Can you lift twice a day even if you try your hardest every time? Someone redpill me on overtraining

Can you lift twice a day even if you try your hardest every time? Someone redpill me on overtraining

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Depends on what muscle groups you train.
Generally you want 36-48 hours of rest for a muscle group.
Also remember to have a deload week each 4 - 8 weeks depending on training intensity.

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Look up recovery workouts it's a conjugate system thing


Are you juicing? If not, no point. Unless you're cutting that is.

>deload week

You mean not training for a whole week?

Curious about athleanx guy and saying face pulls EVERY workout. Why is that? Can you upper back/rear delts really recover fully in just 24 hours?

I've been doing facepulls on Pull days only, but should I do them everyday?

How about instead of two workouts focus on eating well, stretching, posture, health & beauty care, and sleeping.

>Can you lift twice a day even if you try your hardest every time?
Yes if you eat enough

I've started to workout heavy for last couple of weeks. It is possible, and it is alright, but I have to eat a lot more, and sleep at least once or twice during the day. Its okay because I'm no job loser, but in other circumstances, no way.


You should do them on push days if you do a split. Especially after OHP/Bench.

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athlean X is a broscientist. there's no scientific basis to the whole push-pull balance / prehab shit.

spoiler btw: all muscles pull

>"all muscles pull"
>being this autistic

Ya no shit all muscles "pull" in their intended direction. Do you really not understand how it's easy and intuitive to label a split "push" and "pull" in order to group certain logical mvmts together? And athleanx didn't invent the split, nor does he especially advocate PPL.

Sorry vshreds, but i highly doubt dozens of athletes with multi-million dollar careers would pay tens of thousands of dollars to be trained by a broscientist bc they are impressed by his yt videos

>made this pic
>failing every new year resolution so far
>somehow finding renewed motivation from my own meme
This is some bizarre form of meta-inspiration.

>all muscles pull, therefore me pulling something is the same as me pressing something
Mhm. Because that’s what it’s about. It isn’t like different muscles are used for pulling and pushing NAAAH. Because you do rows with your pecs and bench with your lats too right?
And if you take a second to think about why lots of weight on a bench press pressures your whole shoulder and can damage your labrum/rotator cuff, you’d realize you should, in fact, do your fucking facepulls to maintain balanced strength on muscles not even directly involved in a movement.
And muscle fibers don’t „pull“, they contract. Just because you’re too dumb to research or comprehend, doesn’t mean the scientific basis doesn’t exist.
Enjoy your internal rotation, brainlet.


You can't learn a language in one day. Who do you think will remember a language better, a dude who has slowly been learning through an entire year 300 words or a dude who did 8 hours every day for a week?

Shitty comparison but the point is you can't rush good stuff or the results will be shit, plan long term, do 1-2 hours of everything you want to be better at every day. If you wanna do 4 hours of lifting consider 2 of lifting 2 of whatever hobbie/skill you'd like to learn

He means "deload week", you fucking Dyel


Muscles get damaged when you work out, they take 3 to 7 days to fully heal. They only get bigger when theyre healing and well fed.

If you workout too much natty it will make you weaker as you continue to break down the muscle. Do different muscles on different days

Source; bigger, leaner, stronger and personal experience as a former over training hard gainer

thanks mate. i saved this pic. unironically find it inspiring

Your meme has inspired many doomers to improve upon themselves, myself included. Thank you for your work. We're all gonna make it.

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What does that mean