Without losing my mind how can I cut on a plant based diet to save the planet

Without losing my mind how can I cut on a plant based diet to save the planet

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Vegans should all kill themselves desu

A plant based diet doesnt save the planet

Imagine think that eating food shipped and flown in from all over the world, supplements delivered from all over the country created in a lab, is BETTER for the environment than eating locally raised animal products.

Ignore the jews and eat more meat

My country grows its own food. I don't eat fruit.

Incredibly easily.

A diet of mostly beans, lentils, and, oats, low fat seeds.1,000 calories of lentils is 90 grams of protons.

None of this has to be imported from all over the world. It's also cheap as fuck. You can easily hit 1.5 g /kg or protein or higher and make a 500 cal cut. Easier if you get a protein supplement.

Or, if your concern is sutainability add in a bit of local eggs and sustainable fish and your good.

People acting like a balanced athletic diet without meat every meal are fucking retarded.

90% of them look like shit and are just butt hurt that they are being told their behavior is destructive and selfish . Plus they get to pretend eating fast food is prime nutrition.

The "it's impossible to hit macros without meat every meal" meme is as stupid as the "healthy food is expensive" meme. What it comes down to is some combination of scientific illiteracy, cognitive dissonance, and just fucking lazyness, because eating bland.but health food hurts their tatse feel feels.

Honestly though, Id still eat meat on special occasions during travel, or even a meal a week. The problem with modern consumption is that people eat it for every meal and refuse to accept that it shits on the enviornment.

Also, there is a great irony in the Great Onions Terror, that grips people, despite the fact that it's largely agricultural chemicals that are tied to plummeting test. That is what is "turning the frogs gay."

You could reduce land under cultivation and said chemical use dramatically if people ate meat 1-2 meals a week, since you need 20-60 pounds of feed grown for each pound of meat, massively increasing land under cultivation and pesticide use.

Inb4 all of Jow Forums claims they only eat grass fed local meat, which is literally 2% of the market

>A diet of mostly beans, lentils, and, oats, low fat seeds.

putting the "die" in "diet" I see

Mostly in terms of total calorie intake.

To be healthy and palatable you'd want vegetables, onions, garlic, herbs and spices obviously.

t. food ignorant
lentils, beans, chickpeas can be cooked to amazing dishes. Add some other vegetables and some meat to accompany them (chorizo or whatever sausage you like, ham, chicken,...) and you have a very healthy meal with high protein while not basing it entirely on meat.

Also nuts: almonds, chestnuts, peanuts (although its a legume too), pecans, macadamia nuts, pistachios. The problem is that they are expensive.

I don't know any place that they sell crickets, but I would give it a try if I could. Sounds like a responsible and cheaper option to replace part of the meat and fish.

Trolls are out in full force today huh

I come from Spain, and legumes are a big part of everybody's diet and nobody calls anybody a troll for suggesting a dish of "lentejas con chorizo" or "cocido madrileño".

>1,000 calories of lentils is 90 grams of protons.
You're not going to absorb 90g of protein from lentils like that. The bioavailability of minimally processed plant proteins is shitty thanks to poor cellulose breakdown in the human gut. Of course the rest of your post is tripe

>actually putting legumes in a living human body

Forgot pic

Attached: cocido.jpg (1600x1066, 276K)

Bullshit. This is a table with cellulose percentage of different kinds of lentils. They barely have, like any other legume, so your post is pure bullshit.
Take your made up science somewhere else.

Attached: Soaking-and-cooking-effect-on-cellulose-and-hemicellulose-contents-of-lentil-genotypes.png (850x266, 36K)

Suicide would be really good for the planet you cocksmoker

I’m fatally allergic to all lentils I’m not giving up meat god clearly wants me to not be a based boy

Alone the fact that a diet supposedly best for environment has the advice to drastically cut intake of potatoes shows this is a hoax and about promoting a "new world order diet"

I hate the term tho but you get it i hope you get it

Oh for those who dont know potatos have some of the absolute best calories per acre ratios, like 30 times better than asparagus for example. And it grows lokal.


>trusting poo in loo studies

Attached: Pulse percentages.jpg (787x351, 76K)

The real problem is that there's just too many people for the planet to sustain.

You know what to do, user.

>one value proves a scientific publication wrong
>measure one kind
>the difference is at most 5% with the other results
Your image still proves that legumes have low cellulose percentage retard

If it's the color of piss or shit flush it down.

>one value proves a scientific publication wrong
It proves the article wrong, faggot. That should be enough, but again you've chosen to cite an article from fucking India which can be as bad as China for papers.

>measure one kind
>the difference is at most 5% with the other results
And the difference between the different kinds you showed was at most 0.8% from the mean value. 5% should be a bigger concern, you hair splitting dipshit. Not to mention the fact that percentages I shared also contain insoluble fiber content, yet more matter the gut doesn't break down. Considering that the protein content is also found as fiber-bound residue, that 90g figure you stated earlier is further diminished.

In short: go fuck yourself, Ahmed

I'm not the user saying that shit about 1000 cal of lentils., that's fucking kilo of them. I'm talking about a normal amount of them.
Just because it's from India doesn't mean its bad. Again, I would like to see the comparison with same type of lentil, idk what article you took that from and what kind they did the measurements with.
Can you link any article that says that insoluble fibre decreases protein absorption?

How about we put fucking birth control in the water of 3rd world countries. Holy fucking shit.

>Just because it's from India doesn't mean its bad
It has a high likelihood of being bad because standards for review over there suck.

That's the article I referenced. They included a protein content amount in the fiber residue and found about 9% of the tested lentils had nitrogen bound to the insoluble fiber residue

Yo niggers, why do fitizens tend to be nurses?

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>we as a species
Not everyone eats the same crap burgers eat.

>Namefagging Tripfag


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Just eat locally sourced free ranged meats and fish. The problem is the large beef production and most of their beef is low quality for fast food and processed foods, shit you should be avoiding anyway.

>Being this stupid and ignoring all facts and data


Based and greenpilled

They literally are.

I’m EMT.

Even local free range meat is bad for the environment

this is what burgerland should do, but we're too busy eating mcd's

In the case of lentils, 8% protein residue in IDF, which is 23% of its composition.
Unless I'm understanding the whole process wrong, that's very low amount of protein that's not available for digestion.

Only 3% of the beef in US is grass fed, it’s the bloated factory farming industry that does all the damage.

Seems like you already lost it OP

>Hurr Durr legumes are bad
Legumes are more correlated with disease prevention and longevity than any other single food group.

What's it like when your beliefs are literally the exact opposite of reality? And you think you're gonna make it in life?

Grass fed beef requires more inputs. More land, more feed, and they produce more methane

idk but vegan_chef on discord is awesome

It's not that fitizens tend to be nurses, it's that nurses tend to be fit. They see the results of an unhealthy stationary lifestyle everyday and dont want to become like that.

Between the cellulose, the residue and the incomplete amino profile, it renders the 90g proton count as bunk. If you want to eat lentils, by all fucking means (I enjoy them myself on occasion), but if you're relying on them for protein you're going to severely miscount your numbers and/or will fuck yourself up with all the fiber (there is such thing as too much fiber)

>he can’t into first law of thermodynamics

I mean twitch


>He can't form a sentence

>Implying raising livestock is a perfectly efficient closed system

Retard alert.

90g of protein from plants is not the same as 90g from animals.

1g of plant based protein is truly valued at like 0.3g plants.

Cutting is easy as fuck, it's hard to get enough calories to maintain or gain weight unless you eat processed sugar-laden garbage

>he can't into chemistry

It's not simply energy in = energy out. Cows produce a gigantic amount of greenhouse gasses in the form of methane

the best way to cut is fasting
but your glucose brain will make it hard
go watch Snake Diet videos and fast properly