What are the chances I meet a cute virgin girl willing to get down with me. Still a virgin, currently using Tinder, but not sure if many (or any) girls there are actual virgins. Should I try places like nightclubs? I'm not 21 yet though, so I'd need a fake ID
Do muscles attract virgin girls?
infuriated incels incoming
>not even 21
>already obsessing over muh virginity
Save yourself now bro
Bro, just looking to find some love in this world, you don't need to be harsh.
there are 20 something year old virgins
They are NOT on tinder
they are not in night clubs
They are probably studying at university, only caring about class and their female friends and are very shy and not outgoing
Fuck, going to have to focus on college then. I don't really hand with people from here though so I'll have to start making some friends
Isn't it a little bit early for these baits?
and they're probably ugly and/or insane.
Fine with me dude, people tell me I'm autistic, so I wouldn't mind a psycho girl lol
You have to look in the playgrounds to find those.
Fuck man, is it that bad?
I know this is bait, but psycho girls are just as dangerous as psycho men. You don't want a crazy gf.
If you find a virgin, she’s likely lying about it for whichever reason. Either way just run with it though, no point in being like “wait just a ding dong diddly darn minute, you’re throwing that shit back like a seasoned thot! You’re no virgin!”
Girls start having sex at 14. Mega sluts probably at 12.
What about the nonslutty ones?
Here's an actual red pill for ya, mate. Masturbation. Exists. My first time I lasted over an hour even though I was a virgin. Why? Because I actually practiced.
you act like you did it to last longer and not because you were horny
muscles attract all kind of girls, good luck finding a virgin thou
You want to know what body attracts girls? Just a good natural athletic physique
stop lying, everyone knows you cum faster on your first time and masturbating too much can even turn you into a premature ejaculator, the only way to last a little longer is with circuncision
When I was at uni a lot of girls were most likely virgins. They were more often than not the quiet ones that didn't want to go clubbing and shit which is fair enough. Aside from that, a lot of them went to all girls schools (and boys to all boy schools).
Honestly if you want a qt virgin going to the library will be better than a nightclub where all the sloots are.
Yes muscles will attract any girl including shy ones but muscles might put them off at first because of stereotypes. Depends how you come across bro.
my first time I didn't cum fast at all cause i didn't know what i was supposed to be feeling,
the first few times i fucked were unironically my longest fucks ever
Churches too!
The more men a woman has slept with the crazier she is.
No virgin girl uses tinder.
Try discord servers, lots of awkward shy cuties, but also lots of trannies, creeps, and underage b& so tread carefully
All women are the same
What attracts a virgin will attract a non-virgin
Stop pedestalizing these bitches
Not true. My first time i couldnt even come because too much porn and fapping desensitized me. Went on nofap and now i cum too fast. Oh well
with what purpose? what is your end goal? will you be a better a better person, or more achieved if you do?
>All women are the same
>What attracts a virgin will attract a non-virgin
Not true at all.
Virgins, women with few partners, and women who've been around the block many many many times are different on a genetic level.