I know which I will be choosing

I know which I will be choosing

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Are you playing basketball or going to the gym? Not rocket science here pal

I'm really trying to imagine what kind of human being it takes to actually sit there and type something like that.
Jesus fucking Christ what a poor, sad existence.

i literally don't see the difference and im so fucking tired of this shit meme

>Basketball shorts are for blacks
Shan't be wearing that, no siree

Basketball shorts imo.

This is what I wear. The pockets are to the side so you don't hit your phone when you deadlift.

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I agree, there is no difference

Same people who spam the AOC shilling and don’t even lift

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Those are cute. Cute!

am i autistic if i lift in my muay thai shorts?

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I prefer these.

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>no pockets

>not wearing 70s and 80s basketball shorts
not gonna make it

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Fucking leftypol

>nylon shorts = gym shorts if you're white
>nylon shorts = basketball shorts if you're a nigger
got it

I'd rather wear basketball shorts.
Tyrone said these are better gym shorts. He said my squats have better form with them on.
He's so annoying but he's a lot stronger than me and he's a very thorough spotter.

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Basket ball shorts when I’m hanging out with family.
Gym shorts when I’m hanging out with friends and thots.
I enjoy showing off my thighs and the ladies love it.

t. Tranny who doesn’t lift

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Gym shorts are better while training because squatting to depths is easier. Outside of the gym I use basketball shorts.

Kill yourself already dirty tranny bastard.

Shorts are shorts. If they're made of the same material, or the only difference between the two is that one covers your knees, who gives a fuck. I wear "basketball" shorts because gym shorts have shallow as fuck pockets and my balls are big enough that I need a little extra space between the legs. Those twink shorts on the left hug my crotch and pulling them down enough to make room shows my asscrack. If you genuinely discern between the two and refuse to wear basketball shorts to the gym for aesthetic or some autistic dress code, you're just telling me that you have tiny, tiny baby balls.

>things that never happened
go back to your astroturfed "BBC worship" threads on /gif/

I'm a male. Not some disgusting tranny.

Suuure... You’re still a pathetic faggot who doesn’t lift and just comes here to spread his ir cuckold shit

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so gym shorts are pretty much just god awful looking basketball shorts. basketball shorts, especially jordan shorts, are way comfier and better looking than any other athletic shorts on the market. sorry but your meme is garbage and you're opinion is worthless.

nobody will miss you when you commit suicide at thirty.

The black man?

I've kicked the shit out of 4 trannies now. You faggots make the mistake of coming up to me or a homie when we're out because you think you're safe from musicians. Then you touch one of us the wrong way and we drag you through the fuckin parking lot. I'm going on a permabulk just for the day when you mentally ill retards start rioting, and I'll be out there tearing you in half over my head like a fucking phonebook. Keep playing your games and deluding yourself, it only makes it easier when the day comes.

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Wtf are you talking about

Are there any good white American Basketball players in the NBA these days? Most good white basketball players I saw last time I checked are from Eastern Euro or whites with Slavic ancestry.

Your not fooling anyone, faggot
I can’t wait for the tranny genocide

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whats that

The communist donkey faced mamzer shepardi who wants to destroy America

has a central pocket

Not if you do Muay Thai and look the part. If you’re a fatty or look like a nerd, wear normal gym shorts.

>wants to destroy America
She can start with my cock.

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I think steve nash was the last one but he was a canadian so oof

>not wearing ranger panties to show off your meaty thighs and dick


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Gordon Hayward, Kevin Love, JJ Redick, and Kyle Korver are all American and pretty good. They're not the best but they are all good contributors to their various teams. You're right when you say that most of the best white players are Eastern European (Dirk, Doncic, etc).
I've noticed that a lot of the best are mixed now, I think it's an interesting trend (Simmons, Klay, Steph, Griffin)

When girls wear these shorts

t. Tranny dyel

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She’s legitimately disgusting

This reply is cute. Cute!

I'm just telling you, you discord faggots. Nobody will ever treat you like women. Cucks on Twitter might, but irl no. They will be nice to you, yes, but never will they feel deep inside that you're women and you're normal. I was drinking with my ultranormie friends (girls and guys alike) in a clubbing zone when a tranny approached us. I thought that my liberal friends are gonna ignore it. And I was surprised when after hearing him say hi, one of the guys who had a bit to drink immediately said "aren't you a dude? why are you wearing girly clothes?". The tranny started talking to the girls in our group and they just said "leave us alone". We insulted him until one of us started shouting "fuck off faggot". And the tranny was """hot""" by Jow Forums standards. The voice is what gave it away.
You think you're winning because people are forced to keep their thoughts about you disgusting abominations to themselves. The moment shit hits the fan, economic collapse or something, "race war", whatever, there will be loads of people more than happy to hunt you down. And I don't mean Jow Forums idiots, just normal people, some of them would probably rape you right before, I don't care.
If you don't kill yourself before you're 30, you should be very cautious where you live, because the moment we're not forced to tolerate your bullshit you're gonna fucking hang you filthy degenerate

Most based post on fit

>wearing long, baggy shorts

Not based and not bushwarpilled. SIT NOMINE DIGNA

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>wearing shorts that cover ur joocy legs
yea no thanks