Got the surgery for this done on Sunday Jow Forums.
My face is still swollen/bruised like fuck and I'm forbidden to have any non-liquid foods for the next three weeks. On a fuck load of medicine too and I'm a bit worried since I haven't taken a dump since Saturday night.
I've been told that lol. You have an idea when the swelling dies down officially No thanks I was the third patient to get a surgery like this last week. I doubt it's that fatal. Hmm.....
Ryder Thomas
what is the surgery called? did you try jaw exercises before?
I had this surgery too + tonsils out at the same time, extremely painful. Results will be worth it though, hang in there.
What pain medication did you get? I got oxycodone or whatever it’s called and I can see why it can be addictive - it feels amazing.
Mason Gutierrez
Overbite surgery or "Corrective Jaw Surgery" >did you try jaw exercises before? Yes but they were useless. My lower jaw had fully recessed behind my upper jaw. I looked like this thing. Good luck! >I had this surgery too + tonsils out at the same time, extremely painful Lol I got my wisdom teeth removed too >What pain medication did you get? I got oxycodone or whatever it’s called and I can see why it can be addictive - it feels amazing. I think I had that in the hospital room + a few steroid tablets. I'm at home now so I only have some painkillers with me.
nigger that's just called not holding your head up properly, you wasted a shitload of money and it's just going to relapse
how do you expect surgery to give you good head posture. i know a guy looks just like that at my work and he's the laziest, most self-pitying loser i've ever known
Jose Bailey
>nigger that's just called not holding your head up properly, you wasted a shitload of money and it's just going to relapse Yeah no. Literally none of this is right. >how do you expect surgery to give you good head posture. i know a guy looks just like that at my work and he's the laziest, most self-pitying loser i've ever known It's not about head posture.
if you hold your head up right, and you get all the tension out of your jaw (usually takes a decent massage, and then toning up of the muscles) then it aligns properly
you got jewed
Zachary Cox
Austin Green
says the guy who was a literal mouth breather
Jaxon Brooks
Extra teeth, lost teeth, impacted teeth, or abnormally shaped teeth have been cited as causes of malocclusion. A small underdeveloped jaw, caused by lack of masticatory stress during childhood, can cause tooth overcrowding.[8][9] Ill-fitting dental fillings, crowns, appliances, retainers, or braces as well as misalignment of jaw fractures after a severe injury are other causes. Tumors of the mouth and jaw, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, pacifier use beyond age 3, and prolonged use of a bottle have also been identified as causes.[10]
In an experiment on two groups of rock hyraxes fed hardened or softened versions of the same foods, the animals fed softer food had significantly narrower and shorter faces and thinner and shorter mandibles than animals fed hard food.[8] Experiments have shown similar results in other animals, including primates, supporting the theory that masticatory stress during childhood affects jaw development. Several studies have shown this effect in humans.[11][12] Children chewed a hard resinous gum for two hours a day and showed increased facial growth.[9]
During the transition to agriculture, the shape of the human mandible went through a series of changes. The mandible underwent a complex series of shape changes not matched by the teeth, leading to incongruity between dental and mandibular form. These changes in human skulls may have been "driven by the decreasing bite forces required to chew the processed foods eaten once humans switched to growing different types of cereals, milking and herding animals about 10,000 years ago."
Noah Kelly
what do i do if i have the chin of moonman?
Isaiah Perez
if you die can I have your playstation?
Christopher Reyes
Just look up StartingFace in the archive in 2 weeks you'll start to see results, in 6 months you'll have a new face
Hudson Butler
>implying I didn't try all of that I don't think you get when I say my jaw was literally recessed. Like right behind my front teeth naturally and no amount of exercises I did moved it. This surgery was a last resort. Try some exercises. If that doesn't fix it the rest is up to you. You can have my house
Jordan Morales
does your mouth feel weird now the teeth are lined up differently than before?
Angel Perez
Not saying I doubt you, but I would like to see where you got this info, I'd like to read a bit of the footnotes, myself
Evan Collins
My jaw was split into two and pushed back into place using bolts and screws. Of course it's going to feel weird.
Liam Collins
I will have this kind of surgery soon but for under bite. Are you going to have to use braces after this to correct the teeth?
Levi Jackson
very interested in this thing but the chance of paralysis scares the shit out of me
Nolan Robinson
Just fucking google a sentance you brainlet.
Jaxon Murphy
I got braces prior to this and was told that even though my teeth were going to be straightened I was still going to have a large gap between my teeth.
I still have my braces on except they've been tied together with a wire to ensure my mouth stays closed. The only thing small enough to get past my teeth is a straw so that's how I've been having my breakfast/lunch/dinner recently. Soup, milk and ice tea.
It's not easy desu but I think it's worth it.
Camden Gutierrez
Go to a credible doctor with several years of experience in the field and a good reputation and you should be fine.
Matthew Diaz
doesn't sound pleasant, how long will it take?
Joshua Russell
>doesn't sound pleasant, how long will it take? For the wire to be removed? A week.
For me to start eating properly? I can begin to have stuff like porridge and scrambled eggs two after the surgery itself. Before is just liquids.
Zachary Allen
Shh user you're not a doctor, and if you were, you're not OP's doctor. Just shut the fuck up, learn to be wiser by observing.
> worried since I haven't taken a dump since Saturday night
You worries are going to be replaced with torrents of shit soon enough with that liquid diet.
Hunter Moore
I think it's still risky no matter what, though of course an expert probably negates the risk to negligible levels, but then it might start to get costly.
Grayson Wood
>just massage that receded chin away if this is not bait then what the fuck
Elijah Green
how visible are the scars?
Michael Rivera
can you explain what they actually do to reposition the jaw? I've been looking at implants, but I get the sense that this was more invasive
and: what can go wrong/what are the risks? is it "permanent" or will you need work on it later in life?
Landon Cook
I'd welcome any kind of shit right now desu. All I've had over the past couple of days is piss and some really smelly farts. It's not as dangerous as you think desu. Haven't taken off my bandages. Still got my swollen face. But I shouldn't have any scars.
Owen Mitchell
not OP but getting the same surgery in a few months. First you get braces, this gets your teeth nice and perfect, they add hooks to your braces, then in surgery they cut your lower jaw off at the rear, pull it forward and use metal plates and screws to hold it in position, then your mouth is wired shut using the hooks installed earlier, usually for about 2 weeks, the bone will then start to grow in the gap that created when the jaw was pulled forward, usually after about 6 months the jaw has fully grown into the gap but the metal plates and screws are left installed.
Alexander Wilson
>can you explain what they actually do to reposition the jaw? I've been looking at implants, but I get the sense that this was more invasive Cut it perpendicular to the jaw. Insert a plate. Push the lower jaw forward. Seal with bolts and screws.
At least that's how it is with the overbite.
>and: what can go wrong/what are the risks? is it "permanent" or will you need work on it later in life? My jaw should be as strong as it was before in a couple of months. I won't need to work on it later at all.
A couple of risks I suppose are accidentally damaging it while in it's a fragile state but really that goes for all surgeries.
Luke Gray
you can also cut and move the upper jaw
looks absolutely horrifying on camera
Kayden Torres
yikes boys
might be too much of a pussy to pull through with this despite my otherwise attractive face being absolutely murdered by a slim jaw and receded chin
I go from 5/10 to 7.5/10 by just pushing my jaw out manually. fuck.
Sebastian Cooper
At the end of the day it's all up to you. I've always considered myself adaptable so I was able to get used to this quickly enough. If it's not the same for you then no pressure.
The worst part imo so far is the liquid diet. Shit just makes feel woozy.
Samuel Ward
did you use a reputable doctor and pay out your ass or did you just yolo it and take a local one?
feel like if I ever did this I'd have to be rich enough to get the very fucking best; I'd be terrified of fucking something up permanently
and seriously, your shits are the worst part about the process? :/
Noah Miller
Why do people post this stuff on fit? It's just going to get removed asap lol. And what does jaw surgery have to do with making it lmao.
Alexander Morales
>>lol >>lmao
Jack Smith
not OP and in aus, mine is going to be about 40k not including 10k for the braces, I know lots of people fly to thailand for it because it's way cheaper there but I can afford the cost and not into going to third world countries for surgery/
James Anderson
You might get jaw surgery but your genetics are still fucked and I feel sorry for any mate you trick into procreating with your inferior genetic code
Angel Torres
You don't know anything about genetics, brainlet
Bentley Ramirez
Lmfao ok get your jaw surgery just remember save some money for your kid's one too, fucking loser
Jackson Jones
You're on opiates right? They cause constipation just drink tons of water and know that you really can only shit once every week or two
>T. Heroin addict
Xavier Ramirez
recessed jaw isnt genetic. I had a jaw surgery too. very happy with it, it helped me lose alot of weight since i didnt eat. and that even trumped the result of the surgery it self. im very happy i did it
I had Lefort I for SARPE in 2016. DJS + Genio a year ago and rhinoplasty in November. No amount of posture correction or tongue thrusting was going to help. Had a helluva lot of congenital defects that are all corrected now. No regrets, but don't judge yourself until at least 6 months down the road. The swelling can really linger
Alexander Gutierrez
>nigger that's just called not holding your head up properly, you wasted a shitload of money and it's just going to relapse dont listen to this guy, they literally cut your jaw and extend it with a few metal plates