Apparently not even 5’8 is enough for whales

Apparently not even 5’8 is enough for whales

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Ehm, just because someone is carrying a little extra weight doesn't mean she has to settle, mkay?


I'll bump your thread with some things I've matched with before

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Actually lold thank you user


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I lied I haven't matched with any of these

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My sides.

based. I was going to tell you to ask her how much she weighs, but you inb4'd me

5’8’’ is just a bit short, but you have to thank her for having ridiculous expectations. Imagine how everyone would look like if women lost or lowered their standards...

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>Trying desperately to hide her fupa
>Titties trying to find her toes
>"Mask (1985)" face
>Ogre hands
The saddest part is you know that she actually gets matches from thirsty beta soiboys.

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You're darn right she does user

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Can somebody explain this girls tits?

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>tfw girls only like me for my body
Ugh i can't believe them!

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stop using shitty pickuplines and instead make witty banter on her pics

milk truck just arrive


the modern woman. amazing.

She’s very disabled alright

lmao that girl

These are all old anons, I'm sorry
I'm just high and scrolling through my my screenshots and figured you guys could get a cheap laugh or 2

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Would slam

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mein sides


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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA made me laugh way more than it should've
Thanks dude

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she cute post rest of profile

and did you smash? bc if so i will be frustrated because whenever girls play along with sexual text shit they always just flake

Can't I'd feel bad because we're kind of good friends now lol and yes

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>single mom
>brown emoji to represent her kids

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post ur profile then


Too insecure and small for Jow Forums sorry brody
>Not here for 1 night stands
>Here's a pic of my ass

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She says that so if any if her friends will aee her theyll think shes srs and not a whore

thanks for joining us tonight. go ahead and save it

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Makes sense

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>that bio
>that profile pic
Pick one.

You know why this happens? Why women type IM NOT LOOKING FOR SEX even when they are landwhales? It's because of weak men offering themselves to ugly bitches with 0 standards, literally all average/below average dudes starving for sex because of weak men giving female hamplanet power

I think I hate more men than women, weak men made this happen, not females

>that bio

>tinder threads

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What movie?

Is this in Michigan

What this baby momma doing out in tinder looking for "a good man"?

You were never really here

hearty kek

you were never really here

Would swipe

ayyyy Michigan senpai we out herrrrreee

Post arms. I'm trying to get a grasp of what constitutes 'good arms' for normie thots

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neurodiverging from reality. HA.


Just a reminder if you aren't at least 6'2", smart, good looking, Christian, and a good cook, you don't even have a shot of pulling a 0.001/10 retarded down syndrome mountain troll

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screenshot it and find her boyfriend on social media and send it to him

>live in NYC
>decent matches at a decent rate
>can't seem to even get their attention for too long
>go on a trip to portland oregon to visit buddy for 4 days
>first time outside of my homebase with tinder
>fucking 6 to 7 new matches a day with incredibly hot women
>never experienced this
>still little luck due to bad timing and the fact that I was there for such a small amount of time

God damn it.

>be 6ft3, smart, good-looking, christian, line cook
>still no retarded down syndrome mountain troll gf

What's the point

Fug is that your sc user?

Please tell me you slammed that thing

holy fuck bro

> Mirin

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you have to get their snapchat in the first hour of chatting then set up to meet within the first day. if they arent willing to set up a meet day in the first day then they probably were never gonna meet up anyways. Also consider that the bigger population means bigger catfish. you have no idea who youre talking to, could just be a dude who like I said, never had any intention of meeting up, so dont take it too personally

~t. a jewyorker

got pics of the convo in the background?

This pls

>4 minutes of no fap
jesus christ

i found this pretty hilarious

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I think you get a noob boost when you go to an other city

Looks like her tits just cracked a bad joke

mirin? I used mirin for my dinner tonight

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This fucking turd. She thinks she can make a deeply insulting psychoanalysis off of a cheesy pick up line. She stinks of insecurity and autism

she's not really fat tho

If she was a little better looking I'd swipe.

I've also see xir on Tinder as well, where you from brah?

586 reporting in

Maximum kek

Tell here she wont be doing any standing for at least a week once you're done with her