well Jow Forums is he natty or not? I just dont think he is with how much he lifts and hes still pretty young. Also seen that he has a fair amount of acne on his body...what mean?
Is Clarence Kennedy natty
No he isnt
He's not. What he is able to do is still impressive.
Are you stupid?
he isn't natty
OP here, I also forgot to mention hes been vegan for some time now, cant believe some faggots still dick ride him and say hes natty and that he just has good genetics. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Does anyone know what age he started juicing at?
When he went to poland
How long ago was that
36 years ago in 2012
I can’t believe it’s already 2007
he literally jokes about his cycles ... retard
why would he roid when he already has a great physique and great lifts? you are retarded OP
What were his numbers before he started roiding? Great work ethic and form, would have been interesting to see how far he could take natty limit
>How far he could take the natty limit
To it's limit?
he always jokes about 'cycling'. he doesn't come right out and say it but he comes pretty close
He's confirmed that he's not natty before
>675 beltless squat with a pause
He's only impressive because he looks like shit
He doesn't even pretend to be natty, dude. He openly references cycles.
The reason for not outright saying "I use steroids" is because they're still a controlled substance and getting busted with them is a serious crime. But he still makes it perfectly clear that he does, just without directly saying it, so as not to incriminate himself.
This is, of course, totally different than the fake natties who wholeheartedly claim they have their natty card in order to sell bullshit to people based on their physique.