Be me

>be me
>start adding sugar to my coffee
>+60 calories
>coffee tastes much better
>no longer feel hungry
>eat less
>lose weight
wtf you told me sugar was bad for me.

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I hate you so, so fucking much.

sugar isn't the big bad that this board and other keto/paleo communities make it out to be.

How can 60 calories of sugar sate you that much?
If anything wouldn't it just induce hunger because simple sugars are metabolized quickly?

>How can 60 calories of sugar sate you that much?
I have no idea. Maybe this has to do with the fact that I hardly ever eat sweet stuff? For example, here's what I ate today:

Morning: 4 eggs and 2 slices of bacon
Lunch: mixed veggies and pork loin
Afternoon: an apple and 2 cups of coffee (2 sugar packets in each)
Dinner: 2 tilapia fillets, bowl of vegetable soup, navel orange

Total: ~1,500 calories.

I also began to feel much more focused than usual when I drink coffee with sugar.

I am completely indifferent to your pathetic existence.

you're just a confused faggot that has no idea what is going on in your life, and ask stupid fucking questions for attention. Congrats on losing water weight.



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Haha imagine if op and the cuck cabal got doxed

I can't be the only one who mixes protein powder with coffee, right? It actually tastes pretty good once and fills me up.

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I hope everyone realizes the extent that these race baiting threads have become. They start the thread with all these race mixing pictures (which honestly is fine with me because we need genes to further randomize) yet a lot of you insecure fagots are obviously triggered by it. So i hope yall take note, race bait pic, with honest open-ended question

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P.S. you guys are being socially engineered and altered by others trying to race bait. Its the -insert unfavorable subjective race-

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You know that she's a working girl, right? You know that she literally charged him more because he's black, right?

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>we need to race mix because we need our genes to further randomize
I'm not sure who told you that, but the genetic diversity meme refers to species with very small populations that are much more genetically homogeneous than any existing population of 1st world humans. In order for deleterious expression of recessive genes, you would need to literally mate exclusively with individuals who are traceably related to you for several generations

Like you would if you mixed it with water, I use vanilla flavor since it goes well with coffee.

Sure thing, tranny
I mean, fellow fitizen

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Like jews, and indians, and well most of the middle east...and tiny towns of whites.

Reminder tranny discord has constantly admitted to spamming cuckporn and they are getting smarter by spamming shit threads
This guy () has the right idea

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Just take coffee, brew it, and then put it in the fridge when it cools down a bit. Then take it and mix it.

A better tasting way is to take coffee grounds and put them in a French press and then let it sit for over 24 hours for some cold brew coffee. More caffeine kick, better taste, and it mixes really well with whey.

what the fuck kinda schizophrenic type shit are you on faggot? if you deduce normal fitizens into your cucked nightmare then youre fucked faggot

It's better for you to put butter in your coffe, it tastes better and fill you up more


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I've tried this but it tastes like shit. Sugar and creamer are infinitely better.

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>you told me the fundamental and most bioavailable nutrient was bad for me
no bro you gotta eat PALEO to be like your grocery store hunter gatherer ancestors :-)

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not everyone is the same
I've experimented with diets (meaning nutritional plans, not "cutting" diets) long enough to realize sugar is simply not for me

It will fuck your teeth up