Friends, family or lovers who didn't like the new you?
Have you ever had to leave anyone behind after getting fit?
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I'm about to... I feel bad about feeling relieved but my future is so important to me. I should feel bad about leaving but I'm not. And that makes me feel like a bad person. Does that make sense?
Just stopped by to say Fallouts 1 and 2 were the best
Are you kidding? I'm getting fit specifically to leave those people behind.
Yeah, I know that feel. Just be sure that you're making the right choice
Unironically this. Girlfriend has been holding me back a lot, once I get more into the motion of things I'm gonna drop that cunt and either be single and proud or find someone who doesn't cling to me non stop.
Only humanity.
Broke up with my girlfriend because she was holding my back from my life of Boxing, grappling and working out. Family always say i need to "eat more" when im cutting because its not healthy meanwhile most of them don't have the willpower to put down the fork.
Chad Chosen One vs Virgin Lone Wanderer
Yes a weakling called --- me
leave her now then. Just make sure it's the right decision. Just because she's clingy doesn't mean it's bad
Op's pic made me think of Captain Falcon
My first gf didn't have enough going on in her own life so she'd get really pissy about how much time I spent either in the gym or out playing music, which is my main job at the moment. Family always provides resistance and takes offense to whatever dietary decisions I'm currently making, if I'm bulking I'm eating too much and if I'm cutting I must have an eating disorder. They're okay overall though, my ex was batshit and I never regretted cutting her out of my life entirely.
Why be a contrarian, why not enjoy all fallouts (except 4&76)
Same with my gf. Shes sabotaged me hard
too deep
2 sucks and people who praise it while saying the new Fallout games suck are hypocrites. It's filled with cringe humor, lore rape, hand holding, etc. The first one and New Vegas are the best.
My friends do nothing outside of work and play video games. They eat shitty food and smoke a lot of weed. They've been my friends since I was a young child so I don't really care. But I get really annoyed when I have to hear them ramble on about "how they're going to start working out and eating good" and then they never do it. Once I left junior college to go play my sport at a university I lost all my friends I made at the gym and through sport.
I just want gymbros again.
Well, after I got serious about losing weight and getting fit I dropped from 300ish pounds too 220-235.
Was looking pretty good. Had the picture up on Jow Forums and showed my journey off.
Felt great.
I got seriously sick with the flu, which is an annual occurance with me and I made the mistake of walking around without my shirt.
My mom freaked out on me and thought I was really sick.
She said some stuff that made it sound like she was really scared and that scared the fuck out of me. I told her that she was being irrational and stormed off to try and sleep it off.
I couldn't really.
I was worried about her and what that meant.
Saw this ep of american dad a long time ago and it outright terrified me.
I was and still am hoping that I'm not like that. I started seriously paying attention to the tape and the scale and how strong I felt rather then what I saw in the mirror.
Anyway, I put on a few extra pounds while bulking and became more lax in my dieting.
Mostly during winter so that she'll not be upset.
Yeah yeah, I'm a wuss and momma's boy.
I already left behind my entire social circle because they started to become toxic individuals. Our morals didn't align and birds of a feather flock together. I enjoy being alone so it's not that bad but I occasionally want to talk to someone. Good thing I have y'all.
I broke up with my girl and lost alot of friends. Once you start on your way it becomes easy to see who is holding you back. Three of my friends dropped out, my ex barely made it through but was extremely lazy. My best friend was so lazy and always tried to talk me out of lifting. Just had one of those “oh shit” moments with each of them. Thinking like if I continue to be friends with these people then ill be held back from my best. Not saying im dominating right now, but i do know that i would be worse off if i stayed friends with them. Watch out for those potholes yall
Nah man you need to watch for you. If someone is being a pothole and slowing you down then its okay to get rid of them. Do whats best for you.
There's no way you're anorexic when your above 200 pounds dude. Is your mom fat?
Not really, but I didn't really have a large amount of friends to begin with.
>i am bad for wanting to be all that i can be
No, i feel your sorrow bud, use your gut feeling, do the hard decicion, move on if you have to, time runs out quicker than you think, it feels like i red the news about Rich passing, but its 17 months ago, 17 MONTHS, so go out there runnin and gunnin and don't let people slow you down. Do what you're passionate about and don't look back
cuz you know the only good fallout games are 1, 2 and NV you bethesdacuck
I've had to cut back hanging out with a lot of my friends because all they do is play video games and eat like shit. One of them is actually pretty pissed right now because he doesn't have a job and I don't really play games anymore and only see everybody once a month maybe, so he's been pretty fucking salty about it.
>Don't drink because family has history of alcoholism and alcohol kills gains.
>Don't party because 10/10 everyone will tell me, if I don't drink what's the point?
>I enjoy being active and outdoors and talking to strangers and being genuinely nice, but close friends tell me it's weird.
>The more I make gains the more they try to cope and mock me by telling me I have small balls now, or that I'm compensating for something and that I'm a loner meathead
I'm so fucking happy I have my muscles. I care not for these heathens. My lifts, education, and my aesthetics and caring gf are all that matter. Family used to tell me shit but actually see my improving so they stopped. But majority of friends who knew me when I was a lanklet stopped talking to me cause they think I'm boring now.
About your pic Fallout 2 also has a deadline. I know because I've hit it.
That's what happens when you get older anyway, I wouldn't think much of it.
Not just from getting fit, but in my experience when you decide to get fit you start improving other areas of your life. For example:
>be me
>be scrawny lanket nerd
>decide I want to get Jow Forums
>start lifting weights, omw to getting fit
>go back to college, taking courses at local CC
>work hard to get better job
>all my friends are still fat college drop outs with dead end part time jobs
Pretty much don’t have anything in common anymore. You don’t really stop being friends with those kinds of people, you just kinda don’t hang out anymore. I mean, you don’t really have anything in common anymore, so why would you?
I'm only 21 though. Kind of hilarious when I think about it. Part of me wonders how it'd be like to go out and get piss drunk and bang some nasty bar slut but at the same time I was raised with good Christian values and it disgusts me to even kiss someone I'm not actively dating.
hahaha yea
>Family always say i need to "eat more" when im cutting
This is the most dumbest cringe shit ever, how do you argue against this exactly?
Tell them that you wouldn't do something to your body if you had any real reason to believe it was going to harm you, but that you appreciate their concern.
It's weird at the same time though, I used to think people thinking stupid fucking shit always put me at an advantage though. But for it to happen to you're own family it hurts, why do they begin to only shit talk when they start seeing results.
>I eat less because it signals discipline.
I mean you can argue with the whole aesthetics ordeal with them but they probably won't get it. But if you mention you're trying to fast or eat less to control yourself it just makes them look at themselves like a bunch of fatties.
It worked for me desu.
>Asian household so refusing to eat is like calling your grandma a cunt
You're gunna make it brah
>Asian household
that's like playing on hard mode lmao
I doubt your family is trying to halt your progress or anything like that. They certainly think they're helping. These days people are concerned if you don't have a little fat on you. It's ironic to me that America is so focused on this perceived anoxeria epidemic when obesity is rolling across the nation in a fucking rascal. Don't get angry at them, because they genuinely do believe that they're trying to help you.
Thanks senpai
Just my two cents for excusing yourself without coming off as a total incel/asshole
Trust me trying to cut is like trying to argue politics with someone from SF.
Thank god they finally see my gains.
bless you mate