Daily Reminder

she lifts more than 90% of (((((fit)))))

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she's on roids, next
also I'm sure far less than 10% on Jow Forums can actually C&J 150 kg

A roidcel is a roidcel no matter the gender
Post body, faggot

Even if you were on twice the PEDs she was, you wouldn't come close.

>a professional athlete performs at a higher level than those who have a recreational interest in the event
No shit?

I wouldn't want to fight Borat's wife, she's got that kung fu grip like a pitbull's jaw


>men on roids have a higher c&j

>he says sipping on soÿlent after still not posting body
>inb4 you steal a pic off cbt

Tranny discord in full force today

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>these trannies admit to roiding
>he still white knights
Yikes, post your body unless your just projecting to feel better about yourself for being a weak faggot
Don’t forget the timestamp

Oh boy, another Jow Forums incel cope thread. Can't wait to see what mental gymnastics we'll see today.

>samefagging, projection and cherry picking
The axis of cringe, still waiting

funny thing is its not one poster

>because raiding with your discord is any better
I'm just telling you, you discord faggots. Nobody will ever treat you like women. Cucks on Twitter might, but irl no. They will be nice to you, yes, but never will they feel deep inside that you're women and you're normal. I was drinking with my ultranormie friends (girls and guys alike) in a clubbing zone when a tranny approached us. I thought that my liberal friends are gonna ignore it. And I was surprised when after hearing him say hi, one of the guys who had a bit to drink immediately said "aren't you a dude? why are you wearing girly clothes?". The tranny started talking to the girls in our group and they just said "leave us alone". We insulted him until one of us started shouting "fuck off faggot". And the tranny was """hot""" by Jow Forums standards. The voice is what gave it away.
You think you're winning because people are forced to keep their thoughts about you disgusting abominations to themselves. The moment shit hits the fan, economic collapse or something, "race war", whatever, there will be loads of people more than happy to hunt you down. And I don't mean Jow Forums idiots, just normal people, some of them would probably rape you right before, I don't care.
If you don't kill yourself before you're 30, you should be very cautious where you live, because the moment we're not forced to tolerate your bullshit you're gonna fucking hang you filthy degenerate

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>girl who professionaly practices 1 lift her entire life is stronger at it than 90% of people who dont

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>severe incel cope

>being a tranny
>not knowing about the new pasta
>saying incel outside your r/safespace
t. Sōy sucking faggot, anyways tick tock, tranny
We’re still waiting

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>he cant lift more than a girl

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Even without roids, the same damn people would be on the Olympia stage and at the Olympics. It's the inhuman work ethic and willingness to put their goal first that separates these athletes. It's not something the basement dwellers complaining in this thread would understand.

>hehe you can’t lift more than this “””girl””” who’s been pinning herself to have the testosterone levels of seven natural women
>just start injecting estrogen goyim
You can’t even bench your pillow, nigger
Why do you talk shit when you won’t post it?

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>trannies aren't mentally ill they say

Did I Trigger you, user?

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I’m getting impatient
Post your body.... unless your just projecting and don’t even lift and just want (you)s
>inb4 no you
>inb4 you prove me right with more projecting

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>post body
no u

tranny discord is in full force today

I'm just telling you, you discord faggots. Nobody will ever treat you like women. Cucks on Twitter might, but irl no. They will be nice to you, yes, but never will they feel deep inside that you're women and you're normal. I was drinking with my ultranormie friends (girls and guys alike) in a clubbing zone when a tranny approached us. I thought that my liberal friends are gonna ignore it. And I was surprised when after hearing him say hi, one of the guys who had a bit to drink immediately said "aren't you a dude? why are you wearing girly clothes?". The tranny started talking to the girls in our group and they just said "leave us alone". We insulted him until one of us started shouting "fuck off faggot". And the tranny was """hot""" by Jow Forums standards. The voice is what gave it away.
You think you're winning because people are forced to keep their thoughts about you disgusting abominations to themselves. The moment shit hits the fan, economic collapse or something, "race war", whatever, there will be loads of people more than happy to hunt you down. And I don't mean Jow Forums idiots, just normal people, some of them would probably rape you right before, I don't care.
If you don't kill yourself before you're 30, you should be very cautious where you live, because the moment we're not forced to tolerate your bullshit you're gonna fucking hang you filthy degenerate

>touch and go


She’s a world class athlete, a genetic anomaly. To get to that level it takes a specific muscle type distribution.

No shit she can C&J more than most guys on here.

Compared to her male peers, she’s not much.

If you see a thread like this and the first thing that comes to mind is a bunch of excuses and literal cope, you need to grow up. People are better than you at things. Deal with it, snowflake.

>Muh cope
I'm just telling you, you discord faggots. Nobody will ever treat you like women. Cucks on Twitter might, but irl no. They will be nice to you, yes, but never will they feel deep inside that you're women and you're normal. I was drinking with my ultranormie friends (girls and guys alike) in a clubbing zone when a tranny approached us. I thought that my liberal friends are gonna ignore it. And I was surprised when after hearing him say hi, one of the guys who had a bit to drink immediately said "aren't you a dude? why are you wearing girly clothes?". The tranny started talking to the girls in our group and they just said "leave us alone". We insulted him until one of us started shouting "fuck off faggot". And the tranny was """hot""" by Jow Forums standards. The voice is what gave it away.
You think you're winning because people are forced to keep their thoughts about you disgusting abominations to themselves. The moment shit hits the fan, economic collapse or something, "race war", whatever, there will be loads of people more than happy to hunt you down. And I don't mean Jow Forums idiots, just normal people, some of them would probably rape you right before, I don't care.
If you don't kill yourself before you're 30, you should be very cautious where you live, because the moment we're not forced to tolerate your bullshit you're gonna fucking hang you filthy degenerate