What are things that you spark joy in your life?

What are things that you spark joy in your life?

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I enjoyed the image. Enjoy your (you)

Actually don't know.

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Yes it fucking should



nothin i enjoy more than my fat wife

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Now this image brings me joy

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Learning that experiences > things.
Yep, I’m #konmari2019 as well as #fit2019, it’s MY year!
Goal = reduce possessions by half or more. Get as fit as possible in a year. Document along the way but don’t share till near done.

Opposite of social media, I need a private deep dive year.

My gaming PC and jogging both spark joy in my life.

You know recently I was thinking to myself if I knew I had a year left to life before an illness killed me what would I want to spend that year doing.

After like an hour of thought all I'd figured out was that I'd want to quit my job.
Aside from that, I have fucking nothing in my life that I want to achieve. I feel like a waste of consciousness.

Getting mired by people on /soc/ and Jow Forums and having a loving gf who supports me in my endeavors through fitness and life as well as a loving family, whom despite their setbacks in raising me as a child, see the fruition of the morals they taught me as a boy, into a man.

Life sucks but at the end all the people close to you who care want you to succeed. That doesn't necessarily mean friends or family, but those who genuinely care.

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"If it does not spark joy YOU MUST DESTROY"-Kondotron9000

You're not a waste of consciousness...

Gettin' laid... No wonder I'm so fkin sad...

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Loving partner, 2 fun hobbies, looking forward to getting fit this year. Enjoy traveling and taking photographs for my website project.
2019 is looking fine.

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Are you retarded yes it should

Getting laid sucks if you don't have an emotional connection to the person.

Thinking about her. She's the prettiest girl in the world, her smile makes me the happiest man in the world. But then again, she also makes me the most miserable man in the world

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Watching western capitalism steadily succumb to the inevitable contradictions that will set off the spark of revolution

Walking past short asian guys with my hot asian gf

Lifting for health, attention from thots (and ignoring it), and Jow Forums-tier thoughts keep me going. Not much else.

sometimes I feel like I'm an actual robot, I've learned to live without joy
not even a recent development, I've always been in a state of numbness since I was molested as a kid

Bruh you sound like you need a holiday

>looking forward to getting fit this year
not gonna make it if you're already patting yourself on the back for something you've yet to do.

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Have you tried talking through your trauma with a therapist?

I've been to therapists before, talking isn't any help. I'll figure it out eventually, or I'll live long enough for advanced treatments to become a reality. I'm numb so I rarely feel suicidal.

Being alone is worst of all. I miss the feeling of having a girl bite my neck. Or laying in bed and running my fingers through her hair. I want to be hugged so tightly that I know there is an emotional connection, or whatever your talking about ^ ^

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Haha is this show good? I saw her book on shelves a while ago and the whole concept of being a tidying guru seemed silly to me.

She is a qt and I found her book to be a joy to read but I can't ever imagine following her advice. She's got some weird Japanese housewifey shinto spiritual beliefs about animism and all your beloved objects having a spirit or something. Haven't actually seen her show but I got the manga just because it was so cute. I'm more of a Hygge person myself but god damn, she's so charming...

kek that image

You think this is a mother fucking game ?

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You sound like a gigantic faggot. Just thought you should know.

eat my ass white nigger

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do you think she ever imagined she'd be fanatically worhsipped by filthy losers that photoshop her into racist cartoons?

Not as much as she expected to be a part of the insanely retarded western culture war.
Social media was a mistake.

She's no boozer with skin that smooth. I aged my face about ten years by drinking like a sailor for about five years. My complexion cleared up as soon as I stopped but I left myself with horrendous looking bags under my eyes and several ruptured blood vessels.

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My gaming rig, today's snowfall, and my current life. Massive improvement from six months ago.

What's the difference between Hygge and Japanese minimalism?

Dead Jews/Niggers usually make me giggle.


this is called anhedonia and its fairly common, there are lots of people like you getting help

Social media is crying about it because it exposes millennial women as lazy pigs


thinking when throwing commies and faggots out of helicopters will be a genuine career option

Just google Hygge and look at what comes up.
Hygge is like a calculated Christmas-y comfymax that comes from living in Scandinavia where it's snowing for most of the year and you better make your house as warm and comfy as possible so you don't kill yourself.
Konmari is one particular Japanese woman's approach to minimalism that works for some but really seems to come from making the most of tiny cramped claustrophobic living arrangements (i.e.Tokyo)
So both methods seem to be products of their environment.

White women social justice twitter blue check retards are incapable of not turning anything and everything into some weird culture/race/gender war bullshit and have gone so far as attacking Mrs. Kondo for "internalized orientalism" or some fucking bullshit god I fucking hate what this country has become.

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Sad times. That attitude strips them of the ability to improve their life because any negative quality they possess must be caused by evil external forces. This evil bogeyman must change, not them

>White women social justice twitter blue check retards are incapable of not turning anything and everything into some weird culture/race/gender war bullshit and have gone so far as attacking Mrs. Kondo for "internalized orientalism" or some fucking bullshit god I fucking hate what this country has become.
They cannot accept any sort of self-responsibility in their own poor choices nor do they tolerate any criticism of themselves because if they started, they would explode. So they do what's left to be done for them, they deflect the blame and they paint a target on anything but themselves.

Worth mentioning that many modern weak males suffer from the same problem (especially on Jow Forums). People here act like being a manlet or ugly is a death sentence despite the fact ugly manlets are CEOs, leaders of countries, elite musicians etc...

It's just crabs on a bucket mentality. Ignore and go on with your life.

Don’t need to tell me that brother

this might fuck you up more and it might fix you, try psychedelics, either LSD or silocybin

>my fat wife

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My no fucks given asian friend telling our sjw classmates he was robbed by gypsies.

find your molester and eat him for gains.

As a white woman, seeing fat dangerhairs rage about this neat, tiny little package of not giving a fuck about "muh self care retail therapy" gives me joy. Clean body in a clean dwelling is taken as a personal insult by muhrican fatsows, and I'm loving how it forces them to show their racism.

You sound like a slob.

well I don't know shit about procuring either of those so

Watched a bit of one episode and everything seemed quite staged. Also I felt like they were selling me her book like, constantly. Also, also, her methods and "phylosphy" are quite the cringe to me, I don't think they really work and smell like snake oil.

how the fuck does he look exactly like the boomer meme

If she makes SJWs rage, I'm a fan, but I'm not watching anything on (((netkikes)))

>As a white woman
>tfw memes about women always identifying themselves online for attention have become so mainstream you can’t discern trolls from reality

What's a hygge?

Tres cosas me tienen preso de amores el corazón, la bella Inés, el jamón, y berenjenas con queso.

Based Brosnan poster

Ignore the show, it's a dogshit cashgrab.

The lessons from the book are worthwhile though.

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Lmao getting mad over a randomly generated quote

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Hobbies and entertaining god. Other than that I do t really have anything.

Are you me?

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payday for about 2 minutes

You want mushrooms, idk what part of the world you are in they might be illegal but the spores aren’t illegal anywhere. You can literally order them online but growing the actually mushrooms is illegal

trying to find them. used to be video games drinking and food, or so i thought. now that i'm in somewhat acceptable shape and single, video games feel like a waste of time to me. trying to get back into playing instruments and card games but if it feels forced, its not sparking joy really.

how do i find what really gets me going if i dont know what im looking for?

Im with you on this one user

I like my hobbies, I like my friends, I like my family, and I like a good beer. I can do all of it in a weekend, so life ain’t so bad.

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the EU

Her smile.

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- Pretty girls (literally pretty and not slutish thots).
- Children that are calm and ask interesting questions and not annoying
- Dogs especially my own and puppies
- Actually all animals
- Connecting with other people via hatred of kikes
- Good food
- Big titties
- Waking up and actually feeling well rested instead of groggy

I fucking despise this show.
>"organization expert" comes into various people's lives to tell them that comforting nic-nacs and other small items are bad, and you should strive to have the most efficient living space possible
>meanwhile, trust fund babies are buying their 4th rental property and go home to 4 bedroom homes filled with tons of shit like Christmas decorations, old children's clothes and items, old hobby and exercise equipment, boardgames that rarely get used but are enjoyable to have, old family heirlooms, and lots of furniture
It's almost like some of f the lower class are bad goy for wanting to have a place for our stuff that isn't on a year-by-year basis.

Don't think about about having just one year left. Instead try to think how would live, if you had ten years left. That is way more realistic and you can focus on the really important things.
One year is just too small as a time frame and almost everybody would quit their job such little.


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a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).

Popular definition recently: excuse to fuck up nice Scandinavian minimalism with too many cheap and ugly fucking blankets and shitty cheap stinky paraffin candles and sit around in ugly pajamas.

Cute Asian women like Marie kondo

Found the overly sentimental pack rat.
But seriously, y so defensive? If you don’t want to do a declutter or konmari type thing, just...don’t?

Konmari, decluttering, minimalism is trending these days but it isn’t for everyone. I have a friend that is legit worried and distressed that I’m doing konmari even though I have zero desire to ‘convince’ anyone else to do anything at all with any of THEIR possessions.
My bf is so relieved I’m doing konmari though, poor guy. I was the cluttery partner.
I got better. Very grateful he was patient.

And before anyone comments, no, I’m not touching any his things at all or saying one word.

>Japanese housewifey shinto spiritual beliefs about animism and all your beloved objects having a spirit or something.

Not talking to your gats while cleaning em
What a fag

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Shut your whore mouth Stacy


women were a mistake.

Imagine not communicating with the machine spirits, what a mong.

not a white woman but this tbqh.

based redpilled and genuinely gonna make it


It's like he doesn't want to increase the power and abilities of his weapons and equipment what a fag Lord

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The vast landscapes of knowledge I am yet to walk upon. Knowing that growth awaits me at the corner, and God has in His Will me learning all I will ever need, and so I should not worry.

Also my girlfriend's laughter, and the wonder of my little brother when he understands math.

Existence is good.

This girl at work who im completely in love with who finds me creepy but still talks to me constantly cause im funny (her words)

i like the rise of this Brosnan fat wife architect meme. it is somehow wholesome in a non-HAES celebrating way

Yoga, meditation, reading, playing banjo, my qt 3.14 twink bf, liftin

Don’t get too excited, she has lost weight.

>Watched a bit of one episode and everything seemed quite staged.
you see about half an hour out of 100 hours of recorded footage and most of what you see is either Kondo prompted or when she isn't around the people are being prompted and guided by the production staff. you're right that it is staged because the show needs people to vocalise thier internal thoughts otherwise it is just chubby americans silently putting things in boxes for 45 minutes and i don't think Netflix has quite scraped down the barrel that far yet.

haters btfo

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