Just did a cut

>just did a cut
>am "underweight" by BMI now

ok senpai, it's hard to tell because I still think i'm malnourished, and body looks fucked but are these small bumps on my stomach the top two abs or just ribs and bones & shit?

I feel they just show because I'm thin as fuck
(and dont train abs enough for them to be ripped / low muscle tone)

Wat are these things?
Legit thread,
i'm 132lbs/6ft

Attached: SpareAbs.jpg (640x480, 60K)

Try lifting weights

Ur trolling bro LMAO

I started lifting heavy. I’ve gained 7 lbs
I just was curious if these were actual Abs
(Not that’s skinnyPack is impressive)

cut some more

God 5 posts and no one can tell if it’s ribs or Abs
So much for Experts. Just Lol

Everyone has abs. They just won't show themselves if you have a high body fat percentage. So yes those things on your body are abs because you are skinny as fuck. Now eat more and lift weights before you get gassed.

Thanks for answering the question and it being a retard.

>tfw my hips look just like that


next time cut your neck

Stop fucking posting your shitty threads.

pls be my boyfriend

>>just did a cut
Start with more than one lb of muscle brah

>thinks there are experts on Jow Forums
ur retarded if you think thats true and ur retarded if you think thats bait


Those are abs my dude.

had a hearty kek are you that tall or is your mirror that low?

oh fuck now that I look at it again my catalog was blocking the upper part of the pic that's why it looked so hilariously weird

lift iron weights on barbells

Lost it at this

You didn't need to do a cut at all, haha. You're looking really small, as far as muscle mass goes. Don;'t worry about lifting any weights just yet. Focus right now on calisthenics and aerobics to build up some base muscle before stepping into a gym. If you have a bicycle, I would really recommend cycling.

Why the fuck did you cut? You're like 50 lbs underweight. If you don't have any muscle to begin with, you just waste away with a cut