When will you guys begin your summer cut? Has it been a successful bulk? How much did you gain? How much will you lose?
When to start cutting for summer
Too late usually.
End of February beginning of March.
that's pretty late. you will miss the begning of summer for sure being a bit fat
I’m currently 6’2, 235 lbs, and I’ve been lifting about 3 years and I just never had the motivation to cut. I’m finally doing it this year bros. I’m hoping to be down to around 15% body fat or less by May. Currently eating 1200 below maintenance but will decrease my decficit the lower I get.
>1200 below maintenance
enjoy losing your gains
I’m probably low 20s BF right now and I haven’t noticed any strength losses in the gym. If my lifts go down at all I will decrease my deficit.
I was bulking very successfully this winter but I broke my collarbone and needed surgery, haven't been to gym in a few weeks and I'm starting to get soft. Should I keep eating a lot to try to keep my gains and get a bit fat, or cut.
eat maintenance with high protein
If you’re recovering from an injury do not cut. Your body needs the macros to repair the broken bone.
That's what I was thinking. I'd rather recover faster and have to burn the fat off.
I made the mistake last year of wanting to go below 12% body fat. Not making that mistake again.
I prob won't end up cutting this year. I've been stuck at 180 for the past couple months despite "bulking". Haven't made any progress on my lifts
Are they photoshopping Zyzz to be small or is my dysmorphia just getting worse?
He looks like a twink.
I started on the new year to get in touch with my brethren.
I've got a good 11 weeks to go, it hasn't been that bad so far, vascularity and definition is up, and I'll start adding in some LISS cardio sessions soon because I don't like going below ~1800-2500 Cal a day.
believe it or not, zyzz wasnt born ripped!
If you unrionically want to be bigger than Zyzz in that picture you have severe muscle dysmorphia
What if you're already ~15% BF and only plan on cutting for a month?
im cutting now ive cut 10 pound this month with 500 calories a day i need 25 more pounds to lose by june. bloatmaxx was successful
5'11 bulked to 88kg from 77kg dk body fat, what I should cut to or when to start advice would be nice
Currently ~70kg at about 20%, want to get to 15%, so 5% is 3,5kg, this takes about 7 weeks at 500 calories below maintenance. I want to be done at the start of April, so I'll start in two weeks (4th of February)
>500 cal a day
Farewell anons gains
Why was Zyzz always photograpphed with ugly women? Or has porn just destroyed my expectations?
>roiding for this
Clean bulk for month or two, then cut. Looking pretty nice bruh.
Assume your cut will take twice as long as you plan
cheers brah, I have 90 as my goal weight then I'll probably cut as weight gain progress is slowing! what should I cut to 80-82? I want to get pretty shredded for summer 77kg was to lean last year looked like an Ethiopian
I'm 6'0 185lbs. I started working out about 5months ago and lifts have been good, but I don't feel I'm big enough to cut yet.
Thicc juicy boi
honestly isn't looking too bad at this point.. If it was me I would probably just maintain during summer and then bulk even more next winter.
>27 / 2 / 21 / 1
show body
Hmm I think 84kg would be pretty decent. You seem like you are at 11-13% bf, so that would take you to single digits or 10% so I think thats enough. Im sure you would already impress chicks with that physique.
That all depends on what your BF% is, what your goal BF% is, and what cutting method you use.
I've found that fasting for a week actually does wonders, and strength loss wasn't any worse than a traditional cut. So I'm just going to continue lean bulking. Fast for a week in May. Maybe again in July if needed.
I'd say 11-13 is generous but thanks, might compromise 83kg would mind being zyzz ripped but with out roids that isn't happening kek. yeah birds definitely like it
thanks mate, really maintain the thicc status over summer that hadn't crossed my mind desu, might that's would give me a good base for next year
hello ukanon, benefits underclass here
where to get mega cheap protein supplements, and cheap protein-rich food? I have a Morrisons in my town
that obviouse huh? you want filthy cheap bulk buy brown rice (surprisingly high protein content for a carb), dry lentils, dry beans (literally any you can find), own brand tuna and eggs literally the only foods you need aslong as you have some onion garlic and curry spices you're good and oats of course. anything else you want to know?
if you're that fucking poor though, legit go to your local food bank apparently they even have whole chickens
my mum is going to foodbank tomorrow, holy shit this is good news
I have 3 HUGE bags of basmati rice in my house cause I love it
dry lentils? are these really that rich in protein?
yeah bro they're the hidden gem of bodybuilding convenience food literally take 20 mins to cook! how old are you btw?
Already started but I'm a fat fuck with 20-22% bf so I'm an exception
I'm going to have abs for the first time of my life this summer, wish me luck
Zyzz was a twink. Imagine roiding to be like 200.
Ruhl is a good goal body.
This week. Summer starts early in Florida.
Start cutting now at a very small (-300) caloric deficit. This way you have enough time to lose your fat (depending on your bf% ofc) while minimizing muscle loss.
bbbb-but asthetics bruh?
in all honesty zyzzs type physique was attainable naturally which is why he's so idolised. but he had god like insertions and fat distribution
I just started working out again after a few months hiatus and I think I'll just keep bulking. I'm an ectomorph with a low BF% so I don't think I'll put on too much fat in a caloric surplus. I want to maximize my gains this year. Next year summer I'll probably cut through.
I'm afraid of losing my gains. Bulked for 5 years (about 80 lbs) and trying to cut now. Down almost 10 lbs since November. Goal is 30 by May, 50 by August.
Will continue bulking until mid Feb or early March, then cut to 190.
You'll be disappointed.
my stats are 18 take away 2 years, 6'2", 85kg
currently bulking and am struggling to find the 120g of protein a day (not cause of how much I have to eat, but the fact I don't have anything to eat)
college is meant to help me with money but they're not for some reason
By "gains" do you mean disgusting rolls of fat? Just cut god fucking damn it
I mean my meager numbers.
This. 12% is the sweet spot for a natty. Low enough to have some definition, but high enough to carry some size and not look DYEL in clothes. Any lower than that and you start getting diminishing returns bad, where every little bit of fat burned also comes at the expense of an ever-increasing amount of muscle being wasted too.
Like late April.
I need your help fit. I've been bulking for 8 weeks successfully and now I'm right at 15% bf. My lifts arent that great.
Do I keep bulking or cut before I get fat?
Bulking is a meme. You can make gains in the 12-14% range. I started at 138, currently 190 around 10% bf. Never went above 14%, kept abs the whole time.
Just adjust calories to around +/- 500 of what you determine your baseline needs to be.
Massive 1000+ surplus bulls are only really needed when you're trying to maximize roids on a cycle.
I'll probably start cutting in April.
I targeted 1 lb per week. Before this I cut to about 10% but didn't look good because I was weak. My lifts stagnated for over a month.
Started cutting last week. I'm still hellbent on keeping most of my gains, and trying to squeeze a little bit more strength in while I'm cutting.
I'm currently eating 1800 kcal per day with 150-180g of protein. Will I lose my gains? I'm trying to hit 12% by april.
I'm still bulking and will continue till the end of march/start of april
I still want to build more muscle, plus I don't think you can really call it a "cut" if you need months to do it, thats just being fat and losing weight
This took you five fucking years? Assuming these are all 1RM you haven't got no gains, just cut and figure out a real program this fall.
The sad thing is I hit those numbers at year 2 and have only been maintaining since then. Split shifts will zap you like hell. I miss my college lifting schedule.
Bro you need to lose weight.
I know. I gained 30 lbs in 6 months moving from landscaping on days to desk job on nights. Then 6 months later got a desk job on days. Still trying to work that off and just got my lifts back to normal a few weeks ago.
5"10.5, started off 53kg/116lb skinnyfat, bulked up to 67kg/147lb and looking to cut about 8-9kg across 3 months. Should be at about 11% bf for the end of May then I can just lean bulk. Also I know this sounds retarded but I may have a 10 pack, I noticed that feeling around under the flab I have like 4-5 sets of abs, can't wait to find out.
never had abs before. supposedly 14-15 right now. started a month ago. wanna hit 12 by mid March at latest. is that doable?
Already started in january. Down 3.5 kg
Probably fairly easily desu, 2 or 3% body fat isn't that much, especially above 10% BF.
25.2, after the last weekend in february, after my brithday when I will get wasted. 3 months until beach season starts, 90 days, gonna eat few hundred below maintance, have about 5 kg of fat to get rid of. will be comfy 78 kg, I hope.
Dude you gotta cut that’s awful. It’s going to take a while to do it properly so I’d get started right now and not think of bulking till end of summer
You look like you have some gains under the fat but fuck man why are you cutting so slow? Maybe for MAXIMUM muscle preservation but 10 pounds since November is reaching "You're basically just maintaining weight" tier. Cut 1k cals a day and you'll reach your goals a lot faster, and sure you might lose a tiny bit of muscle but you'll be able to bulk sooner and get that muscle back at a healthier, better looking body fat %.
Looking good user
What's your lifts?
I'm gonna warn you since it sounds like your first cut: most of that 8 lbs is water weight unless you're literally obese. When your weight loss slows down to a crawl, don't panic; take a diet break of anywhere from 1-7 days and get back to cutting.
Shut up gains goblin. 10 lbs over as little as 8 weeks isn't bad if you're not obese and you're not counting initial water weight loss.
Assuming he started at the start of November, its a little under 1 lb a week. You can do it that way, but I personally prefer to cut hard and fast. I notice very minimal strength losses when I do cut hard, and I just train more frequently. I think a cut should be a quicker time period of absolute suffering rather than a long, drawn out phase of 'meh'.
Also, look at him. He has man boobs full on. He can do a hard, intense cut to get down to around 15% then do a slower cut.
I've just been doing 16/8 IF to cut, and reducing non-water drinks to meals only. On paper that should be around 500-700 Kcal per day under maintenance but I guess I'll get more aggressive.
He's obese you fat faggot
I started my summer cut a week and a half ago. 200lb -> 180lb, down around 5ish lbs now and should finish sometime in late April with a month to adjust as needed and maintain through summer.
Not going too crazy with the body fat stuff, just keeping my macros in check and reducing portion sizes.
Literally ditto. Godspeed
Oh fuck, nevermind. Was on mobile and only looked at the thumbnail. Yeah you fat as shit senpai
mate just go tesco and get blue milk 4 pints, and a steel thermos flask, just drink it all the time
Look at her stomach it’s lopesided
Looking fine
if you're fat-strong (20-30%) start now and go hard, you'll make it. if morbidly obese/whale tier then it's too late
start cutting more aggressively, you easily could've lost 10lbs within 4 weeks. sure you may feel slightly weaker, but once you start introducing more cals you'll be back to your previous lifts very quick.
>cut harder
>keep lifting heavy, no 20 rep "cutting" routine bs
>do cardio
I agree, if there are any mild fatties reading this thread, start your cut now. Even if your like 25% bf if you cut hard, you can make sub 15% by middle May.
I stay cut all year round son!
Been yoyo dieting for a long time. Finally going to committ. Started my spring shred last week. Need to lose 10-15lbs. Want to be cut up my april, and ride the aeathetics well into august
1700-1900 cals
5 days of cardio/2 days of mma/1 day of fullbidy lifting(already muscular, goimg for mcgregor mode)
5'8 160lbs
start of february till the start of may.
>would have started in january but was severely ill with the flu for pretty much half the month
Ey brah the flu probably started your cut. Everyone loses like 5 lbs if they are sick.
you must be small
Bone broth op