Does Jow Forums fuck woth thc? Currently deciding whether to smoke or not. Doesnt mess with gains at all. Its great.
Does Jow Forums fuck woth thc? Currently deciding whether to smoke or not. Doesnt mess with gains at all. Its great
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but most of all
I vape (thc) every night before bed. Only downside is that sometimes it makes me hungry. Which is annoying when trying to lose weight.
Just CBD because I work in refineries a lot and there are, like, three sources that may request urine/hair/saliva tests at any given time for any given thing.
Helps my anxiety and irritability
Limit use to a few times a week, otherwise the experience will start to deteriorate with time, even if you increase dosage. Getting addicted to THC is possible but leaning yourself off it is rather easy.
Reminder that weedlmao and all other faggot ways to repress your feelings absolutely fuck your test levels and ruin you as a man
>doing drugs
Unironically kill yourself. Unless you absolutely need it for some medical purpose you're fucking your brain up and should die.
Also this
I speak from experience. Smoked pot for like 4 or 5 years. Least productive and most depressive years of my entire life.
Edibles my frens. Doesn't have the downsides of smoking, has a deeper and longer high, and even if you are a paranoid smoker you will be chill after eating.
Can also work it into your macros, I'm sure you could buy or make protein pot cookies/brownies.
>Least productive and most depressive years of my entire life.
That's on you user, the stuff makes me more creative and want to think a lot more. Fucking Retarded while on it but in general it inspires me to do more and better the next day.
Joe Rogan smokes dude lmao daily and is bigger then most of this board. Other then making you a zombie and making dieting harder I doubt it does anything to you. Also maybe it's the way some people should go since the white race is basically on its knees and male thinking isn't acceptable in 2019 anyway so I understand why some people need to check out
t.dosent smoke at all
Fuck off tranny
Based as FUCK.
Drugs are definitely bluepilled. Marijuana especially
Literally introduced to these brass knuckle pens a couple months ago and the game has been changed
>weed represses feelings
I smoke pot maybe once a month. Every single time i smoke, i have crazy anxiety about how much of a failure i am and it sometimes transitions into a full blown panic attack.
I still hope one day ill enjoy it.
You’re not being paranoid - Pot is genuinely for losers. If you don’t like it no reason to go on.
I dont want to become lower in IQ and lazy so i dont smoke
THC inhibits REM sleep and negatively affects recovery and testosterone levels, also you are a faggot retard
We got a regular Albert Einstein here boys
Thats why pot helps. It helps you understand your self more and where you have to work on. Those feelings are there for a reason fren
Stop tripfagging, mongoloid.
Joe rogan is on trt because his test levels were shit. This proves the point of weed fucking you up.
I'm currently using it to replace alcohol
feels pretty good desu
If you're not doing it yet, I don't see any reason why you should start. Sometimes do it recreationally, and stop there, if you're interested in what's it like. It destroys ambitions, believe me, I've seen to many examples.
Only helps if you use it rarely. Do it all the time, and you'll accept mediocrity. It affects your dopamine circuit, and soon your feedback loop destroys itself.
Stopping restores it, don't get me wrong.
It doesn't understand yourself more you stoner faggot. Go spend the day by yourself or do some hard labor and you'll understand. Pathetic drug needing cunt
You cant manufacture your own dopamine through achievement and success, so you use narcotics, video games, and masturbation to fill that void.
Weed = your brain has been kiked.
I vape the marijawana maybe 3-4 times a week. Someone I know hooks me up with as many Bloom cartridges as I could ever want so it's pretty sweet.
not necessarily
Sometimes you can enjoy achievements/success/whatever and reward yourself with a little more intense experience with the help of drugs.
Also weed didnt prevent arnold from being the best.
Any drug as a habit is bad ofc(this includes caffeine)
Its your inner self dumbass. Youre explore your sub concsious, your inner supressed thoughts and feelings that need to be resolved. Thats why a lot of poeple get anxiety because they ignore these issues that they dont deal with or ignore when sober.
Any proof on this? Joe rogan smokes all the time and hes more alpha than this board despite being short.
Dan Bilzerian smokes... He's Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and he smokes... Obviously has high test, we should all strive to be Dan
>Jow Forums and Jow Forums
he was born rich and is on steroids
live your own life retard
Yeah, Rogan is an interesting example. Even though he doesn't smoke as much anymore either. I think he might be an exception to the rule. Although after 2017's sober october, he admitted (though pretty unwillingly) that putting down weed did good for him.
My only proof is the general population, and quite a few personal acquaintances. There's a reason the smoker stereotype exists. Just go visit reddit, and see the apologist's mindset. Very feminine, weak, and herd-like personality and accounts.
thats just reddit though
TRT's a damn good thing. Also only fairly recently has he begun smoking so much pot.
Also, do you think he actually "won" all that money? starting from 0:30 you can see all the signs of a child caught lying. Don't even know why he didn't just pretend to not sit there because he wasn't interested. The man claimed he played online poker on multiple screens at a time. So why is he so stressed during a routine game, even if it's played after a longer hiatus? He constantly listens to the other guys' opinions, and frequently looks back to them for approval.
The guy's still pretty alpha though, but I think it's just all the lifting and pussy he's getting that makes him so, not his achievements.
Based and redpilled dubsgetter.
No its true though, why would any one risk that?
>Just reddit
Don't go looking for excuses. Reddit is the melting pot for higher than average iq, intellectual and open people. Pretty much a quarter of the population (if not more) is represented on that site, believe it or not. After the frankfurt school, cultural marxism a la feminine ideology has dominated that sphere of our culture.
Not only reddit, but tumblr, imgur and the likes are all made up of a majority of self-patting individuals, readily reenforcing each other's delusions. Many of these sites infused together raise that representation to about half of the population, even the low iq hubs like instagram are all about acceptance.
Weed is the perfect drug to reinforce that feminine state of mind. As mentioned, you accept mediocrity after realising you aren't going to achieve more. Weed doesn't let the small things take effect on your dopamine system, so you just keep digging a deeper hole around you.
Im considering switching from alcohol to cannabis since i normally have a couple glasses of wine a day, i have an anxiety disorder and i dont know if it would help or hurt,
i live in canada so its legal here