Pic very related for me
Who do you lift for Jow Forums?
I lift for aryan polygamy.
why does this shill use the same AOC picture in every threas?
My girlfriend
Post body, you dirty jobless communist faggot
Because they have no friends or lives and they do it for free
What the fuck was he thinking with 4? What did she bring to the table besides an appetite?
Israeli internet is too expensive to download more than one
we Live in your head rent free, faggot
Why can’t you just stick to shitting up pol?
lmao that short fatty on the right
I agree. Honestly I would've chosen better women.
Based Slayqueen
>tfw no horsegf to ride to work
>imagine being so low t and not even lifting you shit up the whole site but are also socialist and like blacked unironicly
fuck off discord shill
whu is Jow Forums always right?
Samefag DYEL incel detected
dude like seriously
do you realize how pathetic you are with your shill threads?
not only are your browsing Jow Forums on a daily basis but you also waste your time even more with doing literally nothing productive on fucking Jow Forums.
>still hasn’t posted body
>admits to not lifting
>agrees with giletee about masculinity being bad
>implying I even denied it
>not knowingly what samefag is
Post body
How much does AOC charge for sex?
That Gillette commercial was pretty woke but still shit
Should of went further and lectured reactionary shitheads to cut their dicks off