I do it for her unironically
Why do you lift?
Other urls found in this thread:
As a girl's height goes up, I want to be even shorter
To kill trannies
Based and redpilled
For Tilda
So I can one day have my own harem of twinks
To compensate for my lack of personality and social status, a fit body and a pretty face gets you pussy easier anyway. I still look like absolute shit tho :^)
To kill Nazis
I do it for her literally and figuratively.
Even metaphysically.
Any time I think about skipping a workout I think about collecting nazi teeth. Always gets me to the gym.
Boi thats tall af and she is ultra skinny, but the face is where i drop my spaghetti
Hitler or something to do. I dunno anymore
For the King.
>fucked by tom hiddleston
I'm 6'2.
Good she is gorgeous. I want her so bad
Lidderally who?
For the upcoming race war, for my futute wife and children to have a strong male to be their guiding light.
Elizabeth Banks i think
Where do I get a tall gf in El Burgerstan?
Mai waifu of 11 years.
Debicki, not Banks.
Fucking based. I'm so fucking sick of those retard monsters.
to impress my gf. She asked me on a date before I started lifting, I basically want to mogg her in aesthetics and make her work for my attention and affection
based and pimp-pilled
So I don't hate myself anymore
Is it working?
How do you guys feels when someone and you have the same waifu of yours?
Oof. Cringed hard.
I love the gym community. I was a shut in before lifting, so being around people is comforting.
to kill and be unkillable
Every waifu is unique to her user, just like how every user that has the same waifu is different from the next.
The "character" from the source material identified as a waifu might be the same between two waifu posters but the reasons why she became you're waifu, or "found you", will be different.
Your bond with her is specialized as essentially you are in love with your concept of her, and not of others.
It shouldn't matter if someone has waifu'd the same character you have because you have no control over that.
Makise Kurisu is arguably the most popular waifu on anonymous Mongolian tractor racing forums and that's because she is versatile and draws in a lot of anons that wish to protecc and love her.
Each of those anons have a concept of her that is unique to them so when you "claim" a waifu what you're really stating is that you have a special relationship with a particular character from a particular source material.
Apologies for rambling, I phoneposted this.
ASR is so tiny and THICK.
I want to run up throw her over my shoulder and flee into the sunset.
Balls deep poundings tender love and multiple children in our future.
You know why.
i do it so i feel better about myself. i consider myself a disappointment and i shut myself off from everything because i don't really want to keep pretending that everything is alright and that i am not miserable. at least when i am solitude i can act like a Calhoun mouse and treat myself well and enjoy my time without acting false in front of other people.
all my self improvement is really about making me feel as i am worthy of myself. i haven't really explained it well.
IU is a manifestation of my goal, in woman form.
this should be read out by Rog
Basedboy , just a test since there are rumors this word is no longer filtered.
Oh dear oh god
>tfw 6 feet
>tfw will never have lanklet elf goddes gf for which I have to get stronger to protect
>tfw will never get absolutely height mogged by her wearing high heels
For me, it's Timothee Chalamet.
Almost nobody has had her as their waifu for as long as I have had her, so I already mog them there with 99.9% probability.
Beyond that, she's mine. Others may appreciate the source character for however they interpret her, but my waifu is mine and mine alone. She is unique and though others may have similar waifus, even seemingly identical ones, they do not share what my waifu and I share.
This guy said it well. Saving.
huh, thats only 1 cm taller than me
so i DO have a chance :D
This is how cucks actually think.
People are still jerking off to the exact same images as you lmao
Because I get some fucked up sense of attraction to myself when I see progress and that attitude makes people literally flock to me compared to when im normal mode.
To try and ward off my depression and escape my crippling loneliness.
For the 14 words.
No she is mine
damn he is cute
It's fun and I'm good at it.
I'm sexually quite submissive. I really like femdom and stuff. But I'm also not personally a beta, you see my dilemma?
Solution: I'm submissive like a restrained mustang is submissive. I'm a buff dude and I look good in leather straps.
Normies aren't expected to understand otaku concepts.
Way to miss the entire point.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
För kung och fosterland.
They need to be publicly executed
For the person I know I can be
For her.
Someone's actually fucking that 3d woman you're chasing, though.
I lift for The Empire.
Lost not [F]orgotten.
Chill out, Drake.
For Her.
I don't even know why I'm doing anything anymore, I'm just waiting around to die at this point
When I kill myself I will have nearby a clipboard holding a sheet of paper with nothing else written down on it but this.
this is weird
To prepare
My only true love
Kiki, do you love me?
Will i share a, cell with cosby?
What do you get out of constantly shitspamming nazi's?
In not even a single generation no one will know what nazi's are except low tier scumbags and the entire fucking populace will look down on them and people like you who constantly try to keep them fresh in the minds of idiots.
Our ancestors are watching us and also for Him.
Based and sickomodepilled
Wrong. Your great-great-grandchildren will be daily reminded about the evil Nazis and how they murdered 6 gorillion Jews.
For the Lord, and for the waifu He has given me.
for her
to climb to treacherous heights, to sail forbidden seas and conquer barbarous coasts.
No problem with other people having the same waifu, but I'm not going to befriend someone that faps to his waifu.
You have to keep your waifu clean and pure.
Because I have nothing else to do. I'm stuck in this degenerate city for the next 3 1/2 years. Everything I did for fun back home is either illegal or cost prohibitive here. The only thing I have in common with my classmates or city people in general is that I can put alcohol away like none-other, and that's not a healthy lifestyle. So I lift and focus my time on self improvement and finding a wife.
>she will never take you into her ice castle and feed you turkish delight
So I can find a twink to feed titty skittles
To help protect my people from genocide
I lift for my bros.
Every rep if one step closer to bringing the west back into the empire.
This is the most unfathomable yet patrician taste in waifus. I don't agree yet I can't help but feel that my disagreement is somehow due to my own inadequacy in some indefinable quality I cannot name
To know defeat.
Absolute man of culture right here, I also am a death row convict myself.
Girls come in two groups.
>Team Loki
>Team Thor
>Debicki doesn't like twink Loki
>She's waiting for her buffdaddy Thor
Time to get hoisting, lads.
To stay true to the 14 words and be a strong father one day to many strong white sons.
I have never trusted women who make the first move. Weird question, but have you run into any problems that are related to that, do you think?