Are you below average?

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Nice b8

The average male couldn't even do 5 full ROM pull ups. The average female can't even come close to doing 1

I can do well over nine pull-ups but I seriously fucking doubt the average for men is nine to begin with. I doubt it's even nine for the majority of regular gym goers.

Total bull. I'd bet money the average man cant even do one pullup.

The coping already begins. Yes, the average man can do nine pull-ups. Yes, you are in denial because it took you a couple years of dedicated gym time to reach what the average male can do. This happens every time I post this thread.

I agree, but nice cope fatty, I can do 30 strict with ease.

Mirin those digits

bait. The average man's 1rm bench is 135 lbs, and the average amount of pullups is 1. The average woman can't even do 1. I have a pullup bar in my house and whenever I have friends or hookups over we usually fuck around on the pullup bar. I have yet to see a girl do a single pullup, and this is out of 40-50 chicks attempting. The most pullups with decent form I've ever seen a chick do at the gym is 4, and this chick is pretty solidly built.

You're wrong. The average man can't do 9 chin ups. This is fact. You're getting lost in emotion.

This cannot be true. People look at me like I'm a greek god for doing 1x5 weighted pull ups with 62.5 added. Hell, even with no weight added, people are impressed by pull ups

It’s been studied. On what basis do you say they can’t? Seems like you’re the emotional one.

Is this surprise to anyone? In my class anyone can do at least 12.

Post the study. I guarantee you won't post a study which shows the average man can complete 9 chin ups.

Just because you want something to be true, doesn't make it so.

Nice LARP friend.
Now go shill weight dips on some forum with people who are easily swayed by pathetic stories.

I can do at least 20 and I'm fairly DYEL.

Do them in a perfect form, not too fast, from bottom to top without changing your speed during the whole set. See what you can do and what you can say you do.

Only DYELs are good at pullups. They don't have enough mass for it to be hard


Pretty sure I could do well over 20 pull-ups. Can do a one-arm pull-up that’s full ROM

For anyone wondering those are the averages of people going to the navy and air force.

>average women
>3 pull-ups


my girl has been lifting with me for 6 months on a decent routine and can barely do 1


Fucking embarrassing

my mom does weighted pull ups, and she is 62 years old

You aren't special. My mom can bench 225.

My mom can lift a truck

In what time frame? Banging them out i doubt it. Over 5 minutes probably

she actually only benched 105 for 3 sets of 5 recently so not that good on bench

>mfw mom was a construction worker in high school and college

Only in looks

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I used to be able to do 34 deadhang pullups at 210lbs.
12 with 1pl8.
5 with 2pl8.
I plan on getting back to that level and then surpassing it.

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Fake as fuck. I know guys who can't even do 9 push ups let alone 9 pull ups.

>trust me bro its been studied I just don't have the study aha !

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I can do 20 but I still look DYEL

>t. bloatlord

Skinnyfat ahctyually

Ur mum is dragging catapults to Gondor.

>For anyone wondering those are the averages of people going to the navy and air force

Lmao those aren't even full.pull ups ive seen faggots claim 1/4 rom pull ups as doing one full one
T.chairforce fag


Could bust out like 14 right now. This is a daft measure of fitness though, I'm a skinny nigga who hasn't done fitness in ages but I got small joints and have always just been good at bodyweight shit

I don't even see skinny fags doing full rom pullups, I believe the average young man can do 9 cheat reps though

i bet everyone claps when you do it

Pics of truck?

i cant even jump up so i can do a negative

Do pull-ups really matter? Back when I fiirst started lifting and was DYEL, I could do 10+ no problem. Years later (and 25-30 lbs of muscle later), my lats are much bigger, but I could probably eek out 5 or 6 or so before it starts to feel uncomfortable and I quit. I'm probably a weird case because my left shoulder is kind of fucked up from benching, and that's my weak side that gives out during pull-ups. Should I even care about doing pull-ups at all at this point?

>small joints

just do them you dyel bitch, 6 is pathetic

I am 6'3 175 pounds and I bench my weight but I can barely do 3. I am still the strongest nigger in my class and I'd love to see 25+ year okd fatasses do a single pullup

The hell?

Ya dumb cunts the Candidate Fitness Assessment is conducted for people who is signing up for the military. Obviously people are training for this shit and they mean average candidate not average americunts. You can relax your butt hole now.

Good friend of mine is in quite good shape and does a fair bit of rock climbing and hiking. She can't do 1 pull up so i highly doubt the average for a women is 3.

Most i ever did was like 20 when i was a twink, can probably still bang out 10 pretty comfortably but i weigh 105kg now.

I can do 3x4 full ROM bodyweight bullups.
That said I'm using a doorframe which hurts my hands because I don't like jogging 4 miles to a park that has Pull up bars.

Absolute lie. My high school used to destroy in swimming, powerlifting, and baseball. We weren't bad athletically speaking. My junior year (some fucking transfer beat me senior year) I did 24 pullups and 40 dips unweighted and I won the fitness achievement award that year.
Maybe 8 out of the 1300 people in this school could do 18 fucking pullups.

why is everything cope to you faggots? OP's pic is bullshit, the average man can do maybe 3 legit pull ups.
>inb4 fatty
i can bang out 12-15

Sorry, I was tryna hit the 69 get so I ran out of time to type. Most of the 40 in my conditioning class couldn't do 8. 9 Cannot be average for men. Women can't do pullups for shit. I've also never seen any of our conditioning PE women bench more than 140.

>he coping already begins. Yes, the average man can do nine pull-ups.

I can do 18 and my PR (when I was young) was 27. I'm not convinced the average man can do 9. Perhaps the average gymgoing man but not the average man.

I am the opposite.

7 years ago when I started lifting I couldn't even do 1 single pull-up or chin-up.

7 years later im 40lbs heavier, while being leaner, and can do sets of 16-18 bodyweight.

I can do 30 reps and usually try to do 3 to 4 sets.
tfw I'm peak human

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Maybe stop posting your shitty thread

Look lads we’ve got a badass steely-eyed triggering truth-teller over here. How can we possibly cope?

Also you’re a huge attention-seeking faggot lmfao

I can do 9 with 20KG weight plate... but this is complete bullshit.
Half of America are too fat to run let alone do a single pull-up.

According to this I'm a woman.

I can do 9 but only neutral grip or chin-ups though.
Don't get fat, boyos.

Link to thw study pls. 9 would be believable in age group 15-25, but 35+ males sometimes cant do 9 push ups

Gravitational pull doesn't count as "lifting"

These numbers are total BS.
My GF (not fat, thicc or whatever.. just skinny with big boobs) tried to see how many pull-ups she could do a couple days ago at the gym... she couldn't even begin to move her body upwards... couldn't even begin to bend her elbows. She's about 110lbs and well above average for physical health consider most of America is fat now.
I'm 200lbs and WAY above average from years of weight training and rock climbing. I can do 18 consecutive pull-ups or 24 consecutive chin-ups.

This is the ROM they probably counted in the study.

>3 pull ups
Sure thing bud

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I can do 4 chin ups

Fucking manlets your only redeeming quality is that your strength is high relative to your body weight fcuk you, your lifts dont fucking count as twice as good just because you weigh 135 pounds you fucking faggot holy fuck i hate this shit add 1plate then see how many pullups you do retarded dwarf

We are only calling palm facing inwards pull ups right? Which are easy, as they use the biceps, palms out are heaves which are significantly more difficult

>It took years of dedicated gym time to do what the average can do

Did they ask teenagers or something?
I remember being able to do like 20 pullups when I was 14, but I was a scrawny fuck who just got a test boost due to puberty.
I doubt that the average 200 pound male is able to do even two pullups

I can do 20 deadhang so no.

>sKiNnY kNeEs

what in the world is this bullshit. Cough up a source, OP.
A woman who can do 3 pullups is incredibly strong. Maybe 1 in 100 women can do three pullups. Even among strong, fit, gym-going women it's very rare to see a woman do multiple pullups. The vast, vast, vast majority of women are nowhere near doing even a single pullup.

The numbers for men are also bullshit. Most untrained males can't even do one pullup.
Granted, most well-trained men can easily do 9 pullups (unlike 3 for well trained women), but there are far too few well trained men, so there's no way the gym going population is able to bring the average all the way up to nine.

Do you know how easy it is to get to 18 pullups if you really focus on it for a while ?

more like peak skeleton

OP and other brainlets in this thread don't understand the difference between average and median.
median number of pull ups is definitely less than 9 for men considering at least half the wests population is overweight or obese.

10/10 bait OP this thrrad is great

You know word has likely gotten around and ur mates and hookups all probably refer to you as the nice but weird lad that makes his guests perform pull-ups and other humiliating feats of strength

i can do 15

Im at 20

So you suggest that there are enough people who bang out significantly more than 9 pullups, to bring the average up to 9. Are you retarded?

this thread lmao
I never knew that americans had such trouble doing pull ups.
Me and my brother grew up doing them everyday.
I can do 48

by the metrics probably used in this study I could do 100+

Super Satan out here trying to deceive people again.

depends on your body weight.

the average man cant do 2. its either a fake study or they mean the average man who works out (but thats still wrong)

even in boot camp during pullups the average recruit cant do 9. unless you train to do them you cant, and most people dont train pullups at all

ur mum so fat she a crane lmao

No, but there is no way in hell that is true. Maybe among people who lift or have an active lifestyle, but not among the unwashed hordes of fatasses, basedboys, and couch potatoes.

I can do 20 strict pullups at 190 lb bodyweight. Or 5 reps with +90 lbs weighted.

>average for men is 9
>average for women is 3
Yeah, these numbers are bullshit. The average woman can't do a single pullup. The average man can probably do 3 at most, and that's being generous.

Epic troll thread, OP

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How often was she gangbanged?

Most men can barely do a single pullup let alone 9

Even worse.
That's the US army's average.

Last time I maxxed I got 33

33 is pretty good, BW? Im 5'11 183 and my max is around 24 and my pullups i always considered good

most women can't even do a single pullup, no way the average is three

I really want to do pull ups but my arms will balloon like crazy, which is not flattering for me (femanon). Is there any way I can increase strength without looking like shehulk?

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