def faggots.

Day of the rake when?

I'm actually ok with this, mainstream people deserve to get harvested, puts me ahead of all of them.

>portion is too small

It's about the proportions you dumb fuck

why are americans so upset about this? do they believe it should have taco bell and mcdonalds on it?

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Soon brother.

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niggers don't count famalamadingdong

take pictures of middle class whites lmao

1/4 Fruit, 1/4 Vegetables, 1/4 Protein, 1/4 Whole Grains.

Seems reasonable. Unless they actually expect 4 steak dice and a toast corner to be things you eat

>there has never been a suicidal user who decided to end it all by taking out trudeau with a rake to the head and screaming day of the rake
The ONE fucking time robots could redeem themselves

We can dream.

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Don't eat whole grains. There is many antinutrients in the bran. There is a reason why we've been refined grains for millenia.

Not faggots, cucks is more appropriate. Vegan bullshit is really being mainstreamed here in canada its disgusting.
For me, about 60 percent of my diet is animal product based all grass fed and local. My carbs are sweet potatoes, white rice, berries, and apples from a local orchard.
I stay away from grains usually unless im having pancakes or a cake at a family event or some shit.
Fuck the government diet plant based agenda. They wanna remove us further and further from our traditional diets, its just another part of the globalist consumerist culture they want everyone to be absorbed into.

I guarentee the people who designed this diet guidlines dont even follow it themselves. Same way the environmental minister scolding Canadians for their carbon output flew 60,000 miles in under a year and owns several luxury gas guzzling cars bought with taxpayer money.

It's always 'soon'

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Get rid of fruits and the entire bottom right side


I mean i do the same but less fruits and replace whole grain with potatoes and white rice.

make carbs smaller and protiens bigger and its the perfect diet

Going to nip this in the butt right here.

I could care less what you think. For all intensive purposes you are a fat LARP.

Watch who your calling faggot, bub.

Eating healthy is a parting parcel of being canadian.

Dont try and use us as an escape goat. It's a doggy dog world and you have to take responsibility for your unhealthy fixation on meat.

tea a leaf

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I'm just glad they aren't saying to consume the cheap garbage plant that turns men into women.
>we see corn in everything because its cheap, we see soi in everything because its cheaper, the downside is its hormonal effects on developing boys

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Main issue is that they don't differentiate protein from meat vs protein from animals. Plus even including grains of any sort (whole or other wise) seems like a mistake. Don't really understand the point of eating so many fruits and veggies, or why they don't differentiate between the two. Seems like they are pushing an extremely high carb, low protein, no fat diet.

instantly outed as a retard who's words should be completely discarded

Nuts are not a source of protein
Improperly properly prepared whole grains are like needles in your stomach
where the fuck is fish?

there's fish in the protein section.