So I wanna start a sport, but no idea what to go with. FTM and used to be weak as shit but I've been on hormones for a while and turns out I can wreck shit. I'm not super agile, but my stamina's not bad. I've been thinking something like rugby or judo? Any other good sports that work for a 5'4" manlet with a low centre of gravity?
So I wanna start a sport, but no idea what to go with...
unironically curling
5 4 is kinda ok for woman. Just continue using steroids and compete in the women's division.
Post clit-penis
I don't think you know what Ftm means.
Do you still have a vag or did you get the corndog attachment
>voluntarily becoming a manlet
Do judo and come compete at the Australian nationals so I can kill you
>a 5'4" manlet
He definitely does.
Yeah, good luck with that.
competitive rope hangs
longest jump off a building
overdosing on drugs (creative contest)
it's only a matter of time, OP, you will kill yourself in your thirties anyway.
Dude, you’re going to be a manlet, and look like a total pussy as well. You better roid harder than any other being on this planet.
Manlet. Implying she is a man.
>More discord tranny bullshit
Fuck off, mentally ill roasty
Bleach drink x f
She, the woman, is female
Mental illness can't turn dogs into cats and it can't turn women into men
Netball, hockey, lacrosse
Imagine some dude wanting to join a sport like any honest man should just for the coach to say "sorry no room for you we have to let the anti-life tranny goblin play we're not bigots" Maybe OP will die before it comes to that.
>tranny joins mens niggerball team
>gets constantly bodied by defenders
>tfw get picked last, even after the tranny goblins, in gym class
Just a tip for next time OP, you can't just mention that you're FTM and expect people to stay on topic. Leave that out if you want them to actually respond to what you were asking.
please show clit, it's so hot seeing a big clit.
Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are good.
Judo is typically cheaper to learn.
At 5'4" and a formally female body it might actually not be and idea to try for some contact sport. Something like Aikido. You could probably be a good featherweight or below boxer or something too since you're basically on steroids and shit.
If some degenerate tranny was at my gym you can bet I'm going "miss" their tap every time.
Congrats! Welcome to the 40% club user!!