Electric shavers suck

So my wife got me this shit and either I'm a total failure or it's extremely ineffective. I've tried using it a couple of times with different approaches, but after 20-30 minutes of doing next to nothing I switch to razors and finish the job in 5 minutes.
Is it me, or electric shavers are a meme?

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I use a oneblade and it works pretty well.
Then again it's just to trim my beard so it's not a big deal if my cheeks aren't super smooth.

Whoever designed that 3 joint razor is a fucking idiot. You should pretty much be able to tell that it works poorly by just looking at it

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Wait you’re expecting a trimmer to shave as close as blade on skin? user...

call me a hipster or a faggot but the one on left is only way to go. It's not only the most manly way to go,but it also turns shaving into something more.
I honestly never enjoyed process of shaving as I do with classic shaving.

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yeah theyre totally a meme
especially if you have thick coarse hair, you'll never get a clean shave.
They were made for Jews because the orthodox cant use a razor blade above their jawline but since the electric razor works more like scissors its allowed.
Basically you got Jewed bro


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With a regular razor I have to shave everyday otherwise it feels like my hair is getting ripped out. With electric I can wait a few days so I use electric.

Get a safety razor or a straight razor that has the disposable razors. $10 and you get 100 blades. I would use electric because the hair on my neck has a swirl and an electric would be good for that but since I switched to a safety razor and got good pre shave oil and cream it's much better

I can confirm electrics suck black trucker cock.

I was thinking about getting one, is it worth it compared to a razor? And does your skin get Irritated and red when using it? Also have you tried shaving/trimming your body hair with it?

unironically use Gillette

You're a hipster AND a faggot

I have one that looks like this. It did nothing for me until I started to slowly go back and forth over a spot. It’s inferior to a real blade, but does the job.

I use a braun series 7 because I don't grow actual facial hair. The key is you have to use it while your skin is oily.

I'm a little bitch that has severe sensitive skin so these are a god send

Dual edge safety razor you faggots

Electric shavers are for teenage boys.

I use the one in OP's pic but every time without fail my skin gets extremely irritated and red and I get these severe razor burns all over my face. I've tried changing my shaving cream to no avail. Any help guys? My facial hair is curly if it helps.

I got that one and its going great for me, but my beard growth totally sucks anyway
Im done within a few minutes and dont have to hassle with water and foam and shit

Just use a regular hair trimmer, more effective than the weak beard-trimmer thing on an electric shaver

Leave it to the Jews to find sneaky loopholes out of their own religion

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Electric razors never give me a close enough shave and they make my face feel raw. I use one of those old fashioned safety razors because the blades are extremely cheap and a can of Barbasol and that works fine for me.

just bought one, can't wait to try it out